Friday, December 16, 2011

The Psychology of Persuasion - Why People Act the Way They Do

So how can you utilize the subconscious factors that come into play when people are making decisions. These are some of the more common ones:

1. The Likeability Rule: It may seem obvious, but people will more often say "yes" to someone they know and like, rather than to a complete stranger. Familiarity - through repeated, ongoing contact with someone - increases this, as long as the contact was positive rather than negative. Likeability includes physical appearance, which is why advertisers use beautiful models to sell products, rather than ordinary looking ones. Within your own industry, think of the people who have reached the top of their game, who are liked and respected and known for their ability to persuade other people. What is it about them that attracts other people? Being associated with these people, can have a "halo" effect on those around them.


2. The Reciprocity Rule: one of the most powerful social "rules" is the reciprocity rule, whereby people feel compelled to repay a good turn to someone who has done a good turn for them. There was a an experiment once where sociologists sent out Christmas Cards to complete strangers to test how strongly they would feel obliged to reciprocate and over 95% of them sent cards back - even though the sender was a complete stranger to them. According to sociologists and anthropologists, this rule makes possible the development of continuing relationships and knowledge and resource sharing that is beneficial to society in general.

3. The Social Validation Rule: Given few other clues, or limited time in which to make a judgement, the majority of people will react towards others by copying the behaviour of the people around them. If other people act well towards you, then it will encourage the same behaviour from others. An older, less attractive man may compensate for his "shortcomings" by acquiring a "trophy wife" which will increase the man's perceived value when others see him with an attractive, younger woman.

Another example is when a long term unemployed person may negatively viewed by potential employers, even if they are highly skilled and experienced, as people will automatically attribute their lack of employment to some inherent character fault or weakness rather than because of an external situation. At the same time, someone who seems to be in high demand, a CEO of a major company for instance, may effortlessly attract better job offers and bigger pay packets, even if his/her performance is actually rather lacklustre. "Success attracts success" so the saying goes, and when people appear successful, then other people subconsciously look for other positive factors to explain that person's success, and overlook their faults.

4. The Authority Rule: People are more likely to believe, follow the recommendations or directions of someone they believe is an expert in some way, even if their expertise is in a completely different area to the one that requires a decision. Having a Dr in front of your name, or a PhD after it will also increase your perceived authority, even if is not relevant. Another way of demonstrating authority, is by the outward symbols of it, even if they are not backed up by anything; status symbols in the form of titles, clothes, cars, houses (even post codes) are part of this.

5. The "Rejection-Then-Retreat" Rule: This rule relies heavily on the social pressure which pushes people to reciprocate favours. By asking for an extreme request that you know will be rejected, you can then follow up with a lesser request - the one that you wanted all along - which will be more likely to be accepted.

6. The Public Commitment Rule: When a commitment is made by someone in a way which involves the person actively, voluntarily and publicly, it increases the likelihood that the person will follow up on that commitment. This is largely what weddings are about. Why are they so elaborate and public? Why are the vows exchanged in front of family, friends and witnesses? Why does society require a marriage certificate or contract which is signed by both parties in a public setting?

The public and ritualized way in which people get married increases the likelihood that the promises will be kept, because the internal and external pressures will require the married couple to live up to what they promised in public.

Equally, during other sorts of negotiations, it's important to get small commitments agreed and written down, even if they are small steps along the way to the much bigger commitment that you are aiming for.

7. The Scarcity Rule: This can be summarized as "Scarcity breeds Desire". (see also under "Social Validation Rule"). People tend to assign more value to things when they are perceived to be less available. The use of this principle for profit can be seen in the "limited offer" and "ends today" tactics. On a personal level, by having a unique or uncommon skill or expertise (a "USP") that makes you something of a rarity, you can create a demand for your product or services, that wouldn't otherwise exist. Never put your mobile 'phone number on your business card - this makes it just that little bit harder to contact you and it also suggests that you have so many contacts, you need to restrict your availability to them all.

