Friday, December 16, 2011

Different Cat Breeds Pedigree or Mongrel Cat?

Cats are prehaps the easiest of all household pets to look after and the simple reason is because they are very independent, undemanding and very self sufficient, but which cat should you go for? Pedigree Cat or a Mongrel Cat?

Different Cat Breeds Pedigree Cat:


Pedigree cats are usually acquired deliberately, rather than accidentally, and tend to be more carefully supervised than most mongrels. They are perhaps more prone to suffer from over feeding and lack of exercise.

Their character is an important consideration. The foreign and Oriental breeds, particularly the Siamese, are untypical of cats in that they are loyal to one person, from whom they demand a great deal of attention in the most vocal way. Some are notorious for being very noisy cats, especially the females when calling, but their undoubted grace and intelligence outweighs this disadvantage for most people.

Orientals are also unusual in so far as they will allow themselves to be exercised on a lead. Longhaired cats, whether pedigree or mongrel, are demanding in that they should be groomed at least once every day. In fact, devotees of longhaired breeds often groom them two to three times a day.

Different Cat Breeds Mongrel Cat:

Most household cats are mongrel, and very often they have been adopted by a family on impulse. Such easily acquired cats may not have been inoculated against the infectious diseases, or may not have been wormed.

As soon as you acquire one, you should take it to your veterinary surgeon to be examined, and then neutered. It should be understood that although they may cost nothing at all to adopt, once taken into your household they will cost just as much as any other cat.

There is no reason, however, why these mongrel cats should not make delightful companions for us. Many of mongrel cats are beautiful and all are graceful in there own ways. You will find that nearly all mongrel cats are very easy to care for. Mongrel cats tend to be stronger than highly bred cats, mongrels are a product of immature parents and what you will find is that their kittens tend to be undersize.

Different Cat Breeds Pedigree or Mongrel Cat?

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