Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cat Trees - Perfect For Giving Your Pet A Nice Home

Cat trees can be an excellent way to satisfy your cat's curiosity and keep them in shape. There are countless types of cat trees on the market and there are a few things you should know before you take on the task of buying one for your feline friends.

cat litter box

The first and most important thing to consider when shopping for a cat tree is safety. This is both the safety of your cat and the safety of yourself and any others who may come close to the cat tree.


The best way to ensure your cat's safety and the safety of others in your home is to choose a cat tree that is stable, secure, and well-balanced. The best cat trees are built with sturdy, thick lumber frames and strong hardware. Never buy a cat tree made from old, rotting or wet lumber. Always make sure the parts are secured by heavy bolts or other strong hardware so the parts do not come loose with repeated use.

A well balanced, sturdy cat tree will prevent your cats from tipping it over and hurting themselves or others, or breaking surrounding furniture.

In general, you want to look for a well made cat tree that will stand the test of time. Beware of cat trees that lean to one side or that feel wobbly when you rock them back and forth with your own hand.

Another safety precaution is to ask the seller if the cat tree is safe for declawed cats and older, less agile cats. The height and angle of your cat tree and the material used to cover it will be a factor here. You do not want something that will difficult for your cat to climb.

Ask about the weight restrictions on your cat tree before you buy. Usually a tree made for cats will hold up to 20 pounds. If you have several cats in your house that will be using the cat tree, you may want to opt for a stronger one. Cats who are familiar with one another will often sleep and play together; hence, they could be on the cat tree simultaneously and exceed the weight load.

A different option is to build your own cat tree. This way you will know that it was built to your standards and you can be as creative as you like with the style and color. If you choose the do-it-yourself route, make sure you follow the basic safety precautions outlined above, using sturdy good-quality lumber and secure hardware. Create a cat tree that is well-balanced and not wobbly. Be sure to build a structure that will be easy for your cat(s) to maneuver up and down.

Giving your feline friends a cat tree is a fun way to tell your pets how much you love them. Have fun choosing a style and design that fits your cat's needs and holds their attention while giving them a safe and happy place to climb.

Cat Trees - Perfect For Giving Your Pet A Nice Home

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of a wide variety of online specialty shops that offer both products and information on how you can easily furnish and decorate your space. Whether it's your living, bedroom, or even your deck or patio, there are many tips you can use to make your space both functional and beautiful. Today, she offers advice on how to create a fabulous space for your kitty with comfy cat furniture, sturdy cat houses, and durable cat trees.


Want to Stop Your Cat From Peeing on the Bed? Toilet Training May Be the Solution

If your cat is peeing on the bed, you can bet that he is trying to communicate a problem to you.


As irritating as this behavior may be, for some cat owners, it is a blessing in disguise. Instead of re-training your cat to use the litter box, consider training your cat to use the toilet bowel instead.


My name is Elise Grayson and I am an avid fan of cats. I've owned cats for over 10 years and have become accustomed to their behavior, but, it wasn't always easy. I acquired my the foundation of my knowledge about cat behavior from a trusted friend and animal behaviorist, Kaylee Brennan.

First, you should take your cat to the vet in order to rule out any physical causes for inappropriate cat peeing. It is also important that you understand the reasons why your cat is peeing in the house (I'll provide a resource at the end of the article). Once you receive the green light from the vet and you understand the reasons behind your cat's behavior, it's time to start toilet training your cat.

The good news is that indoor cats of all ages can be successfully trained to use the toilet.

There are many perks to toilet training your cat. I've listed a few of these benefits below.

1) No more dreaded cleaning - Scooping smelly cat litter is not a job that anyone enjoys. Once your cat is toilet trained, all you have to do is flush the waste away!

2) Save money on litter - Even if you can afford the self-
cleaning litter machines, you still need a constant supply of litter, which adds up quickly and can become quite expensive. Toilet training will eliminate the need for litter in the long run.

3) Stay bug free - Toilets reduce your risk of coming in contact with infectious diseases and parasites such as toxoplasmosis, ringworm, or tapeworm from cat feces. This is especially important for expectant mothers, as toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects that range from eye infections, an enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), pneumonia. mental retardation, severely impaired eyesight, cerebral palsy, seizures and death.

4) Less candles and air freshener sprays - No more air neutralizers or candles to cover up the litter smell in your house. The money that you save from buying less candles can be put towards eating out more often or buying a nice bottle of wine.

Cat behaviors to keep in mind while toilet training your cat:

Cats, on instinct, bury their waste to hide it from predators; litter encourages this behavior. Putting a small scratching post next to your toilet will solve your cat's urge to scratch after they've gone to the bathroom.

Generally speaking, cats, can be slaves to routine and are especially resistant to rapid change. This is why it is important to slowly and gradually introduce these changes into your cats daily life.

As I mentioned above, it is very important to first understand the reasons behind your cat peeing outside the litter box. Understanding these reasons will help you to rule out other issues that can cause cat urination. You don't want to go through the process of toilet training only to find out that your cat is peeing in your bed because of another underlying issue.

Want to Stop Your Cat From Peeing on the Bed? Toilet Training May Be the Solution

My name is Elise Grayson and over the years I have learned how to better care for my cats, Bailey and Brody, from my friend, animal behavior expert and therapist, Kaylee Brennan.

Visit her site to read more about the reasons behind why your cat is peeing on your bed and in your house.


Cat Tricks Are a Cool Thing to Do

Have you ever thought about training your cat to do all sorts of cat tricks? I know the thought isn't one that crosses the mind of all cat owners, but you are probably a spectacular cat owner. Most people only think of training their dogs to do dog tricks, but many cat owners overlook the ability their cat has to do the same sorts of tricks. Dogs generally get more training, because dogs have more necessary training that must be done. Dogs have to be toilet trained whereas cats more naturally figure out what to do themselves. People also have to establish their dominance over dogs to ensure the safety of themselves and their families. Being creatures that engage in dominant social order, dogs engage in dominant behavior. For the safety of a dog owner, it is important that the human being be in the dominant position. Often this happens naturally, but some dogs needed to be reminded of where they fit into the structure. For this reason dogs need more training in general than cats do. Cats don't exist in the same social structure, and don't need to be toilet trained. Just because cats don't seem to need the same training that doesn't mean that they can't benefit from it. Many people show off their dogs and the cool tricks they can do, why not show off your cat and your cat tricks?

catwoman costume

Besides just being fun to show off your cool cat and your cat's tricks, teaching your cat will help in many ways. Despite the lack of training that is generally done for cats, training will help in many ways. A cat will benefit from the things that you can teach it. Teaching your cat tricks gives your cat good mental and physical exercise and can even help with any behavioral problems. Once you learn to teach your cat to do certain tricks, you will be better able to train your cat if he is misbehaving. Who wouldn't want to improve their cat's mental and physical health?


Now that you're convinced of the benefits of training your cat to do cat tricks, you will need to keep a few things in mind. A cat will only perform well, if you reward him well. Remember to keep small, bit-sized pieces. The small pieces will allow for your cat to eat quickly so that you can try the trick again. If you were to give your cat a larger food reward, then the cat would take longer to eat the reward. If the cat takes longer to eat, then you will not be able to fit in as many repetitions of your training. You want to be able to fit in as many repetitions as possible in a short amount of time. The many repetitions will help your cat to learn to do these tricks more quickly.

It is also important to realize that you cannot teach a cat to do unnatural behaviors. If you want to teach your cat to do something that he hasn't done before, then you must start with baby steps. You have to go through a progression to get your cat to do a behavior that it does not yet know. I think it may be easier to teach your cat to do a behavior in which it already engages. If your cat has a behavior which you particularly enjoy, or if there is a normal behavior that you would like to teach your cat to do on command, then engage in the same methods you would otherwise. Be patient. Be sure to give the command only when you know that your cat will obey. Otherwise the command word will begin to have no meaning to your cat. Reward your cat after he does well learning his cat tricks. Quit before your cat gets tired or full, or your cat will soon lose interest in learning the behavior you want to teach. Be sure to enjoy yourself. Good luck teaching your tricks for cats.

Cat Tricks Are a Cool Thing to Do

I love to travel and I have found the my favorite place to be is somewhere besides here. I have found that airplane riding is really fun, and guides are nice.


Is Furniture Being Ruined by Your Cat?

