People have different reasons for their fear of cats. However, most of them can point to an experience in their past that made them afraid of the animals. While it is always prudent to treat animals with respect, it is not normal to panic at the sight of an ordinary cat or kitten. Pets are meant to bring love and happiness to people. Breeders do not breed animals to create anxiety. Yet, people with a phobia of cats are incredibly anxious when they see a feline. People with this phobia should know that it is easy to overcome their anxiety in just a few hours with the help of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy.
A Fear of Cats Can Negatively Impact a Person's Life
It might seem like this type of phobia is easy to live with if you do not own a cat. However, people who suffer from this phobia might be afraid to visit homes that have a pet cat or might avoid taking their children outside in case they run into a feral cat. People with a severe form this phobia may even be afraid of seeing a cat on TV.
Don't Pass the Phobia to Your Children
Children are remarkably perceptive about their parents' fears. Many parents are, therefore, concerned about passing their concern about pets to their children. They do not want their children to learn to fear felines like they do. They want them to play outside, visit friends and watch TV without fearing a panic attack.
Break the Cycle of Panic
The best way to break the cycle of panic is to end your own phobia. This will require you to recondition your mind. When you see a cat you will no longer fear an attack but will instead see the animal as a gentle creature that means you no harm.
Help is Available
NLP and hypnotherapy have both proven to be effective. Direct NLP and hypnotherapy reconditioning techniques have cured many people with a phobia of felines from their debilitating panic.
How NLP and Hypnotherapy Can Help
Direct NLP and hypnotherapy reconditioning techniques do not take into account why a person is afraid of cats. A person might not remember what started their fear. They might not remember a time when a cat jumped on them suddenly or when a cat scratched them when they were small children.
Yet, they are aware of how their phobia limits their everyday activity. NLP and hypnotherapy will recondition their thoughts. After treatment, they will not panic when they see a cat but will instead see a cat or kitten for what it is, namely a beloved pet or innocent animal that will not hurt someone without provocation.
NLP and hypnotherapy can often help someone fully recover from this phobia in one session. Rarely, a second session might be required. Therefore, in as little as one hour, a person can be rid of his or her fear of cats that so profoundly impacts his or her life.
Fear of Cats - How to Overcome a Phobia of Cats Easily
J J Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very effective in helping you to overcome your Fear Of Cats - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners for treatment of fear of cats in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. These people deal with a wide range of fears and phobias and for more information on issues treated go here - Phobia Of Cats.
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