8. The Reverse Psychology Rule: People use reverse psychology to "trick" people into choosing the opposite of what they really want, by playing on the instinctive human reaction against being told what to do. A real life example of this was used in promoting the classic Queen song "Bohemian Rhapsody" which lasts 5 minutes and 55 seconds when played in its entirety. At the time of its release in 1975, most record companies felt that it was far too long to play on the radio, but Freddie Mercury gave a personal copy to his good friend, DJ Kenny Everett with specific instructions NOT to play it, knowing full well that Everett wouldn't be able to resist, which proved to be the case. If you've ever suffered from insomnia, you'll know that deliberately focusing on trying to fall asleep, will have the opposite effect and make the problem far worse.

9. The Simple Theme Rule: a theme is a verbal picture which communicates ideas far beyond the basic meaning of the words. If you are invited to a party with a theme - say, a murder mystery them or an Italian them, you will already broadly know, without being told, what to wear, what you will do at the party, the type of music, the type of food and so on. The theme has already given you a "word picture" which conveys a lot of information. Having a "microbrand" which moves around with you will instantly convey "Brand You".

10. The "How You Say It "Rule

It's easy to assume that a sentence like "I can't promise you that result." has only one meaning, but in reality, emphasis and tone provide much of the actual meaning. To test this, look at the each of the sentences below, each with a different word emphasized, and followed by the implied meaning.

1. I can't promise you that result. (But maybe somebody else can.)

2. I can't promise you that result. (There's no way that is possible.)

3. I can't promise you that result. (But you may get it anyway.)

4. I can't promise you that result. (But I can promise it to somebody else.)

5. I can't promise you that result. (But I can promise you another good result.)

6. I can't promise you that result. (But I can promise you something.)

The meaning of what we say is determined by which words we emphasize, and which words to underplay and if you can't promise someone that price, you can tell him "I can't promise you that RESULT," and the hearer may still feel good about the situation, especially if you immediately follow with something else that you can promise.

The Psychology of Persuasion - Why People Act the Way They Do

About the author

Sara Paine is a freelance technology and B2B public relations specialist, founder and head of Verona PR who lives and works in London and Kent.

Anyone who works in technology PR will know her, from her 20 years' public relations and marketing experience at several major agencies, and as press relations officer to several government ministers. She is known for her industry knowledge and ability to stay on top of market trends and for the last seven years, has continued to win extensive media coverage and identify new business opportunities for clients who value her ability to support their business objectives.

Having worked both client and agency side, she knows that clients want PR that sells and influences, not creative concepts that win awards.

For more information, visit: or contact her at: Tel: 01474 361008 or E-mail:


New Kitten Care -Ten Tips For Raising Your Kitten

You've picked your brand new kitten from a litter, and you're now ready to bring him home. You naturally want to give him the best possible start in life. Here are 10 tips to help him develop into a confident, affectionate adult cat who'll give you years of stress-free pleasure.

1. Make sure you're fully prepared for his arrival. Have his toys, food, litter box, scratching post and bed all ready for him. This will help him to settle in more quickly.


2. Handle him - a lot. If kittens are handled a lot when they're young, they get used to it and learn to enjoy it. As a result, they're much more likely to turn into affectionate adults that love to be cuddled and stroked. Your new kitten should always be handled gently. If you have young kids, you'll need to supervise them with Kitty at first, to make sure they don't accidentally hurt him.

3. Get him used to receiving everyday care from you. This includes grooming him, washing his face, bathing him and cleaning his ears and eyes. If he gets comfortable with all this when he's a kitten, you'll have few problems with it when he's an adult.

4. Safely introduce him to the everyday things that will form part of his world as soon as possible. This may include other people, kids, other pets, travelling in your car, boarding at your sister's house when you go on holiday etc. etc. Doing this will turn him into a confident, happy, adaptable adult.

5. Play with him and talk to him every day. Bored kittens and cats often seek amusement in activities that you won't be too keen on, such as destroying the furniture. Playing with your kitten will build your relationship with him and help to prevent boredom.

6. Feed him a wide selection of foods that are suitable for kittens. This gets him used to a varied diet, and reduces the risk of him becoming a gourmet cuisine snob who'll only eat fresh wild salmon caught in the Scottish Highlands...

7. Gently and calmly set boundaries. Kittens are like kids - they'll push their luck to see how much they can get away with. Common naughty kitten behavior includes scratching, biting, jumping on the kitchen worktops, scratching the furniture and abseiling the curtains. If your kitten is being naughty, stop him, say "no" (don't shout) and move him away from the scene of his crime. It's much easier to train a new kitten to be good than an adult cat, so setting the boundaries whilst he's young can save you years of frustration in the future.

