Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cat Pee - Why Does it Smell So Bad?

All animal urine smells bad, but cat pee, it has to be one of the absolute worst smells on the planet. Sometimes it can be so powerful that it will make your eyes water. It is unforgettable and unfortunate but why does it smell so darn bad? You might be asking yourself, how can my cute little kitty create something that is so powerful and stinky?

Well it is not your cat's fault. This rancid eye watering smell is created on a microscopic level and it is all part of nature's great big plan. Bacteria help to break down cat urine and can you guess what the by-product of this break down process is? It is that terrible ammonia smell. The one that hits you like a wet glove as soon you walk into your house. These microscopic little bacteria are just doing there job and if you can remove the cat urine before they set up shop then you have nothing to worry about. Wait too long or worse not even notice the cat urine for a few days and the bacteria party has already begun and this is just the beginning of the break down. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. This is due to more bacteria growth and nasty enzymes emitting foul odors.


Once they set in, it is their job to consume as much urea as possible. Urea is one of the main ingredients in cat urine and it is what the bacteria are after. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many things that can make your cat's pee smell so bad.

If your cat is older then his or her kidneys might not be up to par and they might not be doing such a great job of filtering out all of the impurities. Male cats are also notorious for having extremely powerful urine. It is how they mark their territory in the wild. A large amount of steroids in male cat urine is the culprit here. Your cat's diet can also have a huge effect on how

Cat Pee - Why Does it Smell So Bad?

Want to get rid of that horrible smell? Get rid of Cat Urine Odor [http://www.catpeeinginhouse.com/cat-urine-why-does-it-smell-so-bad.htm]

Prevent your Cat Peeing in House [http://www.catpeeinginhouse.com/] again!


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