Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Buying A Cat

So you have decided to go to the next step and possibly even purchase a cat. By now you should have a good idea on what type of cat you want and you should of done some research and made up a list of breeds that you have a interest in. Once you have read this article you will have learn where to buy your new cat, what to look for when buying and you will know how to check that the cat/kitten is healthy. When you are looking at buying a cat follow this information bellow and you should be fine.

One of the most important thing is that you should not get pressured into buying a cat by the owner, they are just trying to sell it. If you find a cat that you like the look of use the below information to find out how healthy the cat is, stay around for 10 minutes and watch what it is doing and how it is behaving (kittens should be happy, playful and full of energy) and go home an think for a day or two, but keep in mind that the cat/kitten is not guaranteed to be there the next day. But remember that it is going to be your pet for 15 to 20 years so choose wisely.


There are a number of different ways you can purchase a cat/kitten, the most common ways being from your local pet shop, a cat breeder, private sale or from an animal shelter. The best choice in my opinion would be to buy from a breeder or a direct sale. Any of these two are good but when you buy of a breeder you know that the cats have been properly fed, they have had extra care and attention and this makes them more calm affectionate and less wild.

When you are considering to buy a certain cat/kitten always check the health. To check the health of a cat check the mouth for gum disease, tartar, loose teeth and decaying teeth, check the cats eyes for murkiness, bones should not be sharp or covered with fat, ears should be clean and free of infection, check underneath for lumps or pregnancy.

Buying A Cat

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