First off do not declaw your cat just to save your furniture. Cat scratching is natural and all cats do it. What you want to do, is find a way to direct your cat to scratch where you want your feline to. There are several things you can do to direct your cat or minimize the effects of cat scratching.

catherine ps3

1. Get your cat a scratching post. To get your cat to use this try and start him/her young. Also, I use cat nip to attract my cats to the post. Other things you can do is put a toy on the scratching pad, give your cat a treat when ever they use it, in short try to make the memory of the scratching post or pad enjoyable.


2. You can trim your cats nails. This could take some doing since cats, as you know, do not like to be held unless they ask for it. Be ready for some resistance to this event.

3. A preventive measure is to protect your furniture, by covering the ends of the furniture with a substance the cat does not like. Such material as aluminum or double sided tape can be used. I used this method till our felines got use to the scratching pad then could take it down the double sided tape and aluminum.

4. Another thing I used was a can with some lose change it it. Whenever the cats started to scratch my furniture I shook the can to scare them. They then associated the noise with scratching and stopped. This only works when you are around the home, so other measures will need to be taken when you are not at home.

These are some of the methods I used to protect my furniture and they work.

Is Furniture Being Ruined by Your Cat?

The scratching pad I use, which I find is the best is, Emery Cat. This works well at keeping your cats nails sharp and your cat happy.


Health Problems Of The Bengal Cat

Asian countries have the endangered species the Asian leopards, which recently was taken off the list and now strives in the wilderness. The Bengal cat derives from breeding with the Asian leopards and has since entered the domestic cat breeds list. The Bengal cat although not a tiger, loves to play and lounge around on and in the water.

cat tree

Bengal cats make a playful pet as they act more like a dog then they do a cat. The fact that they love water adds to the beauty of owning a Bengal cat. They use their paws as little hands and they hide their toys in order to protect them from other pets in the household. Like the Asian leopard, the Bengal cat is smart and sneaky. They love to play and have a keen sense of smell.


Bengal Cat Health Problems and Food Poisoning

One health problem for Bengal cats is food poisoning. These cats remain susceptible to food poisoning unlike other domesticated cats. Any foods that contain bacteria or fungus will cause the Bengal cat health problems.

The affects of human food poisoning also affect the Bengal cat with vomiting, diarrhea, weakness along with fever and stomach upset. The Bengal can die immediacy if the food poisoning is severe enough. In case of food poisoning, the cat needs to see the veterinarian immediacy for some form of treatment. The treatment may include IV fluids and/or stomach flushes. The cat needs close monitoring to recover from the food poisoning.

Bengal Cat Health Problems With Chocolate

As with dogs and many animals, Bengal cat will sub come to chocolate as the caffeine and obromine become toxic and can lead to death. Adult Bengal cats usually do not take to chocolate as much as the kittens. Kitten may consume a large amount of chocolate because of the new taste they experience. Because of the lower weight, the kitten may need serious care if they are not stopped before consuming to much chocolate.

If a cat consumes the chocolate, they may experience seizure, vomiting, hyperactive activity and weakness along with heavy breathing. In rare instances, the Bengal cat may sub come to death if the methylxanthines cause an adverse reaction. The cats need to be watched when around candy that contains chocolate or any other additives of chocolate; the holidays seem to have more cats as well as dogs going to the vet for chocolate consumption.

If you encounter the cat health problem with chocolate, you need to seek immediate medical attention to ensure the cat will survive with or without treatment. Always know the exact name of the chocolate your Bengal cat consumed to save time for the vet and his staff when caring for a cat that has ingested the chocolates. If you are unsure of the chocolate, take all the chocolates along so the vet can check for all of them to ensure your Bengal kitten or cat grows up healthy and happy.

Health Problems Of The Bengal Cat

You can also find more information at Diabetes Mellitus and Health Persian Cat Problem. is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.


Buying A Cat

So you have decided to go to the next step and possibly even purchase a cat. By now you should have a good idea on what type of cat you want and you should of done some research and made up a list of breeds that you have a interest in. Once you have read this article you will have learn where to buy your new cat, what to look for when buying and you will know how to check that the cat/kitten is healthy. When you are looking at buying a cat follow this information bellow and you should be fine.

One of the most important thing is that you should not get pressured into buying a cat by the owner, they are just trying to sell it. If you find a cat that you like the look of use the below information to find out how healthy the cat is, stay around for 10 minutes and watch what it is doing and how it is behaving (kittens should be happy, playful and full of energy) and go home an think for a day or two, but keep in mind that the cat/kitten is not guaranteed to be there the next day. But remember that it is going to be your pet for 15 to 20 years so choose wisely.


There are a number of different ways you can purchase a cat/kitten, the most common ways being from your local pet shop, a cat breeder, private sale or from an animal shelter. The best choice in my opinion would be to buy from a breeder or a direct sale. Any of these two are good but when you buy of a breeder you know that the cats have been properly fed, they have had extra care and attention and this makes them more calm affectionate and less wild.

When you are considering to buy a certain cat/kitten always check the health. To check the health of a cat check the mouth for gum disease, tartar, loose teeth and decaying teeth, check the cats eyes for murkiness, bones should not be sharp or covered with fat, ears should be clean and free of infection, check underneath for lumps or pregnancy.

Buying A Cat

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cat Teeth Cleaning Tips

Most people are intimidated when they consider the thought of cleaning their feline's teeth. But fear not, this may be easier than you think. Basically, the subject falls into two categories: preventive maintenance/home care and veterinary dental cleaning.

cat carrier

Let's start with basic home dental care for your kitty. Cleaning cat teeth is best accomplished in prevention, and should be ideally started as a kitten. Even though a kitten's teeth do not need cleaning, you should begin by desensitizing your cat to having your fingers in his mouth by rubbing the gums along the top of his teeth. Do this every 1-2 days. Don't despair if you have an adult cat, they can be trained as well.


Doing the finger-in-the-mouth exercises will prepare your cat for the dental care that you can do at home. Basically, there are two schools of thought on this: prevention of plaque by altering the pH of the mouth with a zinc-based product, or actual tooth cleaning with brushing or rubbing the teeth.

First, let's talk about prevention: there are some great products available that actually change the pH in the mouth by using zinc, to keep plaque from forming. These products can be put directly into the cat's mouth on the gum line with an easy swipe of your finger or a cotton swab, or added to the cat's water bowl.

The second technique for cleaning cat teeth at home, is simply brushing them. At little research will uncover scores of cleaning kits that include wands, brushes or finger cots as well as feline approved toothpastes. A combination of these practices used at least 3 times per week will accomplish the best results, and can often thwart the need for a full dental at your veterinarian's office.

The following are some helpful hints to aid you in your dental routine: Make it a positive experience for your cat. Use a soft voice and praise every good behavior. Wrap your kitty in a towel, much like a cape is used in a beauty shop. This will keep unwanted paws and claws from interfering. Start slow, maybe with just one section of the mouth at each sitting. Depending on your cat's personality and tolerance level, it is better to do less with positive results, than more with disastrous results.

Ok, if all of the above is just too stressful to think about with your wild-child-kitty, then professional help is available. Most veterinarians that have surgery capabilities in their clinics are equipped for cleaning cat teeth. This generally includes scaling of the teeth and extractions. Prices on dentals will vary greatly depending on where you live and the severity of the cat's need for dental care.

If you chose veterinary dental care, expect your veterinarian to possibly do some preliminary blood work if you have an adult or senior cat. Whenever using anesthesia, it is often a good idea to check for problems that may be underlying such as an infection or heart anomalies. You will probably be asked to withhold food and water after midnight, the night before his cleaning. Most dentals are same-day outpatient procedures.

Just remember, the best way to succeed at cleaning cat teeth is to be consistent, positive, and rewarding to your cat. Remember to praise, praise, praise every positive step!

Cat Teeth Cleaning Tips

Steve Weber is an avid pet lover and has more information on his web site about cleaning cat teeth.


