Friday, September 30, 2011

How To Take Better Kitten Pictures

I compare my kitten with my kids and the love for my kids is equal to the love I have for my kitten, and that is why I make time to take my kitten pictures as my kittens grown into a lovely adult cat.

When anyone visits my home, they notice how well groomed my kitten is, and how well treated, and they also notice the collection of pictures I have of my kitten, I place my kitten pictures all over my home.


Well, this article isn't about me or my kitten, it's about taking better kitten pictures, and here are 5 tips for doing just that:

1. Always try to avoid sudden movements

If you wish to take better kitten pictures, then you should learn not to make any sudden movements and always use better quality high speed film, and use a digital camera with no shutter sound.

2. Lower your camera angle to the height of your kitten

Any kitten picture you wish to take, should be at an angle that is equal to the height of your kitten. This is for much better pictures and also some very cute facial expression that your kitten shows once they start staring down the lens.

3. Always make sure your kitten is well fed

This tip is the most important of all, it is very difficult to take kitten pictures of a hungry kitten, they won't stand still long enough for you to be able to get one shot. That is why it is so important to make sure that the kitten has just been fed, before you try to take any picture of your kitten. Wait at least 15 minutes after the you just fed your kitten. It is also very wise to study your kitten movements, that way you will be sure when you kitten naps, and what time is best to start taking your kitten picture.

4. Always have a couple of their favorite treats on hand

A tip I leant online, was to always have a couple of your kitten favorite treats with you, that way you will give them a treat anytime they start to get rowdy.

5. Try to keep thing simple

The best kitten pictures I have taken was when they least expected it. I try to keep things simple and never ever try to take too many pictures at a time. The kitten will become frustrated and walks away,and it is very difficult after that to get your kitten to stand still for any more pictures.

Now you that you have discovered a couple of my simple trick for taking better kitten pictures, you can visit my website and post those kitten pictures online, so the world can see the love we have for our cats.

How To Take Better Kitten Pictures

Alexander Marlin, has a web site that host kitten pictures from around the globe. Just drop by and post your kitten pictures or cat pictures, it's all free.


5 Triggers That Could Be Making Your Allergies Worse

To keep your immune system from over reacting, you will first need to figure out just what is causing it to go into overdrive. Here are five immune system stressors that may be contributing to the release of histamines in your body.

savannah cat for sale

Your diet: Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is one of the first steps to take during allergy season. If you eat foods that are high inflammatory foods, your seasonal allergies can be worse especially if you're already sensitive to a particular food. For me that would be sugar, and that can be a big problem, because I love my sweets. There are two types of foods that can cause an inflammatory reaction that will exhaust your immune system. The first type are the foods you can't digest well; ones you may not even know you have a problem with. The most common food allergies are wheat, milk, eggs, and peanuts. When your body is sensitive to a certain food it puts your immune system into a fight mode so that when seasonal allergies come along it over reacts because it's still in that heightened state from trying to fight off the food allergies. This will cause your allergies to spiral out of control. If you follow a diet that minimizes inflammation in your body and creates little or no stress on your immune system, then your body won't react so violently to external allergies. The second type of inflammation causing foods affect everyone and you don't have to have food sensitivities, and these include saturated fats, processed foods, and heavily refined carbohydrates.


Daniel Monti, MD, director of the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia and author of "The Great Life Makeover", says to cut out all of these products, especially during allergy season, and instead eat lots of fruits, veggies, and whole (gluten-free) grains. So how can you tell if there are underlying food allergies that are making your seasonal allergies worse? Eliminate one food at a time that you think is causing the problem, let's say for a week or so. Then, on the eighth day, bring that food back into your diet and watch for things like increased mucus, asthma-like symptoms, skin rashes, gas, bloating, heartburn, headaches, fatigue, or mood changes. If you see any of these symptoms, or you just don't feel as well as you did when you were off of that food, eliminate that food from your diet. Keep repeating this process with any other foods you think is causing your problem. You won't see immediate results once you've eliminated a food from your diet, and two to four weeks may pass before you do notice any relief. Also, if you are allergic to the food, you may be able to add it back into your diet once allergy season is over.

Stress: Research has linked overwhelming stress from work, family, money problems, and just the stress of life in general, to numerous chronic health problems and diseases. But, they have also discovered that stress can make your allergies worse, because the hormones and other chemicals released during long periods of stress, causes damage that triggers the immune response. Your body uses nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamins, to keep your bodys' defenses up against stress. But, when stress becomes a constant thing, the body will need more nutrients to keep it going. The more stress we have, the more likely we are to make very poor food choices and not get the sleep we need. When you look at all these factors, it's no wonder our immune systems are off balance! Getting regular exercise, enough sleep, and practicing mind-body techniques like yoga and meditation, will help you to manage the stress you face every day. Taking a daily multivitamin and eating five to nine servings or more of fruits and veggies a day will also help your immune system to build up the supply of nutrients it needs to fight stress.

Your home: Just like you, there are many of the things that trigger your allergies that consider your home a sanctuary. There are an unbelievable 52% of US households that have at least six detectable allergens, all of which can find their way into your body, this is stated in a report from the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Some of those allergens that can be detected include animal dander, dust mites, mold, scented candles, cleaning products, and cigarette smoke. I rather imagine these allergens don't spark much of a histamine reaction in a healthy immune system, but if your immune system is hypersensitive, like it is when you have an autoimmune disease, they'll set off a number of alarming symptoms. Luckily, you can eliminate those possible reactions by doing a few simple things. The first thing you can do is to use a saline nasal rinse once a day, maybe twice if you're have a rough day. A saline nasal rinse will flush out any allergens in your nasal passages. You can purchase a nasal rinse in any drugstore or you can make your own by adding a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda to a quart of boiling water. Let the solution cool to body temperature before you put it in a neti pot to flush your nose. If the rinse burns, then you should add more baking soda. There are four other common household irritants that can compromise your immune system.

Dust Mites: The key to controlling this little microscopic creatures is to give them fewer places to live. If it is possible, you might want to consider replacing your carpet with hardwood and you also might want to think about limiting upholstered items and fabric hangings like wall tapestries or drapes. To kill dust mites you will want to enclose your pillows, mattresses, and box springs in allergen proof covers, wash bed sheets, mattress pads, and blankets in 130 degree water every week. I also put all my pillows, bed and throw, in the dryer for about 45 minutes, once a week, the heat is what kills them. Now here's a trick I didn't know about, if you have stuffed animals, and who doesn't, every six weeks you will need to wash them in hot water or you can stick them in plastic bags and freeze them overnight to kill off the mites.
Animals: Pets are one of the largest contributors to household allergens, including proteins found in their dander, dead skin flakes, urine, and saliva. Cats are actually worse than dogs because their dander is lighter and it clings to everything, which makes it more likely to breath in and cause your immune system to "attack" it. The thing about your pets dander is that it can linger a lot longer, so by swapping your carpet for hardwood, keeping your pets off upholstered furniture, and investing in a HEPA air filter, which reduces dander in the air and can make a difference
Mold: One of the best ways to reduce mold in your house is to keep the temperature around 68 degrees and the relative humidity about 35 percent; you can pick up a humidity gauge to monitor this. Mold tends to grow in potting soil, especially if it's too moist, keep all indoor plants on the dry side and ban plants from the bedroom, where you spend up to a third of your time. You might want to place a dehumidifier in damp basements or crawl spaces during the summer, which can improve overall air quality throughout the entire house. Now for the last of the household allergens that can send your immune system into overdrive.
Airborne chemicals. Try using natural cleaning products or better yet make your own. Here are some of the homemade products I use: for my furniture I mix 1/4 c. of vinegar to 3/4 c. oil (olive, vegetable, or lemon), for a general cleaner I will sprinkle plain baking soda on the surface and use a wet sponge or cloth to clean, after cleaning, rinse out your sponge or cloth and wipe the surface until all baking soda residue is gone. I use this on my tubs and sinks as well instead of soft scrub. For my windows I mix 1/2 c. rubbing alcohol with 1 c. of vinegar in a spray bottle and then I fill the bottle with water until it's full. You will also want to avoid synthetic fragrances in scented candles, detergents, and deodorant; and if you smoke or live with smokers, this would be a good time for everyone to stop.

Antibiotics: You use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections like strep throat, urinary tract infections, and some sinus infections, antibiotics succeed when it comes to fighting bacteria, but they can wreck havoc on the good bacteria that live in your intestines. Did you know that 70% of your immune system is stimulated by the good bacteria in your intestine? If you have taken antibiotics any time for anything there is probably a good chance that your immune system is imbalances. Taking a probiotic daily will help in countering any loss of healthy flora, but be sure that you find a brand with self-stable lactobacillus, while you're on antibiotics and for at least three months after you finish your prescription. There is research that supports this regiment: A study published in Clinical and Experimental Allergy found that people with grass pollen allergies who took probiotics experienced fewer allergy symptoms than those who didn't. You might even want to consider taking a probiotic year round for your overall gut health, especially if you're middle-aged or older.

