Emery Cat is yet another As Seen On TV product which has created a lot of buzz. My contention was that the sound effects in the commercial was what was making this product so popular, but when I finally figured out what it was for, the Emery Cat made a lot of sense to me.
As with most As Seen TV products, the beauty is in the fact that each product is designed to provide a simple solution to a simple problem. It's the "I could of thought of that" which keeps television viewers so intrigued. The Emery Cat certainly falls into this category. Any cat owner knows what I'm talking about. Cats continually scratch and claw at the furniture and their owners.
Nobody will argue that it isn't in a cat's nature to stretch and scratch their claws but there has to be a way to compel your cat to do their scratching in the appropriate places. Until now, cat owners dealt with the problem using scratching posts or even going as far as having their cat's claws removed. The later was not an option for me because I want my cats to come and go as they please and being clawless leaves them unable to defend themselves outside the home. Perhaps even a little more selfish is the fact that as long as I have "outdoor" cats, I don't have to clean a litter box.
I too have tried the scratching posts but to no avail. First, my two cats don't really seem interested in them. I've even got some of those multi-level cool ones but they never really took to them. In fact, there where several times I noticed my cats sniffing around the scratching post and then heading to the sofa to tear it up. So my posts usually end up in the guest room, where the cats never go anyway, and collect dust. They're not exactly elegant furnishings which match the decor of most living rooms. But, I suppose most cat owners give them a try.
So the Emery Cat became a very appealing idea, provided that it would work. The Emery Cat is nothing more than an arched scratching board infused with cat nip. Or at least it seemed so. The beauty of it is that the design and fabric of the scratching surface actually files down the cat's claws so ultimately if your cat takes a swipe at you, or your couch, their claws won't be as sharp and cause as much damage. This is unlike any scratching post I have seen before.
When I ordered Emery Cat I paid .99 plus .95 shipping and handling. I know what you're thinking, "That's a lot for shipping", but that seems to be the game in the As Seen on TV world. I just include the shipping in the price of the item and consider that I paid about .00 for my Emery Cat. That's not expensive compared to the scratching posts you see in pet stores.
So the Emery Cat scratching board arrived in just over two weeks and as soon as I opened it and layed it out for the cats they went nuts. It's obvious to me that they went after the cat nip, but anything that would train my adult cats to scratch in a specific place was fine with me. I knew the lure of cat nip would eventually fade, but my hope was that my cats would be fully accustomed to the Emery Cat by then. Neither of my cats cared much for the little fluffy toy which is attached to the scratching board. They just rolled around and scratched on the scratching surface, and did so quite a bit. I think the Emery Cat inspired them to stretch and scratch more than they would naturally but the product got their attention.
I do believe that my cats' claws have been manicured and remain dull compared to their condition prior to their new scratching post. My Emery Cat Review has to be a positive one because my cats seem to like it, I don't have to clip their claws which saves me money at the vet, and I haven't noticed any new damage to my furniture or door frames. However, I must be honest and say that I didn't buy any new furniture and never really measured the full extent of the damage before I bought my Emery Cat.
All I know is that my cats are using their new scratching board a lot more than they have ever used a normal scratching post in the past. I'm happy with my purchase with only one complaint. I have larger cats and feel that the product could be a bit more sturdy. I have seen an upgrade offer to a deluxe model and perhaps I should have bitten the bullet and gone with that, but I'm generally pleased so far.
Emery Cat Review
Read More about the Emery Cat or look for more As Seen On TV products online.
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