Common Genetic And Non-Genetic Cat Health Problems

If you are a new pet owner or are planning on getting a kitten, you should be aware that it is pretty normal for your kitty to fall ill every once in a while. However, cats are also prone to several genetic ailments and other serious diseases. As a cat owner, it would help you to know about some of these more common diseases. Though being cautious while getting a kitten can help you avoid a few genetic disorders, there are some cat health problems that you cannot prevent.

cat carrier

A majority of cats are vulnerable to worms. The presence of ringworms, hookworms, roundworms or tapeworms may make your cat suffer from stomach ache and vomiting. The presence of these worms may also cause discoloration of her coat and give her a bloated tummy. But you need not worry too much about these conditions as there are various medicines that can successfully cure such problems.


Cats love to groom themselves. However this frequent grooming can also result in hairball problems. While grooming themselves, cats often gulp hairs that remain undigested. Later, cats vomit these hairs out as hairballs.

Fleas too may bother your cats. These fleas would feed on the blood of your loving pet and too many fleas can also make it anemic. This uncomfortable situation may cause it to scratch itself more often, thus resulting in skin diseases. Keep a close watch on your pet and take her to a vet before the infestation gets serious.

Genetic cat health problems may include some kinds of kidney diseases, blindness and many others. Many Abyssinian cats are born with retinal dystrophy, progressive retinal atrophy and familial amyloidosis. Burmese cats are genetically more prone to diabetes, glaucoma and hypokalaemic myopathy. Gingivitis is another genetic condition that is present in many cats.

Despite their adorable appearance, even Persian cats have their share of genetic illnesses. The major genetic disorders that this breed suffers from include Chediak-Higashi syndrome, dystocia, progressive retinal atrophy and corneal sequestrum.

The list of cat health problems also includes feline leukemia. Unfortunately there is no permanent medication for this terminal illness and vomiting and weakness are some of its symptoms. Cats can also develop urinary tract infections and conjunctivitis. Injuries to the inner ear and ear mites can cause ear infection in cats. You should check the ears of your cat on a regular basis during her grooming sessions.

If your cat is falling ill, do not panic and remember to consult a vet or any reputable resource as soon as possible to prevent her condition from worsening. Good luck!

Common Genetic And Non-Genetic Cat Health Problems

Does your kitty have Feline Leukemia Symptoms or Cat Urinary Tract Infection? Visit our website today and discover solutions to your cat health problems. Remember to sign up for your free 7-part Healing Your Pets At Home mini-course absolutely free for a limited time only!


Cat Litter - Sorting Through Your Options

Cats are one of the best pets to have if the idea of housetraining an animal makes your nervous. They can be house pets, kept inside completely as long as you use a litter box. Once you have decided to get a cat then you will need to decide which cat littler is best for both your cat and your home. Most kittens have been taught by their mother on how to use a littler box, but you need to be sure to show your cat or kitten just where box is. You also need to be sure to keep the litter clean and make sure the cat like it, otherwise your pet may find another place to use as his or her rest room.

There are all sorts of cat litter to choose from, so it will help if you know a bit about the different types before making your choice.


Clay based litter is perhaps the cheapest available. It was also the first to be used commercially. The biggest disadvantage is that it needs to be cleaned and changed more often than others because clay not only absorbs all the liquid, but it absorbs the odors as well. This may not be a good choice if you have a cat that is prone to allergies as dust can be an issue is the cat scratches around in the litter.

Silica based litter uses water and sand as well as odor controlling crystals. You need to remove the solid waste where as the liquid waste is absorbed by the crystals or granules. This litter has no clumping action and it is also biodegradable. This litter will go back to its sandy type of base when it decomposes.

Clumping litter is perhaps the most popular type of used, as it works with the moisture in the cats waste. It clumps up when the waste is deposited onto it and then you can simply scoop out the cats waste without having to change the entire box each time. You can add new litter to the box to replace what you cleaned out. One of the problems with this type of litter is that if the cat eats it, it can cause problems since it works with moisture and clumps together. You can get clumping litters in a variety of scents to help hide the odor of the cat waste.

Paper litter is made from recycled paper or pellets and is becoming more and more popular. It is highly absorbent as well as being light weight and biodegradable.

Finally, wood cat litter that is made from wood is also biodegradable. It is generally made from recycled wood and pine seems to be the favorite since it has great natural odor absorbency. But almost all softwood litters are extremely absorbent and have natural odor control. This makes it since there is no need to add any chemicals making it a good natural product that can be used.

Once you decide what type of litter you'd like to use, you'll obviously need to consult with your cat. He'll let you know if he likes or dislikes it by whether or not he actually uses it. Some cats for instance, don't like anything silica based because the crystals may hurt their paws. Others won't use pine because they don't like the smell. The good thing about cats is they can easily let you know what they like and dislike without saying a word.

There is an ever increasing number of cat litter options available to pet owners. Before you pick one for you cat, it's good to know a few of the strengths and weaknesses of each type.

Cat Litter - Sorting Through Your Options

For more information on these litter types and others like flushable cat litter visit , a popular website designed to help take the mess out of owning a cat. You'll also find information the the different types of boxes available including the automatic cat litter box


Get Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post

For many proud cat owners, having a cat is wonderful. Being a cat owner is growing in popularity because it is often hard for someone to own a dog in an apartment. Most landlords are dead set against allowing a dog into their house for the fear of damage to the property. However, cats enjoy scratching and digging their claws into things. It is important, especially if you do not own your home, that you teach your cat to scratch in an you to appropriate area.

The best way for keep your furniture in good condition and free of claw marks from your cat is to provide a scratch post. This will give your furry friend a way to safely mark his or her territory and stretch, without damaging your belongings. Don't be misled into thinking a scratching post needs to be costly.


You can make a simple scratch post to match some of the more expensive ones in stores. The most important thing about a scratching post is the safety factor. If you are building a tower scratching post, obviously you want to be sure it can stand up to your cat pouncing on it and clawing at it.

Once you have built or bought the scratching post, you are gong to have to teach your furry friend how to use it. This might seem a little funny, especially if your cat already scratches at your furniture. To show him or her the appropriate place to claw, you will need to do a few things.

First, you will need to find a good location for the new scratch post to be put. Keep in mind, if you want the post to be used by your cat, it will need to be accessible at all times. If you have already established a favorite location for your cat to scratch, try to put the new post as close to this spot as possible. Close to a common sleeping area for the cat is ideal.

Next, you are gong to need to entice your cat to use the scratching post. To do this, you can rub catnip all over it. The scent will spark your fur balls curiosity. Soon after he or she shows interest, the scratching should begin. If your cat is not fond of catnip, you can put some other treats on top of the post and get the same outcome.

For the first week or so, every time you notice your cat is using the post, be sure to positively reinforce the behavior. Give him or her a treat, and verbally praise him or her. A quick stroke is also a great way for you to show your cat that the behavior is acceptable to you.

If you notice that your cat is still using your furniture as a scratching post, you will need to modify this behavior. One way to do this is to sharply and firmly say 'scratch' as you are redirecting your cat towards the acceptable scratching post. If this does not seem to work, you can use a spray bottle. Putting the bottle on mist, one squirt should do the trick. Your cat should take off running away from the unacceptable location. As soon as he or she goes back to your furniture, again squirt once and firmly say 'scratch' as you are pointing in the appropriate location.

Get Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post

Jasmine Tupniak

For more information on kitten and cat care, visit My Kitty Care Site []


Let's Discover a Lush, Tropical Savanna Forest in Sri Lanka

If you are a person who enjoys being in wilderness, observing the animals, looking at endless green, listening to the murmur of Mother Nature and feeling the cool breeze, I have good news for you. You are going to discover such a place, a unique eco system which will be a unique experience.

savannah cat for sale

You must be eager to know what this place is by now. Well, it is Nilgala forest national park of Sri Lanka that you are going to learn about. It is the most prominent Savanna forest in Sri Lanka. This, like other savannas, has typical herbs. These savannas catch wildfire every year. They have underbrush of grass and the trees that scatter here and there are all well adapted to be resistant to fire.


Nilgala is located in the Eastern and Uva provinces of Sri Lanka. The forest spreads over 26000 hectares and administered by both forest and wildlife conservation departments of Sri Lankan government.

You can reach the park by either going from Colombo to Kandy and then to Bibila, on Bibila-Inginiyagala road, or using Bibila- Batticoloa road.

You would not find any tracks except those used for conservation purposes or any camping or lodging facilities in the part that belongs to department of wildlife conservation, but the section belonging to Galoya national park has tracks and camp sites.