The outdoors: I don't know anyone who has seasonal allergies, who spends much time outside during the allergy season. There are many different types of pollen that are the obvious offenders but there are also other irritants like pollution and diesel fumes, that can act like a chronic irritant on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and the body has to work harder to eliminate them. To deal with these outdoor irritants, reach for your saline nasal rinse. Here's something to think about if you are wanting to get out of the house during the seasonal allergy time. Most plants pollinate in the morning, which is why the pollen count is higher during the first part of the day. So the best time to do that gardening, running errands or exercising would be in the afternoon. But better yet, a good time to go out is right after a storm. After all, I'm sure that many of you have been told that rain cleans the air and not only that but the pollen count is almost zero. While you can't expect it to rain every day to wash away the pollen, the next sure way to get your seasonal allergies under control is to tend to your immune system. Strengthen it with good healthy food and plenty of sleep, but the most important thing is to give it a rest. If your immune system isn't always rushing around trying to keep you healthy, there is a good chance it won't care about a little nose full of pollen and mold spores.

I know from experience just what it's like to have allergies and a compromised immune system. I had never had allergy problems until I was in Austin, Texas and got what they call cedar fever, another words I was allergic to the cedar pollen. I became so sick that I was taken to the hospital because I had stopped breathing because I was so congested. Anyway, after I got over that I ended up having allergic reactions to everything that pollinates, trees, flowers, bushes. I also found out that my fibromyalgia will trigger sinus infections and what feels like an allergic reaction to something. Because I have four autoimmune diseases my immune system is in a constant state of alert and rarely gets a break. It takes me several months to get over an allergy attack where it would take someone with a normal immune system a couple of weeks.

I hope you find this information helpful.

5 Triggers That Could Be Making Your Allergies Worse

Angela Carter is owner of Coastal Health Information Services in Savannah, GA. Visit her website at or her blog at

You should read as much as you can about your condition.


Plastic Feeding Bowl Can Make Your Cat Sick

What do you use as a feeding bowl for your cat? A normal feeding bowl from the pet shop? Or some cheap container you were going to discard? How important did you think were food bowls and water bowls to your cat? Apparently, many people feel that cats can eat and drink out of anything, and though it may be true, a domesticated cat may have a different view compared to a stray.

cat tower

Bowls you use for your cat's water and food should at least be acceptable to your cat, or otherwise, it would not want to eat or drink there. The bowls you use should not scratch easily as bacteria can be stuck in the gashes caused by the scratches and make your cat sick after feeding. Cheap feeding bowls usually scratch easily, so find your pet cat something of more quality.


Instead of plastic, which may scratch or crack, invest in a stainless steel or high impact plastic feeding bowl. You can even match these bowls to your home interior, and these feeding bowls usually come in various shapes, colors, and sizes, to you and your cat's preferences. Don't limit yourself to pet shops; shop online or at specialization stores which allow you to custom make products. If you are less picky and prefer plain products, a common stainless steel dish will suit your cats' needs.

As aforementioned, avoid plastic dishes by all means. They scratch easily, and attract bacteria that can spread diseases to your pets. Not only that, the scratches can even hurt your pet while it feed in the bowl, causing sores or lesions on its face. Therefore, if you notice that your cat is getting frequent cuts on its lips or face, and even chin, look out for a better feeding bowl.

The most basic aspect of feeding bowls that is usually neglected: clean dishes. Old food stuck in feeding dishes can attract bacteria as well, and of course as a responsible pet owner you would never allow your cat to eat bad, rotten food, would you? Keep your cat's bowl clean and your cat will not reject its food, and will eat according to time. As cats have a keen sense of smell, it will sometimes avoid the feeding bowl and will not eat if the bowl is unclean. See below for more information on Siamese Cats.

Plastic Feeding Bowl Can Make Your Cat Sick

For more information on Cat Feeding Bowl or visit, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sussex County Delaware Beach Area Towns and Villages are Unique and Historic!

This in an area of much history...

savannah cat

I love Sussex County Delaware. I am native born, multigenerational and proud to be one of those who, as they say; "are from here".


The earliest records of our family show we were here well before the Mayflower arrived in 1620; some our ancestors were here in the early 1500's or before; when the only records here were all the family Bibles that each family kept.

In this area, we were populated by those escaping religious persecution in Europe. This heritage has much to do with the names and character of our area. Many local ancestors fled Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man, when Henry IV dethroned Richard II and the subsequent political and religious purge sent religious zealots to places out of the reach and care of England. I've learned that many were foragers only and did not farm or hunt, only fished, from directions they read in the Bible.

Some of these folks evolved into local farmers, plain woodsmen, wild plant pickers and eaters, herbalists, tanners, soap makers, hunters, and under all they were missionaries in the areas of what are now Lewes, Milton, Angola, Long Neck, Broadkill, Nassau, Cool Spring, Whitesville, Quakertown and Red Mill Pond.

These folks worshipped only God, the Christ, and read only the most original scriptures or were as they say just PLAIN... This was all deadly illegal under the British rule, except as licensed by the King. Others were burned, hung, drawn, quartered, drowned slowly and otherwise tortured to death publicly and imprisoned in terrible conditions meanwhile.

I was raised at what is now Eagle Crest Aerodrome, on what was early known as the White Farms, near Milton. I started school at Milton school then went to Lewes School and graduated 1967 from Lewes School. Since then I've lived in several areas of what we locals sometimes call "Saltwater Sussex" and what I used to call The Henlopen Quadrant; that is the locations within 25 miles of Cape Henlopen.

The Whites, Taylors, McIntires, Potters, Fishers, Maulls, Brittinghams, etc. were of my mother's family and were or descended from the earliest teachers and missionaries here that I know of. Many of these early settlers established mills and mill ponds where (perhaps) America's first manufacturing industry, that of grinding oak bark and developing it into tannin was done. This damming of the creeks to make mill power, caused our first swellings of little creeks and springs into what became larger mill ponds. Red Mill Pond was such an early example, as was Milton Pond, Millsboro Pond, and several smaller ones such as Beaver Dam Pond, and Saw Mill Pond, etc. As the mills were abandoned and dams burst, many of these ponds receded and disappeared.

These "plain people" as they were often known, to themselves, were just plain and not bound to any king, or religion, except God and the Bible in it's original languages and in early German. I recall some hand written Bibles, in ink and pen, Bibles in our family home at what is now Eagle Crest Road and Route One.

Route 1 by the way was the first road in what is now America and connected all the original settlements, although it was first useful only on foot, later by mule and horse. Much later by wagon. There were many fords and later bridges as road one, traversing this land from south to north, crossed the many creeks, streams and rivers that fed from the land to the Delaware Bay.

Cape Henlopen is the anchor point of Salt Water Sussex County, where the Delaware Bay meets and flows into the Atlantic Ocean at Lewes. When you stand at Cape Henlopen Point, you can see the razor line of color change where the dark waters of the Bay meet the blue waters of the ocean in a diagonal line extending from the beach out into the sea. This darkness of the waters is caused by the nutrient rich, therefore muddy, waters that seep out of the great marsh which borders almost all of Delaware.

This Great Marsh is, even today, one of the most ecologically rich and diverse lands in the world; were thousands of native plants and numerous animals live. Here they have no native predators to speak of. A most wonderful book about this Marsh is Progger: A Life on the Marsh, by Tony Florio. Only in the last few years have predators plied these lands, feral dogs and cats loosed from the tourists, visitors and new townspeople into our great marsh, no longer household pets, these thousands of wild cats and dogs, bring a deadly new addition to the lands.

We have, here in Saltwater Sussex, a conspicuous absence of poisonous snakes. The early Plain People were unique in that they learned to live here year 'round, (although the American Indians did not) especially in and along this fertile great marsh. These Plain People gave this land and any others who came here their full admiration, acceptance and friendliness. They loved and were loved by the natives who browsed, hunted and fished here. This character caused them to be known as kind, strong, courageous and resourceful -- and thus they gained the trust and admiration of these natives.

Because of the relatively large number of missionary settlers here, and the prosperity they created by ingeniously trading goods they made and services to the native peoples - along with the good will that was enjoyed among all... there was much peace between the native hunters and fishers with these Plain folks.

This region was found to be of great importance to the Dutch and English. The plain folks tended to stay well away from each other as a show of privacy and independence. They did not ordinarily join the dangerous, politically combative and disease ridden towns for generations after these towns were established here - as the area colonized. In fact there were many of the Colonial towns that died out or were burned out by the natives - because of the unhealthy conditions and attitudes that prevailed. The Plain Folk recorded the facts. Thus we have numerous histories of places where everyone was killed or died and these histories were written by the local Plain Folk.

Lewes: This region was hotly contested by the Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English. The first officially recorded settlement here at the beach, was established by Dutch patroons, or proprietors, in partnership with the Dutch navigator David Pietersen de Vries; it was called Swanendael and was established (1631) on the site of the town of Lewes. However, within a year it was destroyed by a Native American attack. This attack notwithstanding, the Native Americans were generally friendly and willing to trade with the newcomers. And, notably the native people, who seldom lived here but hunted and fished here during the non mosquito seasons, got along well with the Plain People and not the settlers.

