Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cat Tricks Are a Cool Thing to Do

Have you ever thought about training your cat to do all sorts of cat tricks? I know the thought isn't one that crosses the mind of all cat owners, but you are probably a spectacular cat owner. Most people only think of training their dogs to do dog tricks, but many cat owners overlook the ability their cat has to do the same sorts of tricks. Dogs generally get more training, because dogs have more necessary training that must be done. Dogs have to be toilet trained whereas cats more naturally figure out what to do themselves. People also have to establish their dominance over dogs to ensure the safety of themselves and their families. Being creatures that engage in dominant social order, dogs engage in dominant behavior. For the safety of a dog owner, it is important that the human being be in the dominant position. Often this happens naturally, but some dogs needed to be reminded of where they fit into the structure. For this reason dogs need more training in general than cats do. Cats don't exist in the same social structure, and don't need to be toilet trained. Just because cats don't seem to need the same training that doesn't mean that they can't benefit from it. Many people show off their dogs and the cool tricks they can do, why not show off your cat and your cat tricks?

catwoman costume

Besides just being fun to show off your cool cat and your cat's tricks, teaching your cat will help in many ways. Despite the lack of training that is generally done for cats, training will help in many ways. A cat will benefit from the things that you can teach it. Teaching your cat tricks gives your cat good mental and physical exercise and can even help with any behavioral problems. Once you learn to teach your cat to do certain tricks, you will be better able to train your cat if he is misbehaving. Who wouldn't want to improve their cat's mental and physical health?


Now that you're convinced of the benefits of training your cat to do cat tricks, you will need to keep a few things in mind. A cat will only perform well, if you reward him well. Remember to keep small, bit-sized pieces. The small pieces will allow for your cat to eat quickly so that you can try the trick again. If you were to give your cat a larger food reward, then the cat would take longer to eat the reward. If the cat takes longer to eat, then you will not be able to fit in as many repetitions of your training. You want to be able to fit in as many repetitions as possible in a short amount of time. The many repetitions will help your cat to learn to do these tricks more quickly.

It is also important to realize that you cannot teach a cat to do unnatural behaviors. If you want to teach your cat to do something that he hasn't done before, then you must start with baby steps. You have to go through a progression to get your cat to do a behavior that it does not yet know. I think it may be easier to teach your cat to do a behavior in which it already engages. If your cat has a behavior which you particularly enjoy, or if there is a normal behavior that you would like to teach your cat to do on command, then engage in the same methods you would otherwise. Be patient. Be sure to give the command only when you know that your cat will obey. Otherwise the command word will begin to have no meaning to your cat. Reward your cat after he does well learning his cat tricks. Quit before your cat gets tired or full, or your cat will soon lose interest in learning the behavior you want to teach. Be sure to enjoy yourself. Good luck teaching your tricks for cats.

Cat Tricks Are a Cool Thing to Do

I love to travel and I have found the my favorite place to be is somewhere besides here. I have found that airplane riding is really fun, and guides are nice.


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