The west side part of the park has three jeep-tracks, a boat track from the dam of Senanayaka Samudraya basin, giving you a panoramic view , a traveler's lodge with a capacity for ten people, and three camp sites.

There are solitary rocks and mountains here and there, pools of water, valleys, and slopes in the park, but the main feature is the Savanna. Short and tall grass with scattered solitary trees is the typical feature of that.

Nilgala, Danigala, Yakunnahela, Hamanawa, Kahatatuwa, and Mahakadakanda are the main rock formation in the forest premise. Nilgala is the grandest of them all, and it has such a rich community of herbal plants.

Senanayaka Samudraya, a man made water reservoir of 19250 acres is on one side of the park. There are many mountain ranges surrounding the park which adds to the beauty of it.

The river Galoya flows through the park.

With the prominent Savanna, mixed dry and evergreen forest feature can be seen there too. The annual average rain pour is about 1700mm, which comes from north eastern monsoon and the average temperature is about 20 centigrade.

The plant community of the forest consists of grasses such as Kudukumberiya, Kukurumana, Pengirimana, Mana, and Iluk, as local folks call, and various hard-wood trees.

There are a significant number of wild elephants in Nilgala. Among other mammals, there are sambour, deer, wild buffalo, wild boar, fox, fishing cat, porcupine, pangolin, toddy cat, mongoose, leopard and sloth bear.

Nilgala is also famous for birds. Almost every Sri Lankan dry zone bird can be found there. There are local, endemic and migrating birds. Wet land bird species are present too.

No enough studies have been done about the amphibians that live there. Every Sri Lankan dry zone reptile has been reported in Nilgala. Pythons, crocodiles and some deadly poisonous snakes are also among them.

Nilgala is also known for its butterflies and bees too.

Does this sound fascinating? Trust me; the actual beauty of this wilderness is far beyond my expression. If you visit Nilgala forest national park once, you would want to go there again

Let's Discover a Lush, Tropical Savanna Forest in Sri Lanka

Would you like to discover the exquisite wildlife of Sri Lanka further?


Cat Trees - Make Your Own and Make Your Kitty Happier

Cats love to scratch. It's just part of their DNA and who they are. Your trick is giving them something to scratch other than your furniture. Luckily there is a whole world of cat trees out there for you to choose from. Cat trees are those carpet-covered posts that cats can't wait to sink their claws into. If you're creative and want a weekend project, you could even build one yourself.

Here is the list of things you will need:


- 2 Pieces of 2'x2' plywood

- 1 Piece 18" x 18" plywood

- 1 2"x4" that's 6' - 8' long

- 4 long nails

- 8 - 3 inch screws

- Wood Glue

- Fabric 2 pieces 1- 3' x 3', 1 2' x 2' to cover the base and perch.

- Roll of 3/8" sisal rope (or about 500')

Take two of the pieces of plywood (2'x2') and glue them together, making a heavier base. Set them aside to dry.

Cut the 2x4 in order to make two pieces the same size. This piece will be the scratching post portion of the cat trees, so you need to make sure it is long enough that your cat can fully stretch out to scratch. For most cats, 3' - 4' pieces will do.

Now, you are going to put these two pieces side by side (long flat sides touching), to make a long, squared center post. Use some wood glue to hold the pieces together then use an electronic screwdriver to drive the screws through the pieces. You should alternate the screws going in from one side then the other, with none of them within three inches of the top or bottom of the post. If you need to, for harder woods, you can drill a starter hole, but make sure it does not go all the way through both pieces of wood.

Take the single piece of plywood remaining, and center it on the 2x4 post. You need to drive two nails through the plywood, one into each of the 2x4's setting up the post for maximum strength.

It's time to attach fabric to the base and the top of the cat trees. Taking one piece of fabric, wrap it around the base pieces of plywood that have been glued together, pull the edges of the fabric around and staple them to the underside of the plywood. When you turn it over you should have a fabric-covered base. Repeat with the perch piece.

Now you need to put it all together. Put the perch and post face down, and center the base upside down on top of it. Essentially you should be seeing what the cat trees will look like flipped over. You need to drive two nails through the base and into the 2 x 4's to make one solid piece.

Turn it right side up and slather the post with wood glue. Starting at either the top of the bottom tightly wrap the whole post with the sisal rope.

Once it's dry, set it out for your cat's claw of approval.

Cat Trees - Make Your Own and Make Your Kitty Happier

As the owner of many online sites, author Jennifer Akre, shares her insight on how to make your pet's living space more comfortable with couture cat furniture, fabulous cat houses and stylish cat trees.


Own A Feline? Beware Of These 5 Common Cat Health Problems

If you are a cat owner, you may or may not be aware that felines suffer from health problems too. While some of these problems are easily preventable, there are others which are hereditary and hence cannot be prevented.

Still, it is good that you are aware of these 5 common cat health problems:


1. Cat viruses

You may not have heard of these but cat viruses do exist. Some common ones are Feline Infectious Peritonitis(FIP), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus(FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus(FLV).

FIP is a very serious disease that is related to Corona virus. There is no known treatment for Feline Infectious Peritonitis although there is a vaccine for FIP. However, many veterinarians and scientists say that it is not very effective. Fortunately, this disease is not as easy to catch as some other diseases.

FIV, or cat AIDs, does not spread to humans and is not always fatal either. So there is no fear of you or your family member catching it.

FLV - you can prevent it if the cat has not been exposed to the virus before being immunized. Although not always fatal, somehow cats with FLV don't live long.

2. The Hairball

What is the Hairball? This is a common cat health problem that comes about because from cats constantly groom themselves with their tongues and swallowing hairs! The swallowed hair can form into a ball instead of passing through the cat's body, thus giving you a hairball. If your cat starts coughing and hacking, she may have a hairball. How do you prevent you feline from suffering from hairballs problems? Groom her frequently to remove loose hair and feed her food that helps control hairballs.

3. Urinary Tract Infection

This infection is very common in un-neutered male cats but female cats can also develop it. If you notice your furry friend suddenly stopped using her litter box, she may have a urinary tract infection. If her urine smells strong, you definitely should suspect a urinary tract infection. Your vet can treat this type of infections.

4. Ticks

You should be mindful of your cat getting ticks if she spends lots of time outdoors. If she has been acting lethargic or moving slowly and acting as if she was in pain, look for ticks on her body. If you find some, ask your veterinarian to test her for Lyme Disease which is a disease that is transmitted to people and animals by ticks


Worms - Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms are the most common types that can infect the feline species. If your feline friend seems unable to put on weight or is infested with fleas or has white specks that look like grains of rice in his stools, you should take her to the vet to test for worms immediately. Don't worry, your vet can cure worms with a few doses of medication but you must remember that worms can prove fatal if left untreated.

Own A Feline? Beware Of These 5 Common Cat Health Problems

Note: You can get more info on cats breeds. Also, check out these resources: cat vitamins and cat pain relief products


The Friendliest Cat Breeds

Knowing what type of cat breed is the friendliest is important when you go to buy a cat. You don't want one that will be antisocial or perhaps bad with kids. You want one that will be loving and kind and the perfect pet. Let's take a look at some of the friendliest breeds.

The Somali cat loves attention. He is like a little child that wants to stay with you all the time. If you are looking for a pet that loves to be loved, then this is a great choice. The Somali will love sitting on your lap and sometimes even would rather spend time with you than eat. Somali cats also will usually remain playful throughout their life. Even when they get older and they are starting to slow down like most felines do.


Manx cats are also very friendly. They are very active. They love to play around and can usually move very quickly. They are also very strong. Manx cats also love to be around their owners.

Maine Coon cats are another friendly feline. They love to be active just like Manx cats. Maine coon cats love to hunt mice and so if you have a problem with mice, they are a great solution.

Persian cats are some of the most popular cats. They have a lot of hair and move in a way that makes them look majestic and like royalty. Persians are very loving too and are extremely loyal. They are great if you want a cat that doesn't move around very much and that is very calm. Persians tend to be very relaxed.

The Chantilly breed of cats is another great pick. They are very calm but not too calm. They are the perfect temperament. If you want one that is a little shy around strangers, Chantilly cats are great. They are also very loving and loyal to their owners.

Bermese cats are also wonderful, either the British or American breed. They are very loyal and loving to their owner. They are almost like dogs because they will sometimes play and retrieve things that you have thrown. They usually stay very playful throughout their life.

