Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cat Urinating in the House - How to Stop This Problem

Let's face it - at one time in our lives, if we own cats, we could probably have asked this question: "Why is my cat urinating in the house?" The answer is simple. Cats, like humans, can undergo medical problems concerning their urinary system. The issue of a cat urinating in the house may be caused by such a medical problem. When you notice that your cat is beginning to have frequent urination in the house, the first thing you must do is to take the matter seriously.

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You may find a remedy for the problem or seek the advice of a cat professional. The best thing to do would be to take your cat to a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. There are several factors which could cause a cat to urinate excessively up to the point that it could no longer hold its urine; hence the incidents in the house. At times, this could be caused by a behavioral problem in the cat. In some instances, however, urinating inside may be a sign of a more severe problem, such as cat urinary tract infection, which is commonly known as feline lower urinary tract disorder (FLUTD).


Feline lower urinary tract disorder is a condition which have multiple underlying causes but which may be characterized by the same symptoms. The symptoms of FLUTD are the following:

o Cat urinating in house, often in the most inappropriate places

o Excessive urination

o Incontinence or inability to control the flow of urine

o Smelly urine

o Cloudy urine

o Bloody urine

o Having crystals or stones in the urine

o Licking of the genital area

o Straining in pain while urinating

o Crying in the litter box

o Producing only trickles or a small amount of urine

o Inability to urinate

Cats with the above symptoms may also exhibit signs of depression, loss of appetite, lethargy, and dehydration. The help of a veterinarian is crucial when your cat begins to exhibit these signs. Feline urinary tract disease is an extremely serious and sometimes fatal condition in cats. When not treated immediately, a cat with these symptoms may not have long to live.

Your veterinarian may perform the necessary physical exams and laboratory tests to determine the cause of the problem. If the cause of the problem of your cat urinating in house is inflammation or infection, the veterinarian would most likely give antibiotics and a special diet to help suppress and fight the growth of bacteria causing the infection. However, if the problem is caused by other factors, the veterinarian may give other forms of treatment and perform appropriate medical procedures.

You can help cure your cat's urinating problem by giving him a homeopathic remedy. Some homeopathic remedies are known to strengthen the cat's immune system and support its normal functioning. Such remedies likewise helps prevent the recurrence of cat urinary problems, keeping your cat in top shape and in the peak of health.

So if your cat is urinating in your house, it is important to remember the following useful tips:

o Make an evaluation of the situation.

o Seek the help of a veterinarian.

o Follow the advice of the cat professional.

o Give your cat a homeopathic remedy.

So next time you are tempted to ask this question: "Why is my cat urinating in the house", you already know what to do.

Cat Urinating in the House - How to Stop This Problem

Melissa Simmonds has looked at different sources on the problems affecting cats, including that of a cat urinating in house.

For more information, visit the most comprehensive resource online answering your question why is my cat urinating in the house.


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