Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Different Types of Cat Litter

There are many different types of cat litter. The type you use should depend on your cat and what sort it prefers to use. Some cats are funny about what type of cat litter they use. An indoor cat will need a litter tray cleaning a couple of times a day. It's important to follow good hygiene rules when you change cat litter.

Sawdust pellets cat litter - this wood by product is easy to use. In the bag it comes in it's in pellets. These crumble when they get wet and so can be filtered using a cat litter scoop. The solid pellets are kept in the tray and the damp sawdust removed. It has a pleasant woody smell out of the bag and is not unpleasant to handle when new.


Clumping litter is made from clays and forms clumps when wet. This is easily removed with a litter scoop.

Litter Crystals are a new invention and are made by Bob Martin. The crystals absorb all moisture and inhibits bacterial growth and cat odours. This keeps the litter tray smelling fresher and cleaner all day. The liquid and odour are absorbed and the liquid evaporates.

If your cat is ill and you've been asked to provide a cat urine sample you will know how stressful this can be. You have to use a non absorbent cat litter but with nothing in the tray many cats hold out for hours preferring to wait until they have something to scratch at. Katkor is a specially designed cat litter that is non-absorbent and therefore very suitable for collecting urine samples. Cat urine is used by the vet to find out which of the various types of bladder stones the cat has usually one of calcium oxalate crystals, urate crystals or orstruvite crystals.

There are also several brands of litter now made from recycled paper. These are very absorbent and eco-friendly.

Cat tray liners are available as are deodourising powders and sprays.

When you get your cat as a kitten you should be told what sort of litter is it used to. You should use this brand at least to start with so that your cat doesn't have a problem getting used to a strange house and a strange new litter tray. If cats have accidents outside of the litter tray it's important to clean it up and deodourise the area they've used. This prevents them using that area regularly. The most obvious way of solving this as an issue though is to move the litter tray to this new spot!

If you want to change the type of cat litter you are best introducing it slowly replacing the old cat litter slowly with the new type. This slow approach ensures your cat doesn't get too upset to continue using the tray. If you find your cat doesn't use the new style cat litter you should slow down on the change. If the cat doesn't use half of a tray filled with the new type then you can assume the cat doesn't like it. Persisting is unkind to the cat who then may have an aversion to using the tray at all.

If your cat has any health issue then you should always contact your vet for advice.

The Different Types of Cat Litter

Find the right products for your pet is not always easy. Here's some more help available to ensure you have the right Cat litter -


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