Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cat Bite - Why Does My Cat Bite and How to Stop It

Why does my cat bite? Many cat owners want an answer for this question.

There are four main reason why your kitten bite.


- Your cat is ill.

If your cat, for no reason, starts to bite you, it can be a healthy problem. Take your pet to the vet and make sure everything is fine.

- Fear.

Maybe your cat had some traumatic experience and now this experience its triggered by the brain. For instance your kitten was abandoned or bitten by other persons and in some particular situation this fear come out and your cat bite you.

Your cat is just trying to stay protected, not trying to intentionally hurt anyone. Once you remove whatever is causing the fear, your cat should calm down and return to normal.

- Redirect aggression.

When cats don't know how to directly dispose of their stress, they redirect their aggression. Also, if your pet sees an "intruder" come closer to your his territory (your home), and he can do nothing about it, then he or she redirect aggression to the nearest moving target, you. You need to block the view (a window, for example) where your pet see the other cat.

- Play bite.

Your cat just doesn't learn yet that he has to "play bite" with a toy and not with your hands or feet. You can shout an "OUCH" in a loud, high pitch tone when the bite happens, (this will probably come naturally!).

You can also, with your other hand, take a shoe and whack it against a hard surface to make a loud sound (or do both). Your cat will associate the loud noise with the bite and eventually stop the behavior.

If a cat does bite you - immediately freeze, do not pull your arm or hand away - this behavior is similar to prey trying to escape, and triggers a natural response to bite even harder.

To loosen the grip, you should move your hand toward the back of the cat mouth - rather than jerking away. Since prey would never move toward its predator, this causes confusion and causes the cat to loosen its grip.

Cat Bite - Why Does My Cat Bite and How to Stop It

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