Abyssinian cats are some of the most friendly cats you can find. They actually like swimming and are very playful. They are also very loving and loyal, like many on this list. They, however, are usually loving and loyal to most people and not just their owners.

If you are thinking about buying a cat, check into the breed and the personalities of the breed first. You need to know what your cat might do or if it would actually be good around children or people. Some cats are very aggressive and don't do well around people. Especially if you are looking into getting a cat while you have children at home, you want the cat to be an indoor cat, or if you don't know much about cats at all, check into what the cat is really like so you don't end up with a cat that hates you.

The Friendliest Cat Breeds

Visit for more cat care advice, including how to solve litter box problems.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Freestyle Rap Techniques - How to Rap Off The Top in 3 Easy Steps

Freestyle rap can appear to be magic - an MC able to pull out hilarious punchlines seemingly at will to crush his opponent, win a crowd or just impress

savannah cat

their friends. However, once you understand the mechanics of freestyle rap, you'll start to recognize just how top notch freestyle rappers like Supernatural or


Juice are able to freestyle at such a high level. If you want to learn to freestyle rap, read on:

Simply put, the more words you know, the more words you'll have to work with, and the better your freestyle rap will be. Anyone can rhyme words like "bat, rat, cat and sat" but what about "impressive, suggestive and subjective?" Get yourself a regular dictionary and choose a few words that stand out to you. Then, write those words down and between three to five words that rhyme with (if you have trouble with this, you can always Google it, or consult a rhyming dictionary).

Once you have a list of new words and several other words that rhyme with them, try to write a simple rap using each group of words. Trust me, it doesn't have to be award winning stuff- the point is to write it down. By getting the words on paper, you are much more likely to remember them during a freestyle rap.

Now that you've written your rap, run through it until you have it memorized. Guess what? You know have a large number of words and phrases you can use in a freestyle. Am I suggesting you spit written material? No- but I do suggest using the rhymes themselves in a freestyle rap. Remember, it's the number of words you know, but the number of rhymes you memorize that make for a great freestyle rap.

The worst moments in a freestyle are when you start with an opening line and don't have anything to rhyme it with. Rather than focusing on your next lyric, you're wasting time trying to remember a rhyme. Save yourself the trouble and learn as many rhymes as possible.

Over time, these freestyle rap techniques will help you improve your skills as an MC.

Freestyle Rap Techniques - How to Rap Off The Top in 3 Easy Steps

Get Your Very Own Free 15 page learn to freestyle rap guide and start improving your raps today! "Yes! teach me how to rap!


Emery Cat Review

Emery Cat is yet another As Seen On TV product which has created a lot of buzz. My contention was that the sound effects in the commercial was what was making this product so popular, but when I finally figured out what it was for, the Emery Cat made a lot of sense to me.


As with most As Seen TV products, the beauty is in the fact that each product is designed to provide a simple solution to a simple problem. It's the "I could of thought of that" which keeps television viewers so intrigued. The Emery Cat certainly falls into this category. Any cat owner knows what I'm talking about. Cats continually scratch and claw at the furniture and their owners.


Nobody will argue that it isn't in a cat's nature to stretch and scratch their claws but there has to be a way to compel your cat to do their scratching in the appropriate places. Until now, cat owners dealt with the problem using scratching posts or even going as far as having their cat's claws removed. The later was not an option for me because I want my cats to come and go as they please and being clawless leaves them unable to defend themselves outside the home. Perhaps even a little more selfish is the fact that as long as I have "outdoor" cats, I don't have to clean a litter box.

I too have tried the scratching posts but to no avail. First, my two cats don't really seem interested in them. I've even got some of those multi-level cool ones but they never really took to them. In fact, there where several times I noticed my cats sniffing around the scratching post and then heading to the sofa to tear it up. So my posts usually end up in the guest room, where the cats never go anyway, and collect dust. They're not exactly elegant furnishings which match the decor of most living rooms. But, I suppose most cat owners give them a try.

So the Emery Cat became a very appealing idea, provided that it would work. The Emery Cat is nothing more than an arched scratching board infused with cat nip. Or at least it seemed so. The beauty of it is that the design and fabric of the scratching surface actually files down the cat's claws so ultimately if your cat takes a swipe at you, or your couch, their claws won't be as sharp and cause as much damage. This is unlike any scratching post I have seen before.

When I ordered Emery Cat I paid .99 plus .95 shipping and handling. I know what you're thinking, "That's a lot for shipping", but that seems to be the game in the As Seen on TV world. I just include the shipping in the price of the item and consider that I paid about .00 for my Emery Cat. That's not expensive compared to the scratching posts you see in pet stores.

So the Emery Cat scratching board arrived in just over two weeks and as soon as I opened it and layed it out for the cats they went nuts. It's obvious to me that they went after the cat nip, but anything that would train my adult cats to scratch in a specific place was fine with me. I knew the lure of cat nip would eventually fade, but my hope was that my cats would be fully accustomed to the Emery Cat by then. Neither of my cats cared much for the little fluffy toy which is attached to the scratching board. They just rolled around and scratched on the scratching surface, and did so quite a bit. I think the Emery Cat inspired them to stretch and scratch more than they would naturally but the product got their attention.

I do believe that my cats' claws have been manicured and remain dull compared to their condition prior to their new scratching post. My Emery Cat Review has to be a positive one because my cats seem to like it, I don't have to clip their claws which saves me money at the vet, and I haven't noticed any new damage to my furniture or door frames. However, I must be honest and say that I didn't buy any new furniture and never really measured the full extent of the damage before I bought my Emery Cat.

All I know is that my cats are using their new scratching board a lot more than they have ever used a normal scratching post in the past. I'm happy with my purchase with only one complaint. I have larger cats and feel that the product could be a bit more sturdy. I have seen an upgrade offer to a deluxe model and perhaps I should have bitten the bullet and gone with that, but I'm generally pleased so far.

Emery Cat Review

Read More about the Emery Cat or look for more As Seen On TV products online.


Cat Illness Symptoms - What is Important?

As your cat ages, they will inevitably develop some cat health issues. And understanding the signs that something may be wrong can be made easier by knowing your cat's personality and his habits. Any change in them can signal a health issue that may need the attention of a vet.

Obviously, if you are concerned about your cat, you should see your veterinarian promptly. By the time your cat actually shows a sign of illness, if could be fairly far along so we should educate ourselves as much as we can as we can't rely on vet visits totally due to the timing and the cost of each event.


Here are a few things to watch for:

A sick cat will usually not eat or drink as much or not at all. If your cat is losing weight or isn't eating like normal, it can be the sign of a an illness, infection or other health problem. Weight loss alone can be a serious health issue, even in the absence of any other issues. If your cat isn't eating as much but isn't losing weight, it could just be a sign that he's found better food elsewhere or may have a mouse or two hidden away somewhere.

When a cat doesn't feel good, he'll have a tendency to become less active. As with humans, rest helps conserve energy so the body can more effectively fight a health issue. In addition to lethargy, your cat may also be reluctant to jump on or off furniture or your lap.

Cats ordinarily keep their coat pristine. If the coat looks unkempt, has bald patches, lacks luster or your cat isn't grooming himself regularly, it can be a sign of illness.

The only true way to take your cat's temperature is rectally. It should be between 100.4 and 102.5 degrees. Unless you like to be scratched, you should always take your cat's temperature with the assistance of another person. If your cat's temperature is outside this range, you should call your vet immediately.

It's a good idea to check on your cat's feces now and then. Diarrhea is a sign that something is wrong, as is smelly urine or hard stool. Knowing what's normal and what's not will help you assess your cat's health regularly.

There are other cat illness symptoms, including itching, coughing, sneezing, anemia and physical changes to your cat's appearance. The main thing to remember is that if your cat just doesn't seem like his old self, he may not being feeling well. If your cat is still eating and drinking, you can wait a day or two to see if your cat starts feeling better. We all get sick now and them. If he doesn't, it's time to make a visit to the vet to see if something more serious is at hand.

Cat Illness Symptoms - What is Important?

To find out more about caring for your cat and reading those Cat Illness Symptoms [] then you should visit here now.



Sunday, November 27, 2011

Let's Play and Bond!

