Learn Tips for the Care & Feeding of Your New Pet Persian Cat
Congratulations on adding a pet Persian cat to your family! Persian cats are likely the most gentle and friendly of all the cat breeds and can bring years of enjoyment and companionship to your family. Here are some tips and general information on the care and feeding of your new pet to get your relationship off to a good start.
When you bring your pet Persian home, give it some time to explore. This is a good opportunity to determine which rooms your cat will be allowed to prowl, if you do not intend to let it have free reign of your home. It is much easier to close off those rooms now than to try to retrain your cat later. If you have other pets in the house, it is best to introduce them one at a time, after your cat has had a chance to look around and get comfortable with its new surroundings.
You should feed your pet Persian cat at about the same time every day. If possible the best thing you can do for your kitty is to make its food at home. This is the best way to know exactly what the food ingredients and quality your pet is eating. Make sure you use plenty of meat, grains and vegetables. Remember to not overcook the food so as not to destroy the nutritional value. If you can't prepare their food at home then you need to feed it the best food you can afford. Consult your vet, breeder or other owners for the best type and brand of food to feed your cat. Food needs vary with activity level; so an active cat will need more food than a less active one. Its very important to make sure your pet always has fresh water.
You should also clean the litter box every day, scooping out clumps and solid waste. Add more litter to the box if necessary. The litter box should be placed in a location that gives your cat privacy, but is still easily accessible. Most cats have a natural instinct to use the litter box. Young kittens may need to be placed in the box multiple times to learn to use it. If your pet Persian cat has continual problems with not using the litter box, be sure you are scooping the waste on a regular basis and that it is easy for your cat to access. If problems continue, consult your vet, as it could be an indicator of health concerns.
You should also play with your pet Persian daily. Cats require exercise and mental stimulation. If this is not provided by you, your cat will find ways to entertain itself and you may not be happy with the result. There are many toys available that your cat will enjoy. It may take some time to discover which type of toy your cat prefers, but you probably already have some interesting cat "toys" in your home.
Anything that makes noise when touched, or moves unpredictably is likely to be interesting to your cat. Some common favorites are: plastic drinking straws, crinkled tissue paper or wrapping paper, large plastic jacks, laser pointers (be sure to keep it out of their eyes), and even your hand twitching under the bed sheet. Avoid small items that your cat could swallow.
In order to keep your pet Persian's hair free from mats and tangles you should brush it often to remove dirt, knots, and shedding hair They will enjoy the attention. Use a brush with bristles that are long enough to reach the whole way through the coat. If you live in a warm climate, you may wish to consider having your cat clipped or shaved in the summer. Because of its long hair your pet won't be able to keep as clean as a short haired cat and so will need to be bathed fairly often. Start bathing them as kittens so they get used to it. Trying to put a full grown cat into water may be more than you bargained for. A pet Persian is strictly a house cat. Don't let them out side or you run the risk of them damaging their fur or picking up unwanted visitors like fleas.
About once a week you should wash your cat's food and water dishes. You should also empty the litter box, clean it, and refill it with clean litter. Cats prefer to have at least 2-3 inches of litter in the box. This allows them to dig in the litter before using it, and then to cover up their waste afterward.
Your pet Persian cat will require routine veterinary care, including vaccinations, flea preventatives, and physical exams. You should take your new pet to the vet as soon as possible. Be sure to bring along any records you may have received from your cat's previous owner. Your vet will discuss your pet's health with you and the two of you will then decide on any care that is needed.
Using the above tips for the care and feeding of your new pet Persian will help insure its health and long life. Your goal is to have your new friend around for a long time to entertain you and be a valued companion for your family. Persian cats get along with other pets and children extremely well which makes them an ideal family pet.
Your New Pet Persian Cat's Care and Feeding Tips
If you are a pet owner or thinking about becoming one you should go to the website at Natural Pets Health to get more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures. You will also find general information such as the pros & cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes to fish to exotics.
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