Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Do Male Cats Fight With a Female Cat?

If you are wondering whether male cats fight with a female cat I think I can help you. Not long ago, I bought a female cat into the home and my male cat was at least curious about this. It started scrapping occasionally I think because it felt like its territory was threatened. You can overcome this though with good training and learn how to stop male cats fighting with female cats.


Separate Areas - Your male cat will need to be able to have its own area or territory. This can be done by separate feeding bowls at first and making sure that the cats have separate baskets in different areas at least for the first week or so. If you see them coming together keep a close eye on them but do not interrupt them unless they start fighting.


Bring Them Together - Call the cats both over to you and give them both a treat that you think they will enjoy. Stroke them both and they will both start to feel comfortable in your presence because they know that you feel comfortable with the other cat being there. By doing this you may be able to move onto letting them sleep in the same basket.

Separate Rooms - If you find that they do start fighting and it becomes too much with the loud noise and tension at food times then you may have to look into giving them baskets in separate rooms until they can settle and only letting them see each other a few minutes at a time and when they go out at night of you put them outside to sleep. They will get on eventually. The male cat just has to feel that he is in charge or the female cat.

Do Male Cats Fight With a Female Cat?

"I bet you're searching the internet looking for the best methods to train your cat for free and I totally understand that. I was in your position and all the information seemed too much and information conflicted and it was pretty annoying at the time.

Finally I just thought I'd buy something and apply it regularly and it worked way beyond my expectations. Now I have 3 cats who I would not have recognised 3 months ago. If you're interested in just getting this problem out of the way as quickly as possible. Click here for Make And Female Cats Fighting?


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