8. Don't give in to vocal blackmail. Some kittens try to get what they want by meowing non-stop. If you keep giving in to this, your kitten will turn into a very vocal adult cat who'll drive you nuts with his constant noisy demands.

9. Keep him safe. Nasty frights - for example falling down the toilet, being tormented by a kid or having a dog bark in his face - will have a negative impact on him. The more unpleasant experiences he has as a kitten, the more likely he is to become a nervous, mistrusting adult.

10. Accept that your new kitten is a baby with loads of energy. Whilst you can discourage him from acts of willful destruction, you'll need to accept that your house is unlikely to survive completely unscathed. But hey, he's worth it!

New Kitten Care -Ten Tips For Raising Your Kitten

Liz Allan is a cat behavior expert with 25 years experience of caring for cats. She lived and worked in a cat rescue centre for 3 years, and has fostered hundreds of cats at home. Click on this link for lots more useful tips on kitten care.

For advice on cat care, breeds, illnesses and behavior problems, visit her website:


Facts About Cats' Eating Behavior

Knowing what to feed your cat can make the difference between a healthy and happy cat, and one that is malnourished and hard to control. There are several misconceptions when it comes to feeding cats, what they like, and what they should eat. Here are some of the most basic facts about cats' eating behavior.

· Cats don't eat fruits and vegetables. There are many individuals who believe that cats eat the same things as human beings. This is not true; in fact feeding a cat fruits and vegetables can make a cat ill. Many people believe that wild cats roam the outdoors eating fruits and vegetable types of foods. This is a misconception as most wild cats eat meat, which is what your cat should mostly eat.


· Most cats need at least 140g of mouse per day. This measures out to be at least 5 mice a day that cats need in order to meet their caloric intake requirement.

· Cats are carnivores. Cats live and thrive mainly off of an exclusive animal diet and don't need the same kind of nutrients that we do.

· Many researchers believe that cats can distinguish between the four different tastes; sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Cats do not have a great attraction to sweet tastes.

· For the most part, cats enjoy eating things like fish, meats, and other proteins. Sometimes they can exhibit strange eating behaviors such as eating plants or green leafy vegetables they find lying around. Eating plants and greens makes cats vomit which can help get rid of hair balls in their throat. They will naturally eat grass in the wild to help with digestion so don't be too surprised when they start munching on house plants. They're just trying to find a substitute for grass.

· The key to good cat food is its nutritional content which should mimic nutritional composition of a "natural" diet for cats. The term natural refers to anything that they can catch and feed themselves. While supplemental food is sometimes needed, the natural foods are best for the health and diet of your cat. Cat food can sometimes be considered natural and contain no artificial ingredients, but it's not really a "natural" food in the same sense of what cats eat in the wild.

· A wild cat will instinctively know what they want and like to eat, while a domesticated cat does not. They are so used to being around people and "people" food that they don't really act like cats are supposed to act. As the owner of a cat it is your job to show them what kinds of foods they should be eating by providing for them. When owners don't provide the appropriate foods for their cats, it can lead to malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits.

· Cats can lose their appetite just as easily as an adult can lose theirs, and for various reasons. Loss of appetite can be a symptom of illness or something else. It's important to know your own cat's eating behaviors so you can properly assess the situation. Some cats will eat their meals quickly and others will eat slowly and are more reluctant eaters.

These are just some general eating behaviors that can be seen in most cat breeds, however in order to really assess the eating habits of your cat you need to pay close attention to them every time they eat. Watch to see if they eat slow, or fast, or what kinds of foods they prefer. Do they eat mice or just hunt them? Are they chewing on plants around the house? Every little thing can make a difference when it comes to eating patterns so watch carefully.

Facts About Cats' Eating Behavior

Visit for more cat care tips, including all about cat breeds.


Different Cat Breeds Pedigree or Mongrel Cat?

Cats are prehaps the easiest of all household pets to look after and the simple reason is because they are very independent, undemanding and very self sufficient, but which cat should you go for? Pedigree Cat or a Mongrel Cat?

