Friday, September 30, 2011

Plastic Feeding Bowl Can Make Your Cat Sick

What do you use as a feeding bowl for your cat? A normal feeding bowl from the pet shop? Or some cheap container you were going to discard? How important did you think were food bowls and water bowls to your cat? Apparently, many people feel that cats can eat and drink out of anything, and though it may be true, a domesticated cat may have a different view compared to a stray.

cat tower

Bowls you use for your cat's water and food should at least be acceptable to your cat, or otherwise, it would not want to eat or drink there. The bowls you use should not scratch easily as bacteria can be stuck in the gashes caused by the scratches and make your cat sick after feeding. Cheap feeding bowls usually scratch easily, so find your pet cat something of more quality.


Instead of plastic, which may scratch or crack, invest in a stainless steel or high impact plastic feeding bowl. You can even match these bowls to your home interior, and these feeding bowls usually come in various shapes, colors, and sizes, to you and your cat's preferences. Don't limit yourself to pet shops; shop online or at specialization stores which allow you to custom make products. If you are less picky and prefer plain products, a common stainless steel dish will suit your cats' needs.

As aforementioned, avoid plastic dishes by all means. They scratch easily, and attract bacteria that can spread diseases to your pets. Not only that, the scratches can even hurt your pet while it feed in the bowl, causing sores or lesions on its face. Therefore, if you notice that your cat is getting frequent cuts on its lips or face, and even chin, look out for a better feeding bowl.

The most basic aspect of feeding bowls that is usually neglected: clean dishes. Old food stuck in feeding dishes can attract bacteria as well, and of course as a responsible pet owner you would never allow your cat to eat bad, rotten food, would you? Keep your cat's bowl clean and your cat will not reject its food, and will eat according to time. As cats have a keen sense of smell, it will sometimes avoid the feeding bowl and will not eat if the bowl is unclean. See below for more information on Siamese Cats.

Plastic Feeding Bowl Can Make Your Cat Sick

For more information on Cat Feeding Bowl or visit, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks


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