The Dutch West India Company, organized in 1623, was more interested in trade on the South River, as the Delaware was called at that time, than in settlement (the North River was the Hudson, in the Dutch colony of New Netherland). Several Dutchmen, interested in settling the area, put their services at the disposal of Sweden and colonized the area for that country. The best known of these was Peter Minuit, who had been governor of New Amsterdam (later New York). In 1637-38 Minuit directed the colonizing expedition for the Swedes that organized New Sweden . Fort Christina was founded in 1638 on the site of Wilmington and was named in honor of the queen of Sweden. The colony grew with the arrival of Swedish, Finnish, and Dutch settlers.

The waters of the Delaware Bay are tributary and watershed runoff from the Great Marsh and all the little streams, creeks, rivers and wetlands of eastern Delaware and New Jersey as well as the effluent of the Delaware River flowing down from Pennsylvania and New York. Thus the darker waters of the Delaware Bay are that way as a result the particles and filtered organic matter from the Great Marsh and wetland areas. These darker waters then flow generally south along the Rehoboth, Dewey, area beaches until the clear waters of the Indian River and Bay pushing out the Indian River Inlet force the darker waters away from the coast and out to sea. Thus the ocean water on the beaches south of Indian River Inlet tends to be far clearer than that north of the inlet.

Lewes is known as the First Town in the First State, because of this Dutch settlement, even though it didn't survive. Lewes was the first town settled in Delaware and Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution of The United States - hence the title we proudly proclaim for Lewes -- First Town in the First State. Lewes was first settled by the Dutch and Swedes. There are numerous books on the history of Lewes in the local book stores, perhaps as many as two dozen different historical and entertaining books on this fair town. Each has a different version of history to some extent. shows over a hundred.

Lewes has become one of the most historically sensitive and aware towns in the area. Some people still call Lewes by another older name Lewes Towne. Some of our visitors have nicknamed it Williamsburg North with a bit of a wink and a smile to go with their love. We have a wonderful little downtown along Second Street, Pilottown road, Market Street, Savannah Road and King's Highway. There are numerous specialty shops, restaurants and even the famous King's Ice Cream shop on 2nd St. to entice our numerous walkers. Lewes is, more than any other town in our region, a great place to walk all over town as you discover the little nooks, shops, businesses and trades that are usually in historically attractive buildings. In is not unusual to see hundreds of people walking the streets in Lewes, even in the off season. In the summer season, spring and fall, it is customary to see thousands of people and families slowly walking and looking at our old homes, businesses, museums and scenic views.

The Lewes Harbor is a wonderfully scenic deep water port, the only one in eastern Sussex County. There are sailboats and larger boats moored along the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal from the Roosevelt Inlet at the north end of Lewes down to the Canal Bridge where Kings Highway and Savannah Road combine to cross the drawbridge and connect historic Lewes to Lewes Beach.

Lewes Harbor as taken from The Lighthouse Restaurant.

Lewes Beach is more recently developed than the town of Lewes. The homes of Lewes Beach have seldom been there longer than 50 years and many of the older, smaller fixer-upper homes are being removed and larger modern homes built on the lots there. The lands of Lewes Beach, all of the lots, are owned by the town of Lewes. Residents, property owners and businesses get a 99 year lease which is renewable. This lease was originally supposed to be only for the growing of rabbits but, without changing the terms or law, is now used to support many lovely beach homes. The modest lease fee is paid to the town of Lewes annually. The lots in Lewes do "sell", actually the leases are transferred to the new land tenants at the same price as land would be deeded.

Cape Henlopen State Park includes most of the bay front and ocean front land and beaches around Lewes. There are some communities; Pilot Point, Cape Shores, Port Lewes, and the Delaware River and Bay Pilots Association along the Bay. The Cape Henlopen State Park was once Fort Miles the Army base. Fort Miles was set up between World War I and World War II to protect the Delaware Bay shipping traffic from the German submarines. Now the thousands of acres of beach, dunes, wetlands and woods that stretch between Lewes and Rehoboth are all part of the park and the military buildings have other beachy uses.

William Penn was a much loved European and politically active adherant of plain folks that remained under the yoke of England, while hiding their distaste for the religions of the Kings and meeting secretly. Penn was convicted of various political crimes and exiled over here were it was supposed other like minded plain folks already resided in horrid and deadly and uncivilized residency with the Indians. This land of Penn's exile, named Penn's woods or Pennsylvania was in deference to his social and political popularity. In 1682 a duke transferred the Lewes claim to Penn, who wanted to secure a navigable water route from his new colony of Pennsylvania to the ocean. The three counties of Delaware thus became the Three Lower Counties (or Territories, as Penn called them) of Pennsylvania. The individual counties were called New Castle, Kent (formerly St. Jones), and Sussex (formerly Hoornkill, also known as Whorekill, and Deale). The English proprietors of Maryland contested Penn's claim to Delaware, and the boundary dispute was not fully settled until 1750.

The inhabitants of the Delaware counties were at first unwilling to be joined to the “radical” and very political Quaker colony of Pennsylvania or to have their affairs settled in Philadelphia. They finally accepted the Penn charter of 1701 after provisions were added giving the Three Lower Counties the right to a separate assembly, which first met in 1704. Delaware maintained quasi-autonomy until the American Revolution. The two colonies maintained strong ties, however, and two of Delaware's leading statesmen during the Revolution—Thomas McKean and John Dickinson—were also prominent in Pennsylvania affairs.

Rehoboth is the next historic town south of Lewes. Rehoboth Beach is known as the Nation's Summer Capital; because so many of the power elite of Washington D.C. vacation and visit here. Rehoboth Beach; The Nation's Summer Capital has another name as well - Weekend Washington, a name popular in particular with the college crowd from George Washington University in downtown D.C. The traffic flow from Washington D.C. is so heavy that it is not unusual for people to spend 4 to 8 hours each Friday or Saturday driving the 100 miles from the city to our beach. Rehoboth was originally settled as a result of it being a place for Christian Camp Revivals where preachers and parishioners would come to renew vows to God and to bath in the waters of the sea for baptisms and spiritual and physical health renewal. They did not come during the mosquito seasons for many years and when they did start coming more in the summer would wear head to toe coverings for reasons of modesty and protection from the flies, gnats, and fog like swarms of mosquitoes.

We are a focal point for D.C. area college students to come for beach and fun. As these students age many join the highest ranks of government and it's myriad consultants; and they still come to the beach here in Rehoboth, Dewey and Bethany. The universities of Washington D.C. are noted for being the power training bases for this nation's and the world's social and ruling elite. The Georgetown University Department of Government, in cooperation with the School for Summer and Continuing Education, offers undergraduate students a unique opportunity to spend an exciting semester as an intern in the nation's capital, while living and studying on the campus of one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States. Students gain valuable practical work experience necessary to be competitive in today's job market, while enriching their academic resume with undergraduate credits from Georgetown University. G.U. is known for its tough standards, especially at the Law school and the Medical school. This pressure is continued for the summer sessions as well. These students will become some of the finest and most famous Doctors and Lawyers in America. Almost 100% of these G.U. students exit the downtown campus on Friday after lunch and drive straight to Rehoboth and Dewey Beach. The party starts when they start the car, or in most cases the Jeep or SUV.

George Washington University sprawls throughout downtown D.C. along Pennsylvania Avenue and over toward the Watergate. G.W. or G.W.U. either one is correct, is noted as the place where the future leaders of our country are educated and interned. The school is running over with students whose parents rule and work on "The Hill", Capital Hill in D.C. G.W. students are often some of the first to escape the city and speed toward the Beach, especially Dewey Beach.

As the student guide for prestigious American University in DC says: there are many resort areas along the coast, such as Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, Rehoboth Beach, known locally as the "nation's summer capital" because of its popularity among Washington, D.C. residents. The summers are hot and humid in Delaware and the beach is the major recreation area. American University is famed for educating the future leaders of the world. Many of the students are expected to help rule their particular countries after graduation. For this reason among others, the sitting President of The United States gives the Commencement address at A.U. each June - no other school in the world can make that claim.

A.U. is a huge sprawling campus that meanders all over the D.C. area. These thousands of well connected students From G.W.U., G.U., A.U., and other DC area schools, are particularly expected to lead their individual countries, including ours, or if they are not quite that well connected they are expected to intern and then work as executives in one of the Embassies, the European Union, the International Chamber of Commerce, World Court, International Monetary Fund, Organization of American States, Peace Corps, World Bank, World Health Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, World Trade Organization, or the United Nations. So when you see some "kid" at the beach in Rehoboth or Dewey - pay attention, it is just possible that these "kids" may be ruling and running countries and making international headlines in a few years.