Different Cat Breeds Pedigree Cat:


Pedigree cats are usually acquired deliberately, rather than accidentally, and tend to be more carefully supervised than most mongrels. They are perhaps more prone to suffer from over feeding and lack of exercise.

Their character is an important consideration. The foreign and Oriental breeds, particularly the Siamese, are untypical of cats in that they are loyal to one person, from whom they demand a great deal of attention in the most vocal way. Some are notorious for being very noisy cats, especially the females when calling, but their undoubted grace and intelligence outweighs this disadvantage for most people.

Orientals are also unusual in so far as they will allow themselves to be exercised on a lead. Longhaired cats, whether pedigree or mongrel, are demanding in that they should be groomed at least once every day. In fact, devotees of longhaired breeds often groom them two to three times a day.

Different Cat Breeds Mongrel Cat:

Most household cats are mongrel, and very often they have been adopted by a family on impulse. Such easily acquired cats may not have been inoculated against the infectious diseases, or may not have been wormed.

As soon as you acquire one, you should take it to your veterinary surgeon to be examined, and then neutered. It should be understood that although they may cost nothing at all to adopt, once taken into your household they will cost just as much as any other cat.

There is no reason, however, why these mongrel cats should not make delightful companions for us. Many of mongrel cats are beautiful and all are graceful in there own ways. You will find that nearly all mongrel cats are very easy to care for. Mongrel cats tend to be stronger than highly bred cats, mongrels are a product of immature parents and what you will find is that their kittens tend to be undersize.

Different Cat Breeds Pedigree or Mongrel Cat?

Complete Pet Guide [] is committed to bringing you high quality resources and information on dog and cat pet care and training. For great articles, resource and tips try Complete Pet Guide Blog []


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Five Non-Shedding Dog Breeds

There are many people who would love to bring a dog into their home but, for various reasons, would prefer a non-shedding dog. Some have allergies and cannot tolerate the hair and the dander while others simply do not want to deal with the constant grooming and cleanup required when one owns a dog that sheds.

Below are five non-shedding dogs that will allow those want a pet dog to have one without having to deal with flying fur.


It is important to keep in mind that not all non-shedding dogs are going to be appropriate for someone with allergies as some of them do still produce dander that can be problematic to allergy sufferers. The best way to be sure your allergies will not affected by a certain dog is to spend time with that dog before bringing him home.

American Hairless Terrier This may be one of the best choices for people with allergies as it is one of the truly "hairless" breeds. These dogs are born with a bit of short, fuzzy hair that soon falls out. These are intelligent and energetic dogs. Because they completely lack a coat, provisions must be made to keep them warm in winter, and sunscreen should be applied to prevent burning. Bichon Frise Many people are surprised to learn that these fluffy white dogs do not shed. While they do not shed, daily grooming is required to maintain their long coats. According to the American Kennel Club, calling this dog "non-shedding" is a bit misleading. The curly outer coat helps to prevent the dander from escaping and the daily grooming that is required removes the large majority of the hair before it has a chance to shed. These dogs are also a good choice for people with allergies. Havanese The American Kennel Club calls this breed playful. As with most dogs that are considered to be non-shedding, a small amount of hair is going to fall from the coat. While many people with allergies do fine with this dog, those with severe allergies may not tolerate this breed. While a small amount of hair will be shed, it will not be so much that daily cleanup of the hair from furniture of the floor will be required. Schnauzer This breed has a wiry coat and sheds very little. Because it comes in three sizes, the smaller version would be a good choice for apartment dwellers. This breed is alert and courageous, making it a good watch dog. Scottish Terrier The American Kennel Club calls this breed "alert and playful". A Scottie is not going to leave a hairy mess throughout your home, but there is a minimal amount of shedding. For that reason, people with allergies may not be able to tolerate this breed.

To call a dog "non-shedding" is a bit misleading. Most, with the exception of the truly hairless breeds such as the American Hairless Terrier, are going to have some shedding. "Low-shedding" is a more accurate term for most of these dogs.

If your concern is keeping hair off of the furniture then all five of these non-shedding, or low-shedding, breeds would be a good match. If, however, allergies are your concern, you'll need to spend some time with each breed to see how well you can tolerate them.

