Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pit Bull Stops Bullying

Miss Savanna is my very friendly blue pit-bull. She normally lies on the floor beside my desk or she can be found looking out the window. Miss Savanna delights in occasionally chasing a cat. But, she also lets those same cats rub up against her and occasionally snuggle up with her on her bed.

savannah cat for sale

Last night I was outside and the door was cracked open. She stood patiently watching me out the window. A neighbor had his American Bulldog running loose. The American Bulldog took out after a stray cat that we feed. The next thing I know Miss Savanna was out the door chasing the American Bulldog. She was attempting to protect the cat. I saw a new side of Miss Savanna. She was going after the bully.


So, I want to ask you what does it take for you to take action. If you are a parent what have you done to help stop bullying? You do not have to wait for your child to become the target of a bully. You can educate your child on why bulling is wrong. You can educate your child on how to protect him or herself against a bully.

Again, what makes you take action? Do you operate in reactive mode or are you proactive? I prefer to operate in proactive mode. I think it is wasteful to operate in reactive mode.

Below are my three tips to stop bullying before it begins.

1. Educate: Educate yourself and your children on what constitutes bullying. is a great website to educate you and your children on the topic of bullying.

2. Consequences/Rules: Let your children know that you do not condone bullying and what the consequence will be if they bully anyone. You must let your children know that you will not tolerate name calling, teasing, making fun, hurtful joking etc. Stop it before it gets out of hand. You may need to self reflect and realize that you and your spouse are not always setting the best example. When my children were little the word "stupid" was considered a bad word. They did not understand why "Earnest Scared Stupid" was a movie title. Make sure your friends and other family members understand that you are instituting a no bullying campaign and ask that they refrain from teasing your children.

3. Make it Cool: Make "No Bullying" a cool thing. Actively participate with your children in events that promote "No Bullying". Proudly wear t-shirts or carry a water bottle that proudly displays "No Bullying".

Find an anti bullying rally in your area. Make it your family mantra - No More Bullying!

If you are a business owner, remember bullying can take place in the workplace too. You must stop bullying.

Pit Bull Stops Bullying

Jaynine Howard is a retired United States Marine and former psychotherapist. She is the owner of Dream Catcher Business & Life Coaching. Founded in 2006, Dream Catcher Business & Life Coaching helps business owners, nonprofits, and individuals nationally and internationally turn their dreams into wealth and success. Coach Jaynine and her team of associate coaches will help you jump start your business and life through business, career, and life coaching. Jaynine is a member of the Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerce, the Carteret Chamber of Commerce, the American Psychological Association, 24/7 Coaching, and Coachville. You can learn more about Dream Catcher by visiting If you are in Eastern North Carolina you and your family can attend the next Kids Against Bullying in Schools free rally on August 20, 2010 at 5pm at Coastal Home Gallery. You can learn more about KABS at


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