Playing with your cat or dog is essential. It is a good bonding experience for you and them. It is wonderful exercise for them. It keeps them in great shape. Especially if your pet is left at home all day or night. When they are by themselves with nothing to do they will just lie around and sleep. So they need to run and play to keep their muscles active. They would like to feel that you care about them since they were left alone for a long period of time. Many dogs play in different ways. Some play fetch, some play catch and some play tug of war. Whatever your dog's pleasure is - there is a toy for you.

Cats are a little different. They usually sleep when you are gone, not always, but usually, and want attention when you are home. Some cats play with mice, some with balls or chase some type of string or wire. Often cats can even be trained to fetch. Cats are very independent animals, so if you leave them a variety of toys to play with when you are gone they will amuse themselves.


There are a variety of toys for all your pets. Remember that it is important to play with them. They are like your children and want to play with you. If you don't do anything with them they may shut down and you will just have an animal that lies around and doesn't interact with anyone. The more you play with them and bond with them, the easier it is to train them. There are even toys for your small pets like your ferret or hamster.

My border collie is very much the fetcher. She can play for hours. If she wants to play and you are not paying attention to her then she will stand in front of you and bark at you, until you can't take no more. She is a very active dog who needs a lot of activities. We play, we herd and we do agility. She is happiest when she is doing something. If she gets too bored she can become destructive. Most dogs like to please their owners, so if you pay attention to them, then you will get reciprocal positive behavior in return from them. Always remember to keep your little furry friend happy and healthy, and then she will keep you happy too.

If you are looking for a dog toy or cat toy, check out

Let's Play and Bond!

My name is Rachel Dohran. Let me know what you think. I am always interested in any feed back.


Teacup Kittens - The World's Smallest Kitten

Not all cats advertised as miniature are teacup kittens. Be aware that the standard size female cat will weight about 11 to 14 pounds. The standard size male cat will weight about 12 to 17 pounds. A teacup size female cat will weight about 3 to 6.5 pounds and the teacup size male will weight about 3 to 7.5 pounds. This is a good rule-of-thumb to keep in mind when shopping for a teacup. Some unscrupulous breeders will try to sell you a cat under ten pounds as a teacup when that weight falls within the normal weight range for a standard cat. When shopping for a teacup do not be fooled by a breeder that will try to sell you a runt or tell you that any cat less than ten pounds is a miniature.

Teacup kittens come in a variety of breeds. These cats are bred to be small by inbreeding. The smallest cat of one breed is mated with the smallest cat of another breed progressively in each generation and with each mating a miniature or teacup cat is born. The result of this type of breeding results in dwarfism. There are two forms of dwarfism where teacups and other miniature animals are concerned and they are achondroplastic where the dominant gene will, through mutation, affect the hormones that control bone growth, and the primordial which occurs naturally. At this point let's cover the most common breeds of miniature (teacup) cats.


The most popular of the teacup kittens is the combination of Persian and Exotic. The MiniPer, a combination of Persians and Exotics was developed in California by Cher Simmitt. The MiniPers are primordial dwarves and their bodies are proportionate in every way except that they are smaller than the standard Persian and Exotic. The MiniPaws are a hybrid and carry the genes of both the achondroplastic and primordial dwarfism. They are small in proportion and have shortened legs thus, causing the legs to be somewhat deformed. They are a good example of the mutation of the dominant gene and its affect on the hormones that control bone growth. .

The Napoleon was developed intentionally by mating a Munchkin with a Persian. They have long coats and beautiful big eyes much like the Persian. The Napoleon is the newest of the teacup breeds.

The Lambkin was developed by cross breeding a Munchkin with a Selkirk Rex. They are called Lambkin because of their soft curly coats that resemble the coat of a lamb. Most of the miniature or teacup kittens are cross breeds of Persians and Exotics and are the most popular and sought after of all of the miniature breeds.

Many people want the teacups because they're cute and resemble kittens. They are easy to hold and carry and most of them are lap cats. However, be forewarned, they may be kittens when you buy them but like all other cats they grow up and lose their kittenish ways. They are after all, cats and cats do not stay kittens forever.

Teacup Kittens - The World's Smallest Kitten

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about teacup kittens, please visit Best Cat Scratch Posts for current articles and discussions.


When Can a Kitten Be Spayed?

The number of people getting their feline spayed is increasing everyday. It prevents pet overpopulation and also prevents unwanted animals from getting killed by euthanasia. Every year thousands of animals get killed because of the insufficient amount of homes. Responsible and caring owners of pets must spay their female pets.


The benefits of getting a kitten spayed are many; the kitten can lead a healthier and longer life, chance of the pet straying on the street to find a mate and getting injured in the process can be avoided. There is improvement in their behavior and they also become more responsive to human family members. Chances of mammary cancer, uterine infections common among unaltered cats also diminish.


In simple terms, spaying removes the ability of an animal to reproduce. Spaying is considered safe and painless. This surgery is performed under anesthesia. Normally, the animal is home within a couple of days.

A kitten should be spayed when it reaches the age of six months, before its first heat. This surgery involves removing the uterus and ovaries through an incision; the incision is later closed either by sutures or non-absorbable or sub-cuticular stitches. Another procedure performed on kittens is tubal ligation; this surgical procedure makes the kitten sterile and prevents heats and thus coming in contact with males. Tubal ligation is not extremely popular.

Spaying in kittens should be done before it reaches puberty. Six months is ideal for female kittens to get spayed. They recover quickly at this age and very few negative concerns have come to light.

There are some who feel that it is safest to allow the kitten to grow stronger and larger before performing the surgery. This allows the urinary tract to develop. If you have doubts, it is best to consult a veterinarian to determine the correct age for spaying. Unless the cat has some health problems, spaying is considered to be safe for a kitten of any age.

When Can a Kitten Be Spayed?

Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about when a kitten can be spayed [], please visit Spay and Neuter Site [] for current articles and discussions.


Top Ten Cat Food Myths and Misconceptions

Myth # 1: Dry food is better for my cat than wet food.

catwoman costume

False! While dry food does leave less residue on cats' teeth, thus creating less plaque buildup and tartar formation, dry food is far less natural for your cat than wet food, and the few dental benefits of dry food do NOT outweigh the health advantages of wet food... there is no contest!


Feral cats hunt mice, birds, and other small prey animals because they are obligate carnivores. When comparing water content, protein, fat, and other elements within the nutritional composition profiles of feline prey species to both dry and wet cat foods, wet foods are more analogous to cats' natural diet than dry foods are - by far!

Wet food is approximately 70% to 80% water content which is similar to the water content of prey species' bodies.

Cats who eat wet food consume 3 to 5 times the amount of water over the course of the day relative to cats who eat dry food.

Cats were originally desert creatures and inhabited areas where water was not freely available for consumption. This means two things: 1) cats are meant to hydrate themselves via their food intake, and 2) their kidneys developed the capacity to produce highly concentrated urine to conserve their body water in times when prey was scarce and water was unavailable. So when cats do not obtain water through their diets because their diet is composed mainly of dry food, their kidneys chronically conserve their body water by producing the highly concentrated urine they are capable of making. Their kidneys spend a lifetime working very hard in order to compensate for their decreased water intake when their diets are composed of dry matter; this water conservation mechanism was only meant to be used in temporary times of need - not as a long-term solution to be used for decades!

Why is water intake so important for cats? Because proper hydration, as obtained via wet diets, helps prevent many human-induced (via dry diets) lower urinary tract diseases and kidney problems.

Additionally, dry food often contains grain fillers (corn, wheat, potato, rice, soy, etc.) that are entirely inappropriate for obligate carnivores to be ingesting. Evolutionarily cats were not built to digest grains. And although there are now a few 'high quality' dry foods on the market that are not made with grains, the fact remains that dry food is still dense (97% dry matter), is hard on cats' GI tracts and still results in decreased water intake. Avoiding dry food and unnatural ingredients in your cats' diets (even the wet ones) helps prevent human-induced diseases (via diet) such as inflammatory bowel disease, eosinophilic enteritis, pancreatitis, triaditis, intestinal lymphoma, and many many more.

Myth #2: Animal by-products listed in the ingredients of cat foods means that the food is low quality and non-nutritious.

False! While most humans don't want animal by-products on their plates (by-products can include bone, skin, eyes, intestines, chicken feet, undeveloped eggs, etc.), they are still very nutritious body parts and in some cultures many by-products are even considered to be delicacies!

