Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cat Fever Treatment - What to Do If Your Cat Has a Fever

If you notice that your cat has, 1. no appetite, or 2. is generally lethargic, or 3. the cats ears feel hot, your cat might have a fever. If you think your cat has a fever, don't panic. A fever can be beneficial because it helps the immune system get rid of infections. Most cat fevers will go away on their own.

Never give any medication without explicit instructions from your veterinarian. Do not give any medications to your cats that are intended for humans. NEVER give your cat Aspirin or acetaminophen. Both of these medicines may kill your cat.


You might assume that a cold, wet nose is an indication that your cat is healthy, and that a warm, dry nose is an indication that your cat has a fever, but this is not always the case. It's possible for other factors to control the condition of their nose. Taking your cats temperature is the only way to determine if your cat has fever.

Using a pediatric rectal digital thermometer is the best way to take your cats temperature. They are cheap and easy to obtain.

Two people are needed to take the temperature. One person will hold the the cat securely, while the other carefully inserts the thermometer. Don't allow the cat make sudden movements. Wrap the cat in a towel to stabilize them.

Petroleum jelly or water soluble lubricants such as K-Y Jelly should be used to lubricate the thermometer. Insert the thermometer carefully into the rectum. Leave the digital thermometer in until you hear it beep.

If your cat has a fever over 105 degrees, take your cat to the veterinarian immediately. This might indicate that there is something seriously wrong with your cat that only a veterinarian can take care of.

Most cats with fevers will respond well to basic, simple care. Keep your cat warm and dry. Make sure they get fed a good diet and have constant access to fresh water. Before your cat will fully recover from some viral infections, the fever can come and go, so don't worry about a relapse later.

For mild fevers, less than 104.5F, taking care of your cat at home may be the only thing required. Make sure your cat continues to eat and drink. Take their temperature one to two times a day. If it gets above 104.5F, you should immediately take them to your veterinarian.

You should check for anything that might indicate infection. You might find skin lumps, abscesses,blood in their urine, sneezing, straining to urinate, or breathing difficulty. Anything that looks serious should prompt an examination and treatment by your veterinarian.

Cats can safely go without eating for up to 48 hours but watch for dehydration. Senior cats and kittens are more fragile with less excess body weight, so they are prone to dehydration.

Following these simple steps should allow your cat to recover safely and quickly.

Cat Fever Treatment - What to Do If Your Cat Has a Fever

Thomas Gray has created a web site dedicated to keeping cat's healthy. If your cat has a fever, please visit Cat Fever Treatment. If you have any cat health questions, we have many articles that should be able to help you at


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