Dewey Beach is noted for it's motto's "It's A Dewey Thing", "Just Dewey It", "Live IS a Beach", "Dewey - A Way of Life" and more. Dewey Beach is the primary party spot for well financed singles with fit bodies. Dewey is the Happy Hunting Ground for the high pressured professionals of the DC area. Many have pseudonyms that are used in Dewey to protect their other place identities. Some of these Dewey People start living the summers in a Dewey House in college and never stop. There are Group Houses now where most of the participants, the partiers are in their 40s and 50s and act like they are still in their 20s - and always will. There are over two dozen party houses in Dewey on the Web alone. This represents several hundred singles that spend most of their disposable income in Dewey - and that can be substantial.

Dewey Beach is known around the world for the famous Rusty Rudder Restaurant and Ruddertowne. There is also the famous or more properly infamous Starboard, the rowdy Bottle and Cork, The Waterfront, and The Lighthouse. The customary Dewey lifestyle is to party all night, get up and run early then go to the beach and sleep off the night before while tanning. Then perhaps a little volley ball, some more running and then checking out the other "hard bodies" for someone to hook-up with for the nights partying and on it goes. The "Professionals" are able to keep this up for the Hundred Days during college and then after employment, usually in DC, they try to keep up the same average action on just the weekends and recuperate during the week. There is a famous quote, no longer legal to put in rental ads for beach houses, "4 bedrooms - sleeps 50" and the tenants try to stretch even that occupancy. Beds are often used for sleeping anyway, except by accident. Do you have an idea of what "A Dewey Way of Life" might be?

Bethany Beach is just a few miles down The Ocean Highway or The Coastal Highway or Route One or Delaware Sea Shore Highway or whatever name they change it to next week. The ride from Dewey Beach is a pleasant and beautiful one of only a few miles but the two towns are universes apart in difference. Bethany Beach is "The Quiet Place", "The Family Resort", and "The Quiet Resort" and is a town with little going on, outside of the homes. There is very little commercialism and lots of just staying at home or in some cases going to the beach or the boardwalk. Bethany Beach and South Bethany, Delaware are nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the inland bays. Bethany Beach and South Bethany Beach are situated on the Atlantic Ocean just south of Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach, Delaware, and north of Fenwick Island, Delaware and Ocean City, Maryland. Each of these little beach towns is a world different from each other one.

Fenwick Island is the southern-most town in the state of Delaware and is nestled between the ocean and the bay. Fenwick Island was incorporated in 1953 and is also locally referred to as "The Quiet Resort." This little town has maintained its own unique quality, charm and small-town atmosphere. The pristine beaches and bays offer a myriad of recreational opportunities to please even the most discerning vacationer. Activities can range from boating, sailing, water skiing, fishing to biking. The ocean water is the clearest and cleanest in the state. The Fenwick beaches are the most spacious and least used and the primary activity outside of staying home is just lying on the beach for that perfect tan. Come see how relaxing Fenwick Island can be for you and your family. Outdoor activities are backed up with friendly home-town services. Family operated motels and restaurants provide the ultimate in comfort.

Let's NOT forget some of the lesser known beaches of Southern Delaware - those hidden little places that not even the locals know much about. These are all along the Delaware Bay, north of Lewes. They are in order: Broadkill Beach and some call it the old name Broadkiln Beach; next to the north are Prime Hook Beach, Slaughter Beach and then Bowers Beach. These little beaches, each one with a unique personality of its own have no commercial establishments to amount to anything, no boardwalks and very little rental property market. The homes are mostly very modest older homes but that is changing fast.

Broadkill Beach, where I had an office for several years, was originally just squatters who did not own the land but had little "cottages" there, usually made of spare pieces of lumber and stuff picked up in the personal junk piles of the farmers who spent time there. Broadkill Beach still has some incredibly unique and sometimes ugly homes scattered among the beautiful modern showcases. Gradually the older homes are being removed by the new owners and larger and usually spectacular homes put in their place. Prices in Broadkill are less than half of those in Lewes, sometimes far less than half! There are no lifeguards, no beach cleaning, no town hall, no police, no mayor or government of any kind and few restrictions. This is a great fishing community. There are thousands of prehistoric Horse Shoe Crabs that mate and die on the beaches each summer but the locals consider that keeps the citified
people away and they like that.

Prime Hook Beach or Primehook beach depending on which map you use is far less expensive than Broadkill. There are far fewer modern homes there but the trend has started. Little by little the older, sometimes rough homes at Primehook are being refurbished. The waterfront homes at Primehook were always far larger and nicer than those at Broadkill. Many of them are not being removed, but are one by one, being restored.

Broadkill and Primehook as well as Slaughter Beach are all surrounded by huge barriers of wetlands behind them and between them. Fishermen can surf fish in the bay but mostly it is just the view from these beaches that the residents enjoy and the lost in time lack of modern restrictions and commercialism. Slaughter Beach does have its own volunteer fire department which serves as the social focus of the town. But mostly there are just good neighbors and a laid back life available at these old beaches. If you want something else, you'll have to drive a half hour or so to one of the small towns inland to find it.

Bowers Beach is a strange and wonderful world out of place. For one thing you can't get from south Bowers to north Bowers by car or foot - only by boat, unless you go many miles inland and back. The channel is only a hundred feet wide that divides the town but the two sides of town are remote from each other - except for the residents who just hop on a dingy and slip across. Bowers, on a busy day, in the height of the summer season
might see six or seven tourists in a day - but not usually that many.

Each beach as you travel north up the bay has lower prices, less swimming enjoyment, less fishing as a rule and less government and restrictions. Each has its lovers and most people will have a love or hate response to any given one of the beaches. I love them all, each in a different way and will gladly help you find your utopian dream location. Just let us know when you are ready to choose!

Copyright 2002-2005 by

Article is found at []

Sussex County Delaware Beach Area Towns and Villages are Unique and Historic!

Jody Hudson is a realtor in southern Delaware with several web sites and numerous contributions on the Web.  Googgle him!


Best Dog Food to Feed Our Dogs

The question of what to feed our dogs is as old as the domesticated dog itself. Although there is much debate of how and when domestication happened, scientists can agree it was somewhere between 17,000 and 100,000 years ago. The earliest found skull points to 17,000 years ago, but DNA findings, are now leading experts to revisit this and feel it is more likely 100,000 years ago. Earliest skulls have been found in Asia, Ukraine, Russia, and Belgium. But Asia is thought to be the birthplace of the oldest domesticated dog, being a descendant from wolves, as all domesticated dogs are.

When wolves came around to the early hunter and gatherers camps, most would stay a good distance away as they smelled man's dinner. But a few were curious enough to enter the camp, and friendly enough to be greeted by man. These friendly wolves were kept as companions by their new human pack leaders. The tame wolves accepted their new human family as they found it was easier to be fed than to hunt. Many "friendly wolf generations" later, man started farming, and saw the need for a herding companion/working assistant. The farmers selectively bred the wolves to be herding and guardian dogs. Dogs were now on the scene and now had a new diet, the human diet.


Early mans diet consisted mostly of meat and some grains and vegetation. It was more suitable and nutritious for man being an omnivore. But since there were no commercial dog food stores, dogs ate the scraps from their human family's meal. But what about today's domesticated dogs? What is the best dog food to feed our pets? There is a reason I reference the origin of the domesticated dog being the wolf. We sometimes need a reminder that our best friend on all fours needs a very similar dog food diet to its ancient ancestors.

We bred down the temperament, size, and appearance of our domesticated dog, but its nutritional needs have not really changed. Meat should be the main portion of our dog's diet, then fats, and then carbs (note- very little carbs, if any, are needed for the average dog especially in the form of grains). Dogs need glucose but they make glucose from the protein and fats they eat by a process called gluconeogenesis. So carbohydrates are not needed in the diet of the canine.

Your best bet is to try to mimic the raw diet that the canines for thousands of years ate. Raw feeding is best but we typically do not have the time to prepare it, the money to buy it, or the stomach to handle watching our dogs eat it. Wet food, or canned food, is more nutritious (but much more expensive), because it has more meat, more protein, less fillers, and less grains. Not all canned food is alike; make sure it is a HIGH QUALITY, trusted brand. Your next best choice of dog food is to use a dry kibble formula that uses all natural ingredients, and NO CORN, SOY, or WHEAT. These ingredients cause food allergies which cause symptoms of hair loss, hot spots, itching, excessive tearing, excessive shedding, and ear infections.

Brands I like are EVO by Innova because it is a dry formula that is closest to the raw diet, Wellness Core, because it is a grain free, very high protein natural formula, and Mulligans Stew because it is a dry formula that uses a very low heat baking process maintaining the antioxidants and vitamins in the food. Baking food at high temperatures like brands such as Purina, Iams, Beneful, and Nutro and most all manufacturers destroys the anti-oxidants and lowers the vitamins and enzymes. The higher priced dog food companies often offer dog food coupons, ask your local pet store if any are available at the time you purchase your food or go to their web sites and print them out. Either way the difference in cost is about 25 cents per feeding, well worth it if you consider the pros and cons of feeding your best friend healthy dog food.

Best Dog Food to Feed Our Dogs

This article was written by Seann Sackett for


The Life Expectancy of Cats

Of course none of us wants to face the reality of our beloved cat's mortality and contrary to folklore our feline friends do not have the legendary nine lives attributed to them. So how long will your lovable fur-ball live for?

