We hear about foreclosures daily. No one allows pets in human shelters, and few hotels really allow pets, and many apartments do not allow pets. So all of these people leaving houses that used to be homes are leaving pets. Sometimes the pets leave when the food runs out. Sometimes only when the family leaves.
Borrowing a trap or renting a trap to catch animals and getting them spayed with the animal shelters or charities that do it for nominal fees helps, so that the wild animal can be turned back into the wild without bringing more animals into the world to suffer and grow up wild. There may be many more animals than human homes can afford today, and it might get worse.
Wild cats and dogs do not have an easy life, but pets that have been de-clawed and pampered for years with love, affection, and food that is provided have a very difficult time adjusting. No one teaches them road rules, so many are lost in traffic. How many animals die in traffic every week in the United States? Some estimates figure a million animals become road kill.
1. Borrowing a trap or renting a trap to catch animals to be spayed with the animal shelters or spay/neuter clinics that do it for nominal fees helps former pets before they become pregnant. They have a hard enough time fending for themselves without also being pregnant. Animals that are not fed well many times do not have healthy offspring.
2. Leaving the garage door cracked so that animals can take advantage of a warmer place than the cold outdoors is helpful. Yes, I have seen dead rabbits in my garage, but they were eaten within 24 hours.
3. If there are many abandoned cats in the neighborhood, feeding birds only in above ground feeders helps birds.
4. Adopting animals helps. Animals that are no longer young still are very loving and beautiful.
5. Helping animals by calling animal shelters is good. An animal you see in the street or roaming needs shelter. There are shelters/stores available that do not put an animal down because of time limits. Ask if there is a time limit before an animal is put down.
6. Donate to the county animal shelter and the other shelters when you can. They always need old towels, food, and monetary donations. If you have anything else useful, they would welcome toys, or any pet items.
7. It is not helpful to put a bell on a feral cat, or abandoned affectionate pet. They need to eat, and they may help with the rabbit and rodent population more than is realized.
Abandoned Cats
Author Bio: Born in Bethesda Naval Hospital, Charlotte Fairchild traveled as a Navy child, and is the author of Murder On The Silver Comet Trail, published on Create Space and available at Amazon since Dec. 31, 2008, and Fertile Prayers, 2003, out of paperback print, but available at http://Authorhouse.com as an ebook.
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