Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where to Find the Perfect Persian Cat

People of all walks of life like Persian cats and wish to have one as a pet. Most Persian cats have thick coats of fur and are nice to cuddle with. If you wish to find that perfect little one that you can love and adore, then the best place to go to would be a Persian Breeder or a Persian Cattery.

savannah cat

Persian Breeders are people and businesses that breed and raise Persian cats for a living. These people usually breed with the best and most healthy Persian cats. They dedicate their time and effort into raising beautiful, healthy Persian cats that are registered with CFA or similar associations. As with any type of business -- for Persian Breeding is a business -- you will find both reputable and deceitful Breeders. Those of a reputable standard will be able to show you proof of where the cats came from, parents of kittens and the necessary documentation for their cats. If you find yourself conversing with someone less reputable or outright deceitful then it is best to contact your local authorities.


The difference between a Persian Breeder and a Persian Cattery is that a Persian Cattery breeds and raises their Persian cats for their own benefit as much as for the customer seeking a Persian kitten. There are many reputable catteries and they also have many different goals. Some Persian Catteries breed their cats for the main purpose of having the perfect show cats. Many Persian catteries do not breed their cats for the purpose of providing pets for families but rather for the purpose of having the best and most beautiful show cats.

Having the perfect cat is one thing but maintaining that cat's health and beauty is quite another. Persian cats have thick fur and their coats need to be groomed daily -- combed or brushed. You can find many Cat grooming products at your local pet shop. It is best to use a wide-metal tooth comb instead of a brush. If you use a brush, then only do so to 'fluff' the coat and make sure to first remove any mats in the coat. If you groom your cat daily then matting should not be a problem.

You can either bathe your cat yourself or you can go to a professional groomer. You know that your cat needs a bath when they begin to look greasy as the dirt accumulates and matting will increase if you do not bath your cat. If you decide to bathe your Persian cat yourself then you need to first remove all mats with a wide-toothed comb. Do not pull on the hair as you can remove the hair to the root and bald patches will form.

The perfect cat needs the perfect home and you will reap the benefits of having the perfect Persian cats if you show him/her the love and care that all cats deserve. Care for your cat to the best of your abilities and they will love and care for you in return.

Where to Find the Perfect Persian Cat

Iftikhar Tirmizi freelances as a niche marketing consultant and marketer that owns and operates roughly 40 blogs and websites touching dozens of niches, including an article directory and Niche Advertising Blog. Tirmizi has been creating health and wellness for his clients since 2007. Recently working on the project of Persian Kittens


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