Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cat Vomiting - Different Types and Their Causes!

If you are a cat owner and having this pet from couple of years then you might have observed that your beloved kitty is vomiting hairballs. Well, this can be quite common for you but those owners who are beginners can get worried by this practice. So, if you are reading this article and quite new in owning kitties then please do not get worried because this type of vomiting hairs is not so dangerous and alarming.

Most of the times, it has been noticed that a cat usually vomits during the change in the season. This practice is also normal and it is because of different weather and atmospheric conditions. Do not get too concerned when your beloved pet is vomiting due to the above mentioned causes.


On the other hand, you might have noticed that your pet is eating grass or small leaves though she is not an herbivore. Do not get frustrated by this behavior of your kitty because eating of grass and small leaves helps your pet to vomit easily.

Now, if your cat is vomiting on continuous basis then there can be some bad issues with her health. The main symptoms of this type of vomiting are quite prominent. Your cat can get drowsy, eats very less food and always found on her resting place. This situation is quite alarming because she has eaten something very bad that has created trouble with her digesting system and she is not able to recover her.

If you have faced such type of problem then I will suggest you to take your pet to the doctor unless she ends up in closing her eyes forever. Being a good owner, it is your foremost responsibility to take proper care of your cat by providing her hygienic food and examine her thoroughly. Try to provide your pet some energetic food that lays a vital role to keep her fit and active.

For further details on cat vomiting you can get useful information on the sites I have mentioned below.

Cat Vomiting - Different Types and Their Causes!

Michael Podgoetsky advocates pet health and vitality through his avid research on products that ensure immunity boosting effects and disease-fighting features. You may access his findings at Your Cat's Health and Cat Vomiting


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