The average age is between 10-16 years, with a few maybe reaching 20 or beyond. One exception was a cat named "Puss" who was said to have lived to 36! The particular breed of the animal may influence its final age, Siamese reputed to be one of the longest living varieties.


In recent times, advances in the control and treating of infectious diseases in felines, coupled with a greater understanding of nutritional requirements, has lead to an increased lifespan.

It seems a curious fact that cats are considered to be geriatrics between 10-13 years; in later life many cats benefit from specially designed diets to combat ailments (especially chronic kidney failure) thus extending their life expectancies by a bit. Cancer, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and an inflamed bowel are other conditions that a responsible owner should be on the lookout for.

For tomcats, neutering them may increase their lifespan as fewer territorial fights will keep them in better shape for longer. Spaying a queen (female cat) appears to have a lesser effect on how long they live.

If you consider that one cat year is roughly equal to about seven human years, then a 10-16 year lifespan is quite respectable really; look after your special friend well over a lifetime and you may have a healthy, thriving puss well into its vintage years.

Improving the quality and length of your beloved pet's life is quite possible if you pay attention to a healthy diet, sensible exercise regime and have regular check-ups at the Veterinarian. Protect your cat from unnecessary dangers, fighting and other types of cat-related violence and who knows, they may even outlive you!

Nine lives? Maybe not, but one long, happy life is definitely possible.

The Life Expectancy of Cats

For more great cat articles, please visit:


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Exotic and Rare Pets - Wonderful World of Nature

Pets whether exotic and rare, or the common and domesticated ones you get to see every now and then are second companions to man.

When you get to consider the affinity man (both sexes implied) has always displayed with regards to Pets in general, you can not help it at all but wonder in amazement how this world and human civilization would have been without them.


Pets are an integral part of man's day to day living from prehistoric times to the present day.

Everybody loves pets (in the sense that it implies both the young and the old, boys and girls, men and women, civilians, military, para-military, high and low, the rich and the pauper, etc).

It is then not surprising to discover that pets abound all around- in the slums and the ghettos, in boulevards and palaces, state houses, circuses, zoos, sporting arena, villages and rural areas, cities and urban centers the world over.

As a starter, a list of pets considered to be exotic and rare is presented below.

While some Pets may be regarded as both exotic and rare, some others included in this list might only be exotic and not rare while some others may be considered rare and not exotic.

EXOTIC AND RARE PETS (a list featuring a mixture of birds and animals):

1. Tigers
2. Cheetahs
3. Cougar
4. Lion
5. Zebra
6. Peacock
7. Giraffe
8. Octopus
9. Orangutan
10. Crocodile
11. Turtle
12. Snake
13. Owl
14. Hyena
15. Antelope
16. Bear
17. Leopard
18. Eagle
19. Ostrich
20. Dolphin
21. Iguana
22. Rhinoceros
23. Bull
24. Elephant
25. Cameleon
26. Parrots
27. Camel

to mention just a few.

Majority of these pets are normally kept in Zoos and/or Game reserves while some others have found their way into private parks, royal palaces/ gardens.

Circuses the world over feature quite a lot of these pets showcasing them performing great feats to the wonder and admiration of circus enthusiasts comprising of men and women, children, the young and the aged (the ever young at heart).

There is much to learn and enjoy with regards to Pets (birds and animals) considered exotic and rare seeing many are only found in the wild.

Exotic and Rare Pets - Wonderful World of Nature

For additional information and resources, visit


How Long Are Cats Pregnant - Symptoms of a Pregnant Cat!

Unless you're breeding your cat your not very likely to know she's pregnant. By the time you can tell she's pregnant your cat will be well advanced in the gestation period. The mother doesn't begin to show signs of her pregnancy until two weeks before delivery time. Here are some common signs and symptoms you should see if your cat is pregnant, also helps in knowing how long are cats pregnant for:

cat condo

* Nipples will begin to enlarge and become more soft and pink.
* Showing obvious signs of weight gain mostly in the mid section.
* As she nearer to birth time she'll be eating more.
* Signs of being more affectionate.
* She begins building herself a nest to have her kittens.


How long are cats pregnant? The normal development (gestation) is between 58 to 65 days or about 9 weeks. The usual number of kittens that are born can be between 1 to as many as 8 in the litter. The norm (average) number of kittens is 3 to 5. If you want a more accurate count as to the number of kittens, a veterinarian can give you a very accurate count by examining the abdomen. They can also perform a ultrasound to verify the actual number of kittens.

Healthy cats don't need a lot of special care during pregnancy. They can carry on being cats in most of their common activities. Outdoor cats should be kept indoors for the length of the pregnancy. You should discourage ruff playing activities with other pets or Adults and children. The pregnant queen should not be allowed from these activities during her pregnancy. Do not poke the cat's belly to feel for the kittens if pregnancy is suspected, as this could cause her to miscarriage.

How Long Are Cats Pregnant - Symptoms of a Pregnant Cat!

Are you ready for the birth of your kittens? Don't put your cat and kittens at risk! Discover the secrets that veterinarians and cat breeders use, to keep their pregnant cat safe and healthy, AND raise happy, healthy kittens! Take a look at my Web site: Cat Pregnant Tips! You don't have to do this alone!


Finding Out the Sex of Your Kitten

At birth kittens are nothing but cuddly scraps of fur. Regardless if it's a boy or girl, they are so cute. Later on, the gender of the kitten might be important for you to know.

Realize that some kittens are just too young to be sexed. A kitten's genitalia are teeny, tiny at birth. Until a kitten is over two weeks old, the gender will be indeterminable. Sometimes veterinarians and breeders with lots of experience have been known to make mistakes. It is best to hold off a few weeks before trying to find out the gender of a kitten.


Figure out the sex of your kitten. Once the kitty reaches several weeks of age, it ought to be more possible to determine its gender. Keep punctuation marks in mind when you are figuring out the gender of a kitten (sounds weird huh? - but from experience, I know that it works). If you want a description about the genitals of male kittens, I can say that they look like a colon or dots one above the other. The first one (at the top) is the anus and the one below that is the penis. There is a small space left between those two holes that will later hold the testicles which have yet to form. (On a male kitten you may find two small bumps in the genital area which are his testicles just beginning to grow). If you gently squeeze the urinary opening you can verify that the kitten is a boy.  If a tiny penis comes out, that is an indication that it's a male.

Be aware of the characteristics of female kittens. We need to think about punctuation marks again - but now like an up-turned exclamation mark! The dot would be the anus and the longer mark or slit would be the vagina.  Once you have sexed a few different kittens, you will be able to recognize that the opening on the female is a lot closer to the anus than for the male. It almost looks as though the vaginal opening is attached or just below the anus when the kitten is a female.

It is safe to neuter kittens as young as 6-weeks-old. However, they must remain along with their moms for a minimum of 8 or even 12 weeks. Kittens need time to get used to new locations and people in their lives. If they don't get this it can be detrimental to its overall survival. The kitten should stay with you for at least two months before being adopted out. In addition, having a longer stay gives a couple months to figure out if your kitten is a boy or girl.

Finding Out the Sex of Your Kitten

Tiffany Provost writes about kitten development and other pets and animal tips [] for


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Four Common Causes of Hair Loss in Cats

There are many potential causes of hair loss in cats. Some conditions are minor and easy to deal with, while others can be a bit more serious. Let's take a look at some of the main reasons why your cat's fur could be falling out.



If your cat spends a lot of time outside, then he will easily be exposed to fleas. One of the more common reasons why cats start losing their hair is because they're allergic to flea bites. Also, it doesn't take many of these parasites to cause a problem, as some cats develop an intense reaction to just one bite. This condition can be treated using effective flea control, antihistamines, and steroids.


Another parasite that can cause hair loss in cats is the mite. Mange is a condition that can be brought on by various species of mites. An infestation of these parasites will cause intense itching that prompts your cat to lick and chew himself excessively. This eventually causes the hair to fall out. Mites can be dealt with by using medicated shampoos. Cats with longer hair will also need to get it trimmed closely.


Ringworm is caused by a fungus that can also affect dogs and humans. If it affects your cat, it will cause hair to fall out especially around the ears, paws, and face. Your cat will also develop dry, flaky skin in the affected areas. Ringworm can be treated using either topical or oral medications.

Medical Conditions

There are a range of medical conditions that can cause hair loss in cats. These disorders usually affect the thyroid or adrenal gland. Addison's and Cushing's disease are two conditions that affect the adrenal gland. The former is characterized by increased adrenal activity, while the other results from decreased in activity from the adrenal gland.

Two other disorders that can cause feline hair loss are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Like their names suggest, they are brought on by problems with the thyroid gland. These hormone imbalances are common reasons why cats start to lose their hair.

Four Common Causes of Hair Loss in Cats

These are some of the most common causes of hair loss in cats. Now that you know this, you should learn about other conditions that can affect your feline like feline kidney failure. provides a wealth of information on a wide range of diseases. So, stop by today to learn about some of them such as the feline leukemia virus.


