Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Top 10 - New Exotic Pets

Next time you step into a pet store to get little Johnny a new critter, you will be faced with an additional 33 options courtesy of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In 2007, they decided that these species are now "sufficiently harmless" to be kept as a pet. Now the part that gets a little hazy is in 2007-miraculously-33 species suddenly became docile enough to be allowed in your home. Please note: taking in an exotic pet is a serious decision and warrants proper research and care. These animals need vast amounts of time and most people considering them as pets are not properly equipped to handle the task. Not to mention, they will cost a substantial amount of money. As deforestation continues, more homes need to be found for these amazing creatures.

10. Squirrel Monkey -Height: 10.6"-12.5" Weight: 1.43-2.75 lbs. Lifespan: 20 years


Monkeys are awesome right? You can dress them up with a cute little hat, give them a pair of cymbals, and off to the town market you go. There is one small hitch with monkeys as pets-THEY TURN INTO DEMONS. They will bite the ever living "expletive" out of you if you restrain them. At around three years old, they finally realize they have sharp, razor-like teeth and use them to keep their masters at bay. Prospective owners need to realize they have an incredibly long lifespan; these creatures need immense amounts of time and care. Make sure you do the proper research before buying your own tiny succubus.

9. Emu -Height: up to 6′5" Weight: up to 100 lbs. Lifespan: 10-20 years

I am envisioning a future more like Final Fantasy, where everyone has their own personal Emu (Chocobo). Think of the implications: no need for gas guzzling cars, less dependence on foreign oil, and they are biodegradable! These over sized turkeys can top out at 30 mph (50 kph), and if your chocobo breaks down you can just have poultry for dinner. Why more people do not own these is still a mystery.

8. Mantis shrimp -Length: up to 12″ Weight: Lifespan: 3 to 4 years (in captivity)

Mantis shrimps are neither shrimps nor mantids, so obviously the name is suiting. Actually, the name was derived from its preying mantis-like claws. They are the most highly evolved killing machine to ever swim the seven seas. There are two types of mantises: spearers and smashers. The largest smashers have the ability to accelerate their claw up to the speed of a.22 caliber bullet and obliterate their pray. I cannot emphasize enough the cunning and intelligence these crustaceans possess. One minute you look at the tank and it's staring at you through the glass, then the next minute its slicing your Achilles tendon as you are cooking dinner. Trust me, they realize that they came to a knife fight with a gun!.

7. Wooly Lemur -Height: 30-50 cm Weight: 600-1200 g Lifespan: 15-20 years

There are approximately 63 different types of these furry primates; unfortunately, 15 species are already extinct. Lemurs are most well known for their incredibly large eyes that can pierce through any ones' soul. Once again, I am not a fan of having primates in the home, however, the U.S. government has taken restrictions off of this species. With the proper research and care they can make a wonderful pet. Lemurs are extremely social, loving creatures-as long as they are not biting your children. Oftentimes, owners call exotic veterinarians inquiring how they can remove their primate's teeth. Weigh your decision carefully before considering this cute little devil.

6. Robotic Pets -Height: Any Weight: Any Lifespan: Unknown

Robots are on the verge of making a huge impact on humanity. Few realize how close robots are to becoming commonplace in our society. Studies have shown that people are just as apt to treat a robotic pet with love, as a real, live pet. The downside: they become aware and end up gnawing off poor, little Timmy's leg. Do not be fooled if one of these ends up in your house. I recommend taking it out to a deserted field and bashing it with a bat (while blaring 'Still' by The Geto Boys). Many experts believe that A.I. will become aware within our lifetime. Current estimates put humanity reaching the technological singularity between now and the year 2045.

5. Binturong -Length: 4′-6′ (including tail) Weight: 30-40 lbs. Lifespan: 20+ years

The Binturong is also known as the bearcat. There is a huge bonus that comes along with owning this pet-the bearcat gives off a natural musk that smells like warm popcorn or cornbread! When you feel like staying in for the night to watch a movie, just let out a howl and curl up with your musky mate. I have a feeling this could be a problem for those who are trying to lose weight. The smell of warm popcorn gets my stomach rumbling. Multiple sources claim that this creature can be easily domesticated, yet I once again have my doubts.

4. Ashera -Height: stands 4′ tall Weight: up to 30-40 lbs. Lifespan: 25 years on average

Cats always seem to get a bad rap but not anymore. Just mix a domestic house cat, African serval, and the Asian leopard cat, and you have your own domestic leopard. Let this kitty loose and your bound to have a few law suits on your hands as it shreds small, unsuspecting children. Also, you can walk this cat with a leash and strut your stuff with your newly acquired war-cat. The ashera seems to have more of a canine temperament. So why doesn't everyone have this feline in their living room? It could have something to do with the ,000 price tag. One other piece of information worth mentioning, the Ashera might just turn out to be a Savannah cat that costs only ,000. Breeders are still arguing if there is a difference between the two breeds. For what it's worth, this will be my next pet once it drops in price.

3. Glowing Pets

How many of you are tired of calling out to your pets in the night and not being able to see them? Wouldn't it be nice if the power went out to double your pet as a light source? Nothing sets the mood like a dinner by cat light. The advantages of glowing pets are pretty evident; however, I can only imagine how much more enticing a glowing tail would be to attack.

2. Kinkajous -Length: 33″-44″ (including tail) Weight: 4-7 lbs. Lifespan: 23 on average; maximum 40 years

These actually turn out to be pretty sociable creatures. Of course, if provoked they can become aggressive. They are also commonly known as "honey bears" since they have the tendency to raid bee hives and adore sweets. Apparently, Paris Hilton owned one for a short period of time until it decided Paris needed a couple of scars. The fact that one of these mauled her moved the kinkajou into the second spot. Maybe you shouldn't bring wild animals on photo shoots next time... dumb ass. With proper care, kinkajous are amazing creatures for a family to enjoy.

1. Sloth -Height: up to 20″ Weight: up to 10 lbs. Lifespan: 30-40 years

If you go about things in a lackadaisical sort of way, then a sloth might be your perfect companion. These creatures move so slow they have the uncanny ability to grow moss on their backs. There is a method to their laziness. The green moss acts as a camouflage since a sloth spends the majority of its life in the treetops. In fact, a sloth will only come down once a week to urinate and defecate. A pet that only excretes wastes four times a month? Sign me up. I envy these guys and wish life could be taken at a sloth's pace.

Top 10 - New Exotic Pets

There are some images and videos that go along with the article that can be viewed here: http://www.mindruin.com/videos/top-10-exotic-pet-choices-for-the-future/ You may also want to check out Chris' latest website about the Visco Elastic Mattress Topper


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