When cats hunt and eat their prey (eg. mice), they don't skin them, remove the muscle from the bones, and toss aside the viscera: they eat the entire mouse, rarely leaving any 'by-products' behind!

That said, kitties still need to eat muscle tissue along with the other bits and pieces that may be included in their suppers in order to get enough protein in their food, so a good quality cat diet should contain a significant amount of 'real meat' as well!

Myth #3: I don't need to regulate the amount of food my cat eats because, unlike dogs, cats can regulate their own food intake and will not overeat.

False! Many cats will indulge in overeating just like dogs and humans do. In fact, obesity is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem among North American cats, particularly for indoor cats who are fed dry food. Many cat owners allow their kitties to free feed on dry food, and the food bowls are just topped up with kibble every several days when they're looking a bit low.

Dry food is very calorie dense in comparison with wet food or a natural feline diet consisting of prey species, so the volume of food that is equal to an average cat's daily caloric requirements is relatively small.

This means that many cats do not feel satiated by the small volume of dry food that is equal to their daily caloric needs, and therefore they unwittingly consume excessive calories since they continue to eat more dry food in order to feel full.

Just a few of the reasons that obesity poses health risks to cats include the following: 1) obesity leads to diabetes (a disease that is now rampant in our domestic cat population), 2) early onset of severe arthritis, 3) increased risk of urinary tract problems, 4) increased risk of liver failure when obese cats become ill and stop eating, 5) decreased quality of life due to lethargy and low energy levels, and 6) decreased capacity to have thorough veterinary physical exams performed.

Additionally, unless the amount of food that is fed on a daily basis is quantified, it is very difficult to recognize when a cat stops eating if they are fed dry food. If the food dish is just topped up periodically, it may be a matter of days before their inappetence is noted, at which point illness may have progressed significantly.

Cats naturally eat ten to twenty small meals per day, so it is best to feed them as many small meals (of wet food!) as possible.

Myth #4: Cats only need to be fed once or twice per day.

False! Cats will naturally eat ten to twenty small meals per day, so it is best to feed them as many small meals as possible.

Logistically it can be somewhat difficult for working owners to provide this ideal number of feedings, but when possible, feedings should be done upon waking up, again in the morning before leaving for work, immediately upon returning home from work, and then once or twice more before going to bed.

Leaving a very very small amount of dry food or better yet, high quality freeze-dried meat treats, available in puzzle feeders while away from home during the day, and when in bed during the night, allows cats to enjoy small feedings at their leisure and will encourage natural foraging/hunting behaviors (and may help prevent your kitty from waking you up at 5 AM for their breakfast feeding!).

For practical reasons, wet food needs to be fed in small frequent meals because most cats won't eat wet food that has been out for longer than 30 minutes.

Once wet food has dried up from exposure at room temperature it loses its appeal to cats, and additionally, will grow bacteria, which means it won't be safe for cats to consume.

Wet food should not be left out for more than 15 to 30 minutes and if not immediately placed refrigerated once meal time is finished it should be thrown away.

Myth #5: My cat goes crazy over wet food, and wet food will make my cat fat.

False! While many people make the assumption that wet cat food is fattening, this is a gross misconception.

Intuitively it seems to make sense: wet food smells rich and enticing, many cats gobble their wet food with an enthusiasm they rarely display when presented dry food, and even the moistness of the wet food looks fattening! However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Canned food is approximately 70% to 80% water content, so while it may seem rich and delectable, it is actually very calorically dilute (literally!) in comparison to dry food. It's mostly made of water!

Dry cat food (kibble) is approximately 97% dry matter, and it is extremely calorie dense.

Kibble is similar in concept to a human meal-replacement bar; it's a compact little item that contains all of the nutrients and calories that are required but, who feels full after one little bar?! It would take four or five meal bars to actually feel physically full as though one had eaten an entire meal, and the very same problem exists with dry cat food.

Only a small volume of dry food provides the calories necessary to meet cats' daily caloric needs, but since most cats do not feel satiated by the tiny volume that equals their daily caloric needs, they eat larger volumes than they actually require in time, this leads to obesity which frequently results in diabetes over time.

Myth #6: My cat can eat the same type of food at all stages of life.

False! Kittens, adults, and geriatric cats all have slightly different nutritional requirements, and it is important that they be fed appropriate diets for their stage of life. Additionally, some cats may have particular diseases that may require specific diets to aid with their disease management.

Myth #7: Cats who eat dry food drink more water, so dry food is healthier than wet food.

False! While cats who eat dry food may appear to be ingesting more water (and they certainly do spend more time visibly drinking from their water dishes), in actuality they only consume one third to one fifth of the amount of water over the course of a day as cats who eat canned food do!

The reason that cats who eat canned food ingest so much more water than those eating dry food, is because canned food is anywhere from 70% to 80% water content (in comparison to dry food which is only 3% water content).

Despite the fact that cats on dry diets appear to drink large quantities of water from their water bowls, they actually do not compensate nearly to the point of actually equaling the amount of water that cats who eat wet food consume on a daily basis.

Cats were originally desert creatures and they evolved to have the capacity to concentrate their urine very highly.

Thus, cats who eat dry food only take in enough water to remain adequately hydrated while their kidneys work in overdrive day in and day out, producing highly concentrated urine to bridge the gap for them. In turn this chronically concentrated urine causes urinary crystals, bladder and kidney stones, kidney disease, idiopathic cystitis, urinary obstruction, and many more serious health problems.

Myth #8: Cat treats are not a significant source of calories so I give my kitty lots of them.

False! Depending on the type of cat treats that are being fed, they can be a dangerously high source of calories!

Over-treating your cat can be a contributing factor in the development of obesity, so it's a good idea to know the caloric content of the treats you feed your cat.

For example, Pounce treats are 10 kcal/treat; Temptations are 2 kcal/treat; and MediCal treats are 1 kcal/treat.

So if you give your cat 5 Pounce treats in one day, this is equal to 50 kcal.

Since the average adult cat needs approximately 200 to 250 kcal/day, 5 Pounce treats is actually about one quarter of an adult cat's daily caloric requirements! Which means that their meal portions for that day would need to be significantly reduced.

5 Temptations treats, on the other hand, are only equal to 10 kcal, and so are a relatively low calorie choice.

The bottom line is that you can feed your cat treats, but you need to include your cat's treat calories in their calorie count for the day.

Also, keep in mind that many cat treats are similar to dry food in that they can include many inappropriate ingredients for our little carnivores, including food coloring. For this reason, I tend to stick to freeze dried meat treats - they are much healthier and contain no added ingredients!

Myth #9: Organic cat foods and holistic cat foods tend to include veggies and fruits in them, which means that they are wholesome, higher quality, and more nutritious for my cat.

False! It is true that many organic and holistic cat foods contain veggies and fruits in their ingredient lists. But while the concept of organic cat food is a good one, the fruits and vegetables that are frequently included in these diets tend to actually detract from their overall healthiness and suitability.

Organic food is an important part of healthy living, but unfortunately many organic cat foods that are commercially available today include inappropriate ingredients in their make-up. Vegetables and fruits are included in cat diets purely for marketing purposes. This tactic is very effective because we humans - the consumers! - have the preconceived notion that these items are healthy and wholesome: which they are, but that's because we are omnivores!

Cats are obligate carnivores which means that their digestive tracts are built solely for the purpose of ingesting prey, and are not designed to digest herbivorous food. If cats were pushing their own shopping carts through pet store aisles, the food companies would not be marketing their feline diets with veggie and fruit ingredients, and nor would they be enhancing their diets' appearance with artificial food coloring!

Cats are primary protein users for energy, and the only veggie matter that would normally be ingested by cats would be the very minute amount present in the intestines of their prey, which is already digested. Blueberries, apples, carrots, etc., are simply not appropriate for the feline diet!

Myth #10: Making a home-cooked diet for my cat is easy. I will simply cook some meat for my cat, or perhaps find an online recipe for cat food.

False! Cats have very specific nutritional requirements, including essential amino acids that absolutely must be obtained dietetically.

Significant diseases can develop as a result of vitamin imbalances and amino acid deficiencies, and it is imperative that before switching your cat to a home-cooked diet or a raw diet that you consult with your veterinarian and obtain a balanced recipe and all of the appropriate supplements that must be included.