Cat Beds - How to Choose The Right One

Cats love comfort. How do you get comfortable when it's time to sleep? You jump in your bed, right? So, why is it your feline friend doesn't have a bed of its own. Cats sleep the majority of the day so they really need a comfortable place to rest their head and body. The other benefit of cat beds is that cats like security. They like to have their own space where they know they are safe and will be left undisturbed. That's exactly what cat beds offer them.

Before you select just any bed for your cat, you may need to do a little observation of your pet. Not all cats will like all bed styles. Is your cat a ground cat or a climber? Some cats are perfectly comfortable kicking back on the ground floor. For them, a floor bed may do the trick. Other cats, meanwhile, feel more safe and comfortable if they are off he ground and can look down at the world. For these cats, you should look for one of a variety of perching cat beds. If you have dogs or small children in the house, you may want to stick with the higher beds to give the cat somewhere it won't regularly be annoyed.


Next, make sure the bed fits the cat. Cats come in varying sizes, and so do cat beds. If you have a large tabby, make sure you hunt for a larger bed instead of making him feel scrunched up to fit. He likely will just skip the bed altogether and look for something that is a little more comfortable, like your bed or furniture. Likewise, cats like to feel like they're in a hiding spot, so you don't want to give them a bed that is so large they get lost in it.

You need cat beds that are washable. Cats shed. They get sick. You don't want your cat to keep sleeping in a bed with germs, dirt and grime in it. They may get sick again. If you select a cat bed that is completely washable, or at least has a washable cover, you can toss it in the machine and offer your pet a clean space to rest. If you notice your cat is no longer sleeping in its bed, it may be because it needs a cleaning. Cats are clean animals and like their space to be as well.

Once you bring cat beds home, put them near the other cat toys. Your cat will appreciate the convenience. With cat beds near their scratching posts, food and water bowls and liter box, they will understand this whole area is their personal space.

One final note: If you have more than one cat, don't expect them to all share one cat bed, even if it' a big one. Cats like to have their own territory. If you are making them share that space, you are going against their instinct and you will end up with one cat using the cat bed and the others finding somewhere else to sleep.

Cat Beds - How to Choose The Right One

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of different online niche stores that specialize in providing online consumers with not only useful and eye-catching products, but valuable information as well on how to nicely decorate and furnish your space, whether it be in your home or out on your deck or patio. There are many tips that are helpful for creating a space that others will envy and that will be comfortable for your pet. Here she offers buying advice when purchasing lavish cat furniture, sturdy cat houses, and grand cat trees.


Are You Kitty Whipped? Or, Just Been Whipped by a Kitty?

A kitty whipping can be defined as your cat's conversion of you into a their personal slave. It doesn't take long to become kitty whipped and, in most cases, you don't even realize that it is happening to you. Just one day you noticed that you're available at your cat's every beckoning call and you can't help but serve them.

How a Kitty Whipping Occurs


Sure, that kittens adorable and, yes, they have a certain way with your heart, as they are these defenseless balls of fur and all. Or, so we think. So, how do we fall under this spell of theirs? Well, each kitten has its own way, it's own little spell that it casts. Some might tempt you with a sweet little meow and a paw to the face. Others might just curl up in your lap and fall asleep. Either way, they're casting the "I'm a cute little kitty" spell on you and it's not long until you've become a victim.

Now, it doesn't stop here. Have you ever been cooking dinner and a little kitty starts to climb your leg? Well, that's one of the many clues that tells you they want up on the counter to see what's going on. Pretty much, wherever you go and whatever you do, your kitty is there and telling you in his or her own way exactly what they want you to do.

Don't even think about a quick little pet and turning back to what you were doing. No, that only means they will climb your leg and get their way because there's no way you can handle the pain of sharp little claws on your legs without just lifting them up.

The next step in the kitty whipping is when you feel little beady eyes staring you down no matter what you're doing or where you are. You turn around and there they are, sitting there and just blankly staring at you. You fall asleep and get the feeling of being stared at so you open your eyes and there they are, sitting there and staring you down.

Kitty Manipulation

These first few stages of getting whipped by a kitty is just the beginning. As they get older, they continue to put spells on you. For instance, you might be getting a snack and feel a little kitty caressing your legs and whipping his tail around you.

Then you turn around and your little kitty is rolling around on the floor just begging for a belly scratch. There are so many little moves your kitty will put on you and no matter how you slice it, it all boils down to kitty whipping and human enslavement.

It's hard to confess that you've been kitty whipped, but one thing is for sure, if you sleep in an extra hour because you're kitty curled up next to you and started purring or if you find yourself making a tuna sandwich and dishing some tuna for your kitty as well, you're definitely kitty whipped.

Are You Kitty Whipped? Or, Just Been Whipped by a Kitty?

Spotlight Your Kitty
Visit the author's website,, to put your precious puss in the spotlight. Let the world see how cute your kitty is by putting your cat pictures in the spotlight. Learn more by visiting


Monday, September 26, 2011

Four Common Cat Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

These four common cat symptoms could signal an emergency, or at least require a consultation with your vet. While your cat may experience some of these symptoms and not have a significant problem, it is best to be cautious.

The fact is, cats are fairly self-sufficient, and they may recover from a mild illness even before you know they're sick. It's easy then, to overlook or ignore something that we are sure our cat will recover from. It's equally possible, however, that one or more of these cat symptoms could indicate that your cat may have a serious illness or underlying condition as the cause. Pay close attention to your cat's behavior, and if you see any of the following possible symptoms, take action right away.


Diarrhea -- Diarrhea can be a sign of a more serious problem than just plain indigestion. It also causes dehydration, so do not let this go on for long without contacting your vet. Vomiting -- Vomiting is quite familiar to cats and cat owners. Hairballs are probably the most common cause of vomiting, and are usually of little concern.. But cats get into all manner of things, so it's not too surprising they have a habit of giving some of those things back. They may also have allergic reactions to plants and other items that can cause digestive distress. It might just be a hairball, but be alert to the possibility of a more severe problem if your cat is persistently vomiting. Poisons, intestinal disturbances, or serious illness could be the reason. Excessive vomiting can lead to dehydration, which is a serious condition that may require intravenous fluids, and can result in death. Lethargy -- While cat's do need lots of sleep, they shouldn't appear sluggish. Most cats will not sleep continuously in one spot for an extended period. Lethargy is a sure sign of some kind of trouble. Since cats sleep so much, it may be hard to detect if they are sluggish. If your cat is normally bubbly and active, but suddenly begins sleeping in a corner for an entire day, something is probably wrong. I failed to catch this behavior change with one of my cats once for about a day since she was out in the open and seemed fine. By day two, however, she was too weak to jump, and she ended up needing rehydration and an antibiotic. Refusal to eat or drink -- Refusal to eat or drink for extended periods, or outside of your cat's normal routine is a red flag. Make sure you know your cat's eating and drinking habits well, and be observant if there are any changes. Sick animals often stop eating, so listen to what your cat is trying to tell you.

For the most part, cats are pretty sturdy creatures, and will recover from mild problems on their own. There will be those times, however, when cat illness symptoms indicate a more serious condition that must be treated. I'm not suggesting that you run to the veterinarian every week, only that you be on the alert for those occasions. If you suspect your cat is ill, contact your vet.

Four Common Cat Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Kurt Schmitt publishes a website for cat lovers where you can learn more about cat illness symptoms and feline health.


Introducing Your New Cat With The Other Pets

Before you bring a second (or even a third) cat into your home, you should make sure you are familiar with cat behavior, both with regards to territorial behavior and aggression, and the basic principles of cats will accept a newcomer, especially a kitten(which may perceived as less of a threat), but others will not.

You will help this integration by gradually introducing the newcomer to your cat(s), keeping it separated in one room until it has gained confidence (especially if it is a kitten) and your existing cats have got used to it. The newcomer is probably unsure and may be frightened, and it is moving into new and unfamiliar territory which is already occupied (and may be defended) by the current feline inhabitants. Feed them separately to reduce competition for food, and make a fuss of your existing cats so that they do not feel neglected because of the new incumbent.


If you already own a dog, the introductory process is similar to tat described above - gradual and non threatening. Once again, the dog may immediately accept the cat. Sometimes a female dog will accept a kitten and relate it to it rather like the way she would to one of her own pups, even to the extend of offering it some protection. Make sure that you give the incumbent dog as much fuss and attention as usual (or even more), and praise and reward it for good behavior

Introducing a new cat to pet birds can pose a problem. If it is a kitten purchased from a breeder, it may never have experienced the sight or stimulation that a bird presents. Although its basic hunting or playing instinct may cause it to react, it may be quite easy to train your cat to ignore the bird or even to accept it as a companion. If, however, it is a kitten from a domestic cat that has had the opportunity introduce the kittens to bird prey, or is an adult cat that has already learned to catch birds, then you have a more difficult task on your hands. If you find that you do have such a problem, talk to your veterinarian.