Five Non-Shedding Dog Breeds

Neil Lemons is a pet lover and Online Journalist. He has had the privilege of owning several cats and dogs over the years, some living into their 90s (in dog years). For information on where you can buy no wheat dog treats, check out, world authority on healthy animal treats for your dog, cat, or ferret.


How To Do Cat Litter Box Retraining

Cats stop using the cat litter box for a number of reasons. Once you discover the reason why and correct it, you may need to re-train your cat to use her box again. Despite what you think, you can train a cat! For most cats, it's not hard. They
instinctively want to use a place with sand-like material to do their business.

To re-train your cat back to her good litter box habits, confine her to one room. It's hard to say exactly for how long, but most cats are back in the habit within a week.


Pick a nice sunny room for kitty. Set up a clean cat litter box, food, water, toys, and bedding for her to sleep on. Be sure to put her food and water as far away from her litter box as possible.

Keep kitty in this room while you're gone. Many cat owners purchase kitty DVDs for their cat to watch all day long while they're gone. These DVDs feature birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and other critters that dart around. You can set up the DVD to play in a continuous loop all day long. These videos are also available in VHS tape format.

Let kitty out under your supervision. If she looks like she's heading for her favorite corner to make an illegal dump, get her back to her room immediately, and place her in the cat litter box. If she uses it, praise her.

Generally, cats "get it" very quickly. For one thing, they get lonely being in a room by themselves. For another, it's a cat's
natural inclination to use a litter box. As long as you've corrected the source of her problem with the litter box, she'll go back to using it.

If you can't let your cat out and supervise her, be sure to visit kitty often. Sit in the room with her, and keep her company. Watch the DVD with her!

Confinement is not cruel if it's done properly. If your cat won't use the litter box during her confinement period, then the cat urine odor damage is limited to one room. If after a few days, your cat is still not using her cat litter box, please consult with your vet. There may a deeper issue that you simply can't tell from observation.

How To Do Cat Litter Box Retraining

Nancy stopped the cat urine odor problem at her home, and kept the kitty that caused it. "18 Ways to Stop Cat Urine Odor Problems" saves you money, time and frustration by solving your cat urine odor problem - permanently.


Cat Breeds

There are two distinct schools of thought when it comes to cat owners. The majority are quite happy sharing their home with a "moggie" which is any mixed bred cat. Generally, especially after neutering or spaying they are loving affectionate creatures that in return for some tender loving care will give you joy and affection.

However, there is also another school of cat owners who are devoted to one of the pure breeds of cat. There are over 70 plus separate breeds of cat which are officially recognized by the national cat societies. Although cat breeds do not differ in shape and size as much as canines there are still large differences between the various breeds.


In simple terms cats can be divided between short-haired and long-haired varieties British, American and Oriental short-haired varieties come in a range of different colors. Apart from the more common black, white, tabby (calico) and ginger cats there are also cream, lilac and chocolate colored short-haired varieties.

The most well know of the long-haired cat breeds is possibly the Persian. It is believed that the Persian Longhair was probably the fist pedigree breed that was imported into the UK and USA. They are believed to be descended from Angora cats of Turkey and Iran and were bought back to Europe by sailors sometime in the sixteenth century.

Other non Persian long-haired breeds include Angora, Balinese, Chinchilla and Birman. In the USA the Maine Coon is a popular long haired breed as are the Norwegian Forest cat and the Ragdoll. Owners of the long-haired breed will tell you that their pets can be very placid and docile and they seem to lack the aggressive tendencies of some other breeds. On the downside long-haired cats do require a great deal of grooming and are very prone to getting hairballs.

Short-haired breeds include Abyssinian American Wirehair, Bengal, Egyptian Mau, Rex and of course the Siamese considered by some to be the real aristocrats of the cat world. Because of their short coats they do not need as much grooming as their long haired cousins.

Pedigree cats tend can cost a lot of money especially if they are descended from winners at major cat shows. Whether you opt for "moggie" from your local cat rescue centre or go to a specialist breeder you are going to a pet that is going to become part of yours and your family's life.

Cat Breeds

Being a cat owner comes with responsibilities you need to know about Cat Care. To find free articles about looking after your cat visit