Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

Are you trying to figure out "why my cat bites me and lick me after that"? Don't worry, your little four legged friend is not biting you out of aggression. If so, you would have bled a long time ago! Your little precious knows just the right way to control his nip so that he will not hurt you.

cat carrier

This behavior is normal in a cat so don't worry that your cat bites you. If you find that your cat's nip is getting to be just a bit more painful (after all, a cat's fur serves as protection so he may at times misgauge) give him a wee tap on his cheek, gently draw the bitten area away from him and say a stern "no"! Your cat will soon get the message that the bite he gave you did hut you. He will either stop this behavior or go a little gentler with you the next time.


Do you want to know another reason "why my cat bites me"? Your cat is displaying that he loves you. In other words, he is giving you cat kisses. In the event that your cat was biting you as you were petting him and you saw that his tail was twitching, then perhaps he is over stimulated and is telling you in his own way to stop.

However, when you cat is purring, is cuddled up close to you, and lick and then bites or bites and then licks then it may just be your cat's way of showing affection, in other words, a cat kiss. A cat's skin is tougher than ours and lacks the nerve endings that are close to our skin's surface. They don't comprehend that we do not always appreciate this method of affection. However, another cat would. You will be able to judge what kind of mood your cat is in by his tail. If you cat is in a happy mood, then look for its tail tip to flick slightly. If your cat happens to be annoyed or angry, then his whole tail from the base out will begin to move.

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

Discover how you can end cat bite and have full control of your cat's behavior in our free cat training here!


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