Goldfish are yet another pet that can be threatened by an incoming cat. Those kept indoors in an aquarium tank with a glass lid and artificial lighting should be safe, but any that are exposed to an inquisitive cat may stimulate an unwanted reaction. Gold fish in an outdoor pond are also susceptible to a cat's attentions, and you may need to train your cat to leave them alone. Protective measures including barriers such as netting, and the installation of plenty of water plants, such as lilies - the fish can hide under the leaves

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Introducing Your New Cat With The Other Pets

For more interesting cat care tips and cat health advise, please visit my blog at:-rnrn[] also contain funny cat videos, cute cat picture and cat stories..Have fun!!rn


Where to Find a Pet? A Breeder, a Store, an Animal Shelter - Advantages and Disadvantages to Each

Your goal to find a dog should be to obtain a healthy, well socialized, active temperamentally sound puppy or dog with a good start on life. If you take the time to seek out a reputable breeder, pet store, shelter or rescue group your chances of finding a dog with the characteristics above increases by 50%.

Here are the Advantages and Disadvantages of all three.


Breeders Advantages

o You'll often receive a healthy, well socialized breed with a good start on life. If the breeder has been breeding for some time, they know what they are doing.

o The breeder will include a contract with a health guarantee.

o Most of the time the breeders will have the mother and father on site for you to see.

o Sometimes the breeder will even have a history of past generations.

Breeders Disadvantages

o It can take some time and work to find a reputable breeder. (see my next report on 9 questions to ask a breeder)

o Purebreds are more expensive

o The breeder may only breed at certain times of the year. You may be ready for a pet, when the breeder doesn't have any. Sometimes the breeder will take orders for animals that are not even born yet. Putting you on a waiting list.

Pet Store Advantages

o You can often find animals with unusual physical characteristics for a specific breed.

o You don't need to do any groundwork.

o It is very convenient for an impulse buy. Although I do not recommend impulse buying. I think you should research what type of animal you want before purchase.

o I have found that sometimes in a pet store if one animal gets sick many of the other ones do.

Pet Store Disadvantages

o All of the above are also disadvantages.

o Also, usually in a pet store you are not dealing with a breeder, possibly a teenager behind the counter.

Animal Shelter Advantages

o You can save a dog or cats life

o Some people are not interested in dealing with raising a puppy, because of behavior or house training. An Animal Shelter allows you to adopt an older dog.

o The physical appearance of an older dog and any behavior problems will already be established. In others words, what you see is what you get an older dog.

Animal Shelter Disadvantages

o The animal may have been well taken care of (shots etc) or abused or/ and neglected before it arrived at the shelter.

o You may wind up with a pet that has behavioral or physical problems that you did not expect.

Breed or Rescue Groups Advantages

o The Rescue group advantages are the same for the Animal Shelter, plus it can be a great opportunity to own a retired champion. I know several people who have adopted greyhounds, and love them.

o Many animals that have been rescued have had basic training.

Breed or Rescue Group Disadvantages

o Rescue animals may be a great distance away from your home and possibly prove an unsuitable match after you bring them home.

o The screening process for getting a rescued animal is sometimes very strict.

Wherever you decide to find your dog always remember that a dog can be a valuable and beloved member of your household. If you give it the time and care it needs it will give that love back to you 10 fold.

Where to Find a Pet? A Breeder, a Store, an Animal Shelter - Advantages and Disadvantages to Each

Annette Masse, better known as Betty Bulldog has been loving and respecting dogs for 25 years. She offers free dog information for dog lovers. Including free puppy training classes. for your new pup or old dog. Keep those tails waggin!
Betty Bulldog


Sunday, September 25, 2011

How To Tame A Wild Cat

I didn't grow up with pets, so when I came of age, it was one of my first priorities to get a dog.

catwoman costume

And I've adopted lots of them from rescue organizations, mostly Dobermans and Bearded Collies, one of which I have now.


While I've enjoyed playing with cats, and especially talking with them and having them respond, I never had one I could call my own, until now.

Cleopa was born a feral, or wild cat, nearby my urban home. Somewhere, nestled between yards and parking lots, she arrived on the scene with at least two sisters and a couple of brothers.

About six months ago, I started leaving some food out for these teeny creatures, and I took a liking to Cleopa, who is snow white with beautiful black and red markings, mostly on her head and tail.

I resolved to adopt her, to tame her, and here's how I did it.

(1) I talked to her, every chance I got. Having a door that opens out onto a front terrace made this fairly easy to do. Before too long, she spoke back.

(2) I tried to pet her, but she bit me. Next, I decided to hand-feed her some food, which she was wary of, but couldn't resist.

(3) Petting her back while feeding her came next.

(4) Next, I placed a bowl of food inside my door, moving it closer and closer to the kitchen with subsequent feedings. Finally, it came to rest next to the stove, where I feed her now.

(5) Before long, she allowed me to pet her without food, and then she jumped on my lap for petting, and finally she meowed to get in to be petted, without any promise of food.

Now, she's like a regular house cat, and she doesn't want very much to go out.

What happened to her brothers and sisters? The boys split long ago, but the sisters, Marquesa and Nochka are still hanging around, and I feed them outdoors.

For some reason, they resisted my efforts to civilize them!

How To Tame A Wild Cat

Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone®, You Can Sell Anything By Telephone! and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, “The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable,” published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. He holds the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at:


What Cats Like to Eat When Hungry

Most cat pet owners like to give cats the food that is recommended by vets and health experts, basically food that can be bought from supermarkets with pictures of carts on them. These foods while giving your cat a complete diet do not provide enough variation and flavour. The cat may be deprived of some juicy and tasty meals if all it gets is those dry food packets.

Cats really like raw and smoked fish, they can smell them a long distance away. I have given smoked fish to my cat tons of times and she loves it. It really surprises me how much more food my cat eats when its not the food that is made for cats only.


Cooked meat is also another tasty alternative. Chicken especially is what cats love when its cooked. If you do, however, decide to give cooked meat or fish then do not just simply leave it in the bowl as flies will soon start finding their way near the food and possibly giving your cat health problems. Covering up the food with a small plate usually does the trick.

It has to be said that conventional cat food that can be bough in a supermarket is usually cheaper than feeding them cooked meat and much more easy as no preparation is required. You also have to take into consideration that some cats are more picky than others and who knows what kind of stuff they come across in their travels outside. It is not uncommon for cats to catch and eat birds such as robins and so on.

What Cats Like to Eat When Hungry

Martin has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people find the best bunk bed with futon.


A Simple Natural Way to Treat & Prevent Cat Incontinence

Cat incontinence can be painful for your cat and worrisome for you. A cat who has incontinence will urinate outside the litter box and leak urine. Although this may be aggravating, this is something your cat cannot control. More important, it's a sign that you need to take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

savannah cat

Incontinence in cats does not get better on its own and can be a sign of other more serious medical issues, like bladder stones, a urinary tract infection, a congenital defect, tumor or brain or spinal cord disease. Depending on the diagnosis, your cat's condition can be treated with medication or natural remedies. For some conditions, surgery is a must.


If the cause of cat incontinence is a urinary tract infection (UTI) or bladder stone, your vet will prescribe a medication. There are several things you should be concerned about if your vet recommends antibiotics. First and foremost, antibiotics only suppress symptoms-they do not heal the cause. Since they do not heal the conditions that cause the symptoms, antibiotics can actually lead to a recurring condition. Second, antibiotics have side effects and we all know that cats are very sensitive creatures.

Since antibiotics do not cure the conditions that cause cat incontinence, what does? The answer is homeopathic remedies. These remedies operate on the premise of "like treats like" and use small amounts of natural ingredients to heal incontinence in cats caused by urinary tract infections and bladder stones. Best of all these remedies are completely safe and have no side effects. They are strong enough to cure incontinence, yet gentle enough to use daily for prevention.

In addition to giving your pet a homeopathic remedy for cat incontinence, here are some other common sense steps you can take:

Make sure your cat has lots of fresh, clean water. Water hydrates and flushes toxins from the body. Dehydration is one of the causes of cat urinary problems. Feed your cat high quality canned cat food. Stay away from kibble because its low moisture content can dehydrate your cat. Dry food tends to be full of chemicals and fillers. Keep your cat's litter box clean so it is a hospitable place for your cat to do its business.

When looking for an effective remedy to heal incontinence in cats, look for one that contains proven ingredients like uva ursi berberis and canthasis. Uva ursi eliminates bacteria and builds up immunity. Berberis reduces inflammation and kills strep and bacteria. Canthasis relieves pain and soothes and heals the bladder.

Also make sure that the remedy you choose offers a no-questions-asked return policy. Finding a company that stands behind their product is an important step in finding an effective remedy to heal cat incontinence.

A Simple Natural Way to Treat & Prevent Cat Incontinence

Laura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal disorders and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Training Your Cat to Use a Cat Flap

If you do allow your cat to go outside, you know how frustrating it can be when your cat wants to go in and out and in and out throughout the day. To avoid having to get up all the time to open the door, you may just want to invest in a cat flap.