Top Ten Cat Food Myths and Misconceptions

To read more of Dr. Ko's articles, please visit

The information provided in this article is for educational reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice and care of your veterinarian, nor medical diagnoses or treatments. All questions regarding your cat's health should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Dr. Ko is a passionate believer in the importance of preventative medicine and educating cat owners about its benefits for their cats. It was this ideal which was the motivation for the creation of the Dr. Ko website. is a brand new site dedicated to providing cat owners with information to help them provide effective and preventative health care for their cats. Within the site, Dr. Ko, a licensed veterinarian, has created Know-How Videos, Cat Health Articles, Ask Dr. Ko tips (in which she answers your cat health questions), information on toxic substances, product recalls, dangerous household items and much more! In addition, the website houses a store filled with products specifically selected for their benefits to optimizing your cat's quality of life!

All of the topics that Dr. Ko writes about are provided by members of her website. To suggest an article topic for Dr. Ko, please visit and set up a membership - it's fast and free!


Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

Are you trying to figure out "why my cat bites me and lick me after that"? Don't worry, your little four legged friend is not biting you out of aggression. If so, you would have bled a long time ago! Your little precious knows just the right way to control his nip so that he will not hurt you.

cat carrier

This behavior is normal in a cat so don't worry that your cat bites you. If you find that your cat's nip is getting to be just a bit more painful (after all, a cat's fur serves as protection so he may at times misgauge) give him a wee tap on his cheek, gently draw the bitten area away from him and say a stern "no"! Your cat will soon get the message that the bite he gave you did hut you. He will either stop this behavior or go a little gentler with you the next time.


Do you want to know another reason "why my cat bites me"? Your cat is displaying that he loves you. In other words, he is giving you cat kisses. In the event that your cat was biting you as you were petting him and you saw that his tail was twitching, then perhaps he is over stimulated and is telling you in his own way to stop.

However, when you cat is purring, is cuddled up close to you, and lick and then bites or bites and then licks then it may just be your cat's way of showing affection, in other words, a cat kiss. A cat's skin is tougher than ours and lacks the nerve endings that are close to our skin's surface. They don't comprehend that we do not always appreciate this method of affection. However, another cat would. You will be able to judge what kind of mood your cat is in by his tail. If you cat is in a happy mood, then look for its tail tip to flick slightly. If your cat happens to be annoyed or angry, then his whole tail from the base out will begin to move.

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

Discover how you can end cat bite and have full control of your cat's behavior in our free cat training here!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Breathing Exercises That Work For Singers

Any vocalist worth their salt will appreciate the benefits of good breath control. Developing these skills improves a vocalist's ability to sing louder, softer, higher, lower, with controlled tone, with more power, hold notes or phrases for longer, with controlled dynamic and expression, as well as maximising the health of their vocal cords. All the fun stuff basically.Breath control is one of, if not, THE most fundamental technique to master for any vocalist. Whether you are an ultra beginner, or an experienced vocalist, you need to have a work out for your breathing muscles regularly to improve. Good breath control comes from 'fitness' of the muscles, which needs to be regularly exercised to be maintained.

savannah cat for sale

So, if it is so great, why don't we all practice our breathing all the time? Or why are the exercises we are doing not working? These are questions I have often asked, in relation to myself as well as my students. These are some possible answers:-


It is boring It's hard work Some students become frustrated with slow progress Practicing incorrectly can develop bad habits Students find it difficult to find time within a busy lifestyle Students may find it difficult to chart progress on their own and therefore lose motivation to do it Some students don't know what to do or how to work their breathing muscles without a tutor Many students lack the privacy or space to practice Some students often find it more embarrassing than practicing other musical skills like playing scales on a piano for example Some students may not fully appreciate the benefit to singing Some students find it difficult to apply breathing techniques to singing songs The habit of many singing students is to practice songs, not singing techniques.

I find these reasons can largely be split into three categories:- (i) not knowing how to do it (ii) not being motivated to do it (iii) practical problems like not having time or space to do it Any one of these reasons will impact on developing breath control, and limit progress in this area. So how do we overcome all these obstacles to developing fabulous breathing technique? My view is that a different approach must be taken for each type of obstacle.

Type (I) not knowing how to do it. If you are not sure how to breathe correctly or how to practice your technique, the most effective method is to have some personal vocal coaching. If you are already having tuition, ask your tutor to recap this for you, and give you specific instructions of what to practice. Try this exercise to access diaphragmatic breathing. Lie on the floor with your knees up, and feet flat on the floor. Maintain the natural curve of your spine, so do not squash the small of your back into the floor. In this position, take a couple of relaxed slow deep breaths. Inhale and exhale fully each time. Now place a book on your lower abdomen. As you inhale you should see the book rise, and as you exhale it will lower. This is diaphragmatic breathing. If the book is not going up when you inhale, you are only filling the top part of your lungs when you breathe. Concentrate on moving the book up as you inhale. Once you have got the hang of this, try to repeat this motion in a standing position, and control you inhale by breathing in for four counts then out for four counts. Develop your control by increasing the number of counts. Make sure you maintain complete focus throughout to ensure your breathing muscles are moving correctly.

How can we tackle the second type of obstacle - not being motivated to do it? If you are reading this article, I will assume that you have at least some motivation to improve. But like many other things in life, motivation ebbs and flows, so how can we remain motivated when things start to slip? What breathing exercises work when our motivation is low? As well as focusing on the multitude of benefits of good breathing, I find that charting progress is a great motivator. Keep a practice diary or rehearsal schedule, and record your development of technique. An example progress log is given at the end of this article. One exercise is to breathe into the diaphragm and hiss on the exhale. Count in your head or ask someone else to count for you to see how many seconds you can sustain the hiss. Write the number down in your progress log. Do this once a week. When you are feeling unmotivated to practice breathing technique, look back to the beginning of your log and see the difference in the number. Secondly, try a different tactic. Group classes such as Pilates, Chi Kung, and Breathing Therapy For Singers can be a revitalising change of pace to re-motivate and refocus your attention to the breath. Thirdly, listen to your idols. Think about all the reasons why you wanted to be a singer. This might be enough to get stuck in to that diaphragm work-out.

So what about the last category of obstacles - not having time or space to practice? Finding adequate rehearsal time and space is becoming a common theme amongst my students, due to the increasingly demanding lifestyle so many of us lead. There is no substitute for finding regular dedicated practice time, but if this is just not possible, or there are periods when this is limited, vocalists need to find exercises they can fit into their everyday routine. As improving breathing technique is mostly developing muscle memory and fitness, singers will see more progress through a couple of minutes focused practice every day, rather than irregular longer sessions with days or weeks between them. Little and often. If you're really squeezed for time, try these 'everyday' exercises scattered throughout your daily routine.

Breathe in Bed - when you wake or just before you sleep, lie on your back and repeat the floor exercise described above. Inhale into the diaphragm for four counts, pause briefly, and exhale for 4 counts, and pause. Ensure that you breathe all the way out before you inhale again. You should feel comfortable and relaxed throughout. Repeat, adding a number with each repetition. Do three or four seamless repetitions each day. Work up to inhaling and exhaling ten counts with complete control and no light-headedness. This will take approximately 2minutes, and is a lovely way to quiet a busy brain before bed time.

'Shhh' in the shower - inhale fully into the diaphragm. With complete focus on the breathing muscles, exhale to 'shh' contracting the lower abdominal muscles and diaphragm until you are out of air. Repeat this two or three times every day.

Trill at the traffic lights - if you commute or spend any about of time in the car, you may fit in trilling at the traffic lights. Do not do this until you can do both the above exercises without feeling light-headed or dizzy, and make sure you are parked before you begin. Breathe into the diaphragm and as you release the exhale, 'trill' - this can also be described as rolling your tongue or purring like a cat. Sustain the trill as long as you can. If you lose the trill partway through your exhalation, you need to re-engage the breathing muscles to increase support. Repeat once or twice. Keep an eye on the lights.

Consider what stops you from developing your breathing technique and keep seeking ways to overcome those barriers, as to quote Debbie Connolly - 'Queen of Harmony' champion of a Capella singing - "the breathing exercises that work are the ones that you do".

Breathing Exercises That Work For Singers

To download you free Progress Log for Breathing Technique, please visit

Questions? Please contact me

Dielle Lodrick
Director of Igloo Music UK
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