Are you being subjected to kitty violence as the result of aggressive cat behaviors? If so you're not alone, many cat owners deal with these behavioral problems in their cats and don't know what to do. Fortunately, the more you learn about this the better equipped you'll be to put an end to aggressive cat behaviors once and for all. Knowledge is power after all, even when it comes to cats.
Q: What Types Of Aggressive Cat Behaviors Are There?
A: There are many types of aggressive cat behaviors. Some of the most common are -
- Social Aggression - Petting Induced Aggression - Playful Aggression - Fear Aggression - Territory Aggression - Redirected Aggression
Q: How Do I know If My Cat Is Just Being Playful Or If He's Seriously Angry?
A: Generally speaking if an act of kitty violence is accompanied by hissing or growling then your cat is seriously upset about something. Another sign of anger or fear is a cat having its ears pulled back against its head. If your cat is just scratching and pouncing without signs of anger or fear it is probably under-stimulated. Playful aggressive cat behaviors like this may simply indicate that your kitty just wants to play.
Q: What Does It Mean If My Cat's Tail Is Twitching Back And Forth? Is It Mad?
A: This is one of the more common aggressive cat behaviors and generally signals that your kitty is annoyed or is becoming annoyed with something. This annoyance can quickly explode into an act of kitty violence if you're not careful. Also, sometimes a cat's tail will twitch back and forth if it's stalking something and is ready to pounce. In any even, a cat with a twitching tail is just about ready to sink its claws into something most of the time.
Q: My Cat Suddenly Growls and Hisses When I Touch It Or Try To Pick It Up. What's The Deal?
A: There could be several reasons for aggressive cat behaviors of this nature. Your cat may be experiencing a very stressful situation. Something may have scared him, another cat may be harassing him or he may have seen something out the window that upset him. If there is no apparent cause and this sort of behavior lasts for an extended period of time, then there could be something medically wrong with your cat. Most of the time a cat suffering from internal pain will not like to be touched or picked up and may become violent.
Q: Is There A Way To Stop Cat Aggression Problems?
A: Yes, very rarely is there a situation where a cat's aggressive behavior can't be fixed. The key is understanding and pinpointing the source of your cat's problem. Once that is discovered eliminating this bad behavior is quite simple. However, cats can be extremely hard to understand sometimes due to their subtle nature. Also some cats don't communicate as well as others.
Aggressive Cat Behaviors - Questions and Answers
Click Here For A Wealth Of Information On Determining Just Which Aggressive Cat Behaviors Your Cat Is Suffering From!
Q: So I Know What Kind Of Aggression Problem My Cat Has. What Now?
A: Now its time to take action and put an end to your cat's bad behavior once and for all. The type of aggression problem your cat has will determine what must be done. The guide featured in the link below will show you exactly what to do and how to do it. Your cat's aggression problems will be over before you know it!
Click Here And Put An End To Aggressive Cat Behaviors Today!
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