It is a good idea to buy a cat flap that allows you to lock it when you want your cat to remain inside. If you also have a problem with your cat bringing friends over, or even if unwanted guests like raccoons or opossums like to enjoy the inside of your house, you may even want to get a cat flap that is connected to a remote controlled collar.


Still, if you get a cat flap, you will need to teach your cat how to use it. For the most part, cats will not automatically learn how to use a cat flap, and often your cat will be fearful of it at first. To train your cat to use the cat flap, you may want to enlist the help of a friend or another member of the family. You will also need a treat that your cat just cannot resist.

1. Your friend needs to sit on one side of the door with the treat, while you sit on the other side with your cat.

2. Your partner should be visible through the cat flap, and he or she should be a person your cat trusts.

3. Have your partner call your cat's name through the flap and show him or her the treat.

4. Your cat will probably edge forward to check out the treat, and he or she may even nudge flap. Often this will be enough to get your cat to go through the flap, but many cats will not go all the way through.

5. If your cat is still nervous, you may need to open the flap a little to show off the treat. You may have to start off by holding the flap wide open and letting your cat walk through it a few time, letting the door down a little more each time.

6. Make sure you offer your cat the treat and a ton of praise when he or she passes through the door successfully.

7. After your cat has gone back and forth a number of times, your cat will learn that the cat flap is nothing to be afraid of.

Training Your Cat to Use a Cat Flap

If you liked these tip get more Cat Care Tips by visiting


Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet - Here is How You Can Do it Easily and Quickly!

How to Train a Cat to Use the toilet?

cat tower

This is a question commonly asked by many cat owners. Not surprising at all as the benefits that come along with it are simply too appealing to be ignored. Having a toilet trained cat means that you don't have to clean your cat's litter box any more. There will be no more awful smell polluting the house and the best part of it is that, you probably would never ever need to buy cat litter anymore! A huge saving on your monthly expenses indeed.


Sounds good, but is it difficult to train a cat to use the toilet? 

Ask anyone and all would probably agree that dogs can easily be trained but when it comes to cats, many would think that it's almost impossible.

Yes, cats are notoriously known as being arrogant, self-centered and basically un-trainable. But, contrary to belief, it is not difficult to train your cat to use the toilet at all.

Here are 5 simple steps that you can use to easily and quickly train your cat to use the toilet:

Step 1

Start by gradually moving your cat's litter box from where it is now to somewhere closer to the toilet.

Step 2:

Then slowly raise the litter box by putting some newspaper underneath it until it reaches the height of the toilet bowl.

Step 3:

Start inching the box over the toilet seat and when it's sitting right on spot of the toilet seat; reduce the amount of litter in it.

Step 4:

Replace the litter box with a container fixed onto the toilet bowl.

Step 5:

When your cat is used to this, remove the box and Voila, your cat is toilet trained!

Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet - Here is How You Can Do it Easily and Quickly!

Easy? Yes, and you can pick up more details on this method in "Train Cat Use Toilet"

But before you go get started, there is just one more thing that you need to know that may well determine your success or failure.
The method described above is just one of the many available. You need to know you cat's personality in order to successfully get him to kick the habit of using the litter box. Use the right tricks and treats and you will see quick results but use the wrong one, you may end up having your cat stop using the litter box as well.

To toilet train your cat in the quickest and most convenient manner possible, make sure you get hold of the step-by-step training manual provided in "Toilet Train My Cat". Do that right now before you start throwing out your cat's potty. You'll be glad you did.


Where Can I Buy a Maine Coon Cat?

If you want to buy a Maine Coon cat, you may think about searching pet shops. This is not a good place to buy your cat. Legitimate breeders never sell from a pet shop, which are considered the equivalent to dog "puppy mills". If wanting to buy cats from pet shops, you won't be able to see the environment where the kitten was born, the pedigree of the parents, nor find out about any illnesses from the breeder. Prices for these cats are usually at least equal or higher than those from a breeder. Maine Coon cats range in price from 0-00.

Other places that sell cats are from individuals and known as backyard breeders (BYB). Usually living in someone's personal house, the owner has bred their cat with other cats but does not follow industry standards or follow breeder regulations. It doesn't mean the person is terrible; the owners may truly love their pets and enjoy breeding the cats with others. However, the problems arise because they don't register their cats, show them in cat shows, nor have contact with breeders or associations. They lack the same level of professional involvement and health of the breed that legitimate breeders uphold. The cost of these cats may be comparable to legitimate breeders. The problem remains that you would be buying an expensive cat without truly knowing the cat's heritage or health.


So where's the best place to buy a Maine Coon cat?

Attend a local cat show and talk to a Maine Coon cat breeder. The kittens themselves won't be there, but this is your first step in finding a legitimate breeder and someone you can trust. There are several places you can look to find cat shows in your area. Besides an upcoming event section in the newspaper, you can search for area show schedules in Cat Fancy magazine.

You can also contact the Fanciers Association for shows and breeders in your area. The Central Office phone number is (732) 528-9797. For their referral service, you can send an e-mail to Cat Breeders Referral Service (CBRS).

Another referral source is Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association. While they won't recommend specific breeders, you can get a list of breeders by state. Most of the breeders listed are reliable, but you still need to do your homework and ask questions.

Cats are often advertised for sale in magazines such as Cat Fancy, Cats, USA Cats, and local newspapers. Not all the cats advertised are from breeders though. Some may be backyard breeders, so be sure to ask questions when you call.

Where Can I Buy a Maine Coon Cat?

Sarah is a committed breed owner and enthusiast. She has created '', a website dedicated to Maine Coon lovers and their pets. Whether you're looking to arrange a Maine Coon sale or already 'owned' by a beautiful big Maine Coon there are tons of useful tips and articles available.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Cat Tick Collar

Collars are a simple and quick way of controlling tick infestation. There are safe on kittens as well as adults cats, and give them with much needed respite from the scratching and itching caused by ticks. Collars are available in all sizes and fits cats of different sizes.

Cat tick collars play an effective role in killing ticks, but should be properly applied. A cat must feel comfortable in a tick collar. So make the perfect measurement by placing two fingers between the neck and the collar. Cut off all surplus parts from the collar after it has been applied properly. This is to prevent the animals from chewing its ends.


Read the instructions given on the packet. Many collars lose effectives upon getting wet. Check if the collar is causing irritation. If so, you may have to use a different product.

Never use collars which contain amitraz, organophosphates or permethrin on cats. Instead use collars containing pyrethroids or carbamates as they are safer for your cat.

Remember to get rid of ticks, the tick has to actively contact with the ingredient. For example, the tick needs to come near the collar and feed on the pet. Only then will the insecticide enter the tick and kill it. An effective tick collar can wipe out the ticks in a matter of 24 hours or even less. This will reduce the danger of transmitting diseases caused by ticks.

The collar must be loosely worn, but secure enough to stop easy removal. Leave sufficient length for the collar to expand, especially for kittens, as a cat will keep growing.

Replace the collar once every four months. Do not use it on sick and nursing cats not on aged and pregnant ones. Repeat treatment only if tick problem persists.

You can make a naturally effective tick collar made from essential oils. Choose absorbent collars that will soak up essential oils. Use oil that is 100% pure, such oils repel ticks. Use an eyedropper, as just one or two drops will be enough. In case the cat is sensitive to strong smells, start with one drop and gradually increase it to two. Avoid citronella as cats are hyper-perceptive to citrus.

The efficacy of tick collars depends on factors such as the climate and mode of utilization. Heat, light, rain, irregular use will reduce a collars effectiveness. The collar needs to be worn constantly for good results.

Cat Tick Collar

Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about cat tick collars [], please visit Tick Treatment Now [] for current articles and discussions.


British Semi-Longhair Cat

British Semi-Longhair is a longhaired cat breed. It originated in Britain during the last century and is now kept through many countries as an adorable pet. Even as it is not yet recognized as a distinct breed officially in the United Kingdom, it is common in other parts of the Western hemisphere. In United States it is called Lowlander whereas in Europe it goes by the name of Britanica. Often it is referred to as simply the British Longhair cat.

Apart from its long fur, appearance of this pretty feline is not much different from that of the British Shorthair cat. Coat is lustrous and physique is stout in general. Head is round, with bright circular eyes and short ears. Legs are short too, but strong. Tail is plush and thick. Chest is deep, giving the overall impression of a compact, medium sized cat.


The origin of this interesting cat dates nearly a century back. At that time, native and imported long-haired cats were interbred in Britain. The result was a cat that was quite large in size, with a very long and thick fur. Thereafter, in subsequent years, a shorthaired version of the Persian was attempted and the resulting feline was quite different in appearance from the original British Shorthair. It was thus felt that there was a need for a longhaired British cat with an appearance similar to the native shorthair, and so the British Semi-Longhair cat came about.

The lovely British Semi-Longhairs are not only good in looks, but also in behavior. These cats are quite calm and easy going. They are also very fun loving and playful, particularly as kittens. Attaching quickly to their owners, the felines soon develop an affectionate and enduring relationship with humans and are well liked around the world for their beauty and wonderful nature.

British Semi-Longhair Cat

The author is a blogger about cats and an expert